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  • John Wheat
    Originally posted by Sunny Delight View Post

    Yet you are doing the inverse and stating the similarities in your mind make it Ripper like. Is that also boring and speculative?
    Not really as Abby has stated Bury shows the SIG of the Ripper this is not true for any other suspect nor is it common for someone to show a serial killers SIG without being the Serial Killer.

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  • John Wheat
    Originally posted by Sunny Delight View Post

    It is very possible the Police looked into Bury and saw him as nothing more than a fantasist which he most likely was.
    I think that highly unlikely. As I've previously stated the Police had no previous knowledge of Serial Killers.

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by FrankO View Post
    Perhaps for the same reason he chalked those references to Jack the Ripper around his house, John? Either he was the Ripper, but did things differently than in the other cases, or he wasn't the Ripper and, for some unknown reason and probably as an afterthought, he wanted to be suspected of being the Ripper without actually doing what made the Ripper tick.

    Anyway, you haven't responded my question why he would kill his own wife in the first place. If he was the Ripper, and assuming that mutilating & cutting out organs was what really satisfied him and why he killed to begin with, then why kill his wife in his own house if he knew he couldn't cut her up the way he did the others? It doesn't make for a strong argument, as far as I'm concerned. But that's just my view.

    Hi frank
    i know that question was directed at John but if I may. Serial killer Charlie Brandt last acts were he killed his wife in his own house and then hung himself . Who knows why these sickos do what they do when! They’re effed up . Bury was probably unraveling like a lot of serial killers do, killed his wife in a fit. If he was the ripper he gashed her midsection …well because that’s what the ripper did. The boy couldn’t help it so to say . Why he didn’t mutilate her more? Who knows perhaps he passed out or whatever. Bottom line is he showed the same SIG as the ripper. No other suspects got that going for them and it is evidence not speculation which this thread is rife with .

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  • Sunny Delight
    Originally posted by John Wheat View Post

    Well said Abby. These posts which say things like very unripper like are boring and speculative.
    Yet you are doing the inverse and stating the similarities in your mind make it Ripper like. Is that also boring and speculative?

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  • Sunny Delight
    Originally posted by John Wheat View Post

    The chalked messages predated the murder though.
    It is very possible the Police looked into Bury and saw him as nothing more than a fantasist which he most likely was.

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  • John Wheat
    Originally posted by FrankO View Post
    Perhaps for the same reason he chalked those references to Jack the Ripper around his house, John? Either he was the Ripper, but did things differently than in the other cases, or he wasn't the Ripper and, for some unknown reason and probably as an afterthought, he wanted to be suspected of being the Ripper without actually doing what made the Ripper tick.
    The chalked messages predated the murder though.

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  • FrankO
    Originally posted by John Wheat View Post
    Yes why would Bury mutilate his wife's abdomen unless he was Jack?
    Perhaps for the same reason he chalked those references to Jack the Ripper around his house, John? Either he was the Ripper, but did things differently than in the other cases, or he wasn't the Ripper and, for some unknown reason and probably as an afterthought, he wanted to be suspected of being the Ripper without actually doing what made the Ripper tick.

    Anyway, you haven't responded my question why he would kill his own wife in the first place. If he was the Ripper, and assuming that mutilating & cutting out organs was what really satisfied him and why he killed to begin with, then why kill his wife in his own house if he knew he couldn't cut her up the way he did the others? It doesn't make for a strong argument, as far as I'm concerned. But that's just my view.

    Last edited by FrankO; 11-25-2024, 01:41 PM.

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  • John Wheat
    Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post

    hi george
    what you or anyone else think what the rippper would or wouldnt do is meaningless. its pure speculation and serial killers are strange and unpredictable creatures. after many cases of rusing college girls to their death, kemper killed his mother and her friend in his house and then called police and confessed. very un Co ed Killer like. After remaining undetected for years while carefully planning many murders, rader blunders inexplicably by sending police a cd that could be traced to him. very un btk like. After killing women for decades through careful planned cons, bundy goes berserk in a sorority house. very un bundy like.
    stick with the evidence. bury post mortem mutilated a woman by gashing her mid section with a knife, just like the ripper.
    Well said Abby. These posts which say things like very unripper like are boring and speculative.

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by GBinOz View Post
    According to Bury he awoke after a drunken binge to find his wife had hung herself from a door knob. Not at all ripper-like. No signature throat cut. Does he go to the police claiming that she suicided? No. He makes a cut in her abdomen which, when he proceeded to stuff her body in a packing case, resulted in some of her intestines protruding. No disembowelment by him. Still not ripper-like considering the escalation in violence up to Kelly. He and his friends then spent several days playing cards on said packing case. He then reports to police that his wife had committed suicide days before, and that he had cut her abdomen so that he WOULDN'T be suspected of being the ripper. Whaaat?? Why didn't he just dispose of the crate containing the body and disappear? Wouldn't the ripper have known what to do after having murdered five plus victims with increasing violence?

    JtR murdered multiple victims with a stealth that enabled him to be unseen, and unheard, and unknown after more than 100 years. Bury was nothing more than a drunken idiot that longed to see his memory preserved in history.
    hi george
    what you or anyone else think what the rippper would or wouldnt do is meaningless. its pure speculation and serial killers are strange and unpredictable creatures. after many cases of rusing college girls to their death, kemper killed his mother and her friend in his house and then called police and confessed. very un Co ed Killer like. After remaining undetected for years while carefully planning many murders, rader blunders inexplicably by sending police a cd that could be traced to him. very un btk like. After killing women for decades through careful planned cons, bundy goes berserk in a sorority house. very un bundy like.
    stick with the evidence. bury post mortem mutilated a woman by gashing her mid section with a knife, just like the ripper.

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  • John Wheat
    Originally posted by FrankO View Post
    Wasn't he hung, anyway, John?

    Then why kill her in the first place? Or why rip her abdomen if he didn't want to get suspected of being the Ripper? Or why not go to town with her as the Ripper & get rid of the packing case with her body in it?

    If we compare Bury to other known suspects, then, yes, to some extent he might be considered a decent enough suspect. But is it a good suspect in an absolute way? I don't think so, but I've already told you some time ago. I, for one, don't have a suspect, but does that mean I don't know what I'm talking about?

    Yes but Bury seems to have believed he would have got away with Ellen's murder. Yes why would Bury mutilate his wife's abdomen unless he was Jack?

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  • FrankO
    Originally posted by John Wheat View Post
    You do also realise that if Bury did mutilate his wife in the same way as Mary Kelly he would have been hung as the Ripper.
    Wasn't he hung, anyway, John?

    Ellen was his wife not a prostitute that couldn't be traced back to him.
    Then why kill her in the first place? Or why rip her abdomen if he didn't want to get suspected of being the Ripper? Or why not go to town with her as the Ripper & get rid of the packing case with her body in it?

    In my opinion anyone who doesn't see Bury as one of the top suspects doesn't know what they are talking about.
    If we compare Bury to other known suspects, then, yes, to some extent he might be considered a decent enough suspect. But is it a good suspect in an absolute way? I don't think so, but I've already told you some time ago. I, for one, don't have a suspect, but does that mean I don't know what I'm talking about?


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  • John Wheat
    Originally posted by The Rookie Detective View Post

    Although, James Berry never mentions Bury once in his book...

    'My Experiences as an Executioner'

    One would imagine Berry would have mentioned the man who allegedly told him he was the Ripper.

    It would seem that Bury never told Berry anything related to the Ripper and that this event was fabricated and never even happened.
    Not necessarily.

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  • The Rookie Detective
    Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

    Hi Fishy,

    Would you care to elaborate on your reasons for your opinion?

    In a final analyse, Bury confessed to killing his wife, so he then could not avoid his appointment with the hangman. So why the would he deny being the ripper? IMO, because admitting to being the ripper may have involved interrogation by the police demanding details of the ripper murders which Bury would have been unable to provide. This would debunk his claim, which may have been why the police cleared him of being the ripper. By denying being the ripper, but providing subtle hints such as the graffiti and the abdominal slash, he could perpetuate his illusion without having to substantiate the fantasy.

    Cheers, George,
    Excellent post George, well said.

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  • The Rookie Detective
    Originally posted by John Wheat View Post

    You are completely wrong at no point did Bury deny being the Ripper. In fact he reportedly told his hangman James Berry that he was the Ripper.
    Although, James Berry never mentions Bury once in his book...

    'My Experiences as an Executioner'

    One would imagine Berry would have mentioned the man who allegedly told him he was the Ripper.

    It would seem that Bury never told Berry anything related to the Ripper and that this event was fabricated and never even happened.

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  • The Baron
    Originally posted by GBinOz View Post
    According to Bury he awoke after a drunken binge to find his wife had hung herself from a door knob. Not at all ripper-like. No signature throat cut. Does he go to the police claiming that she suicided? No. He makes a cut in her abdomen which, when he proceeded to stuff her body in a packing case, resulted in some of her intestines protruding. No disembowelment by him. Still not ripper-like considering the escalation in violence up to Kelly. He and his friends then spent several days playing cards on said packing case. He then reports to police that his wife had committed suicide days before, and that he had cut her abdomen so that he WOULDN'T be suspected of being the ripper. Whaaat?? Why didn't he just dispose of the crate containing the body and disappear? Wouldn't the ripper have known what to do after having murdered five plus victims with increasing violence?

    JtR murdered multiple victims with a stealth that enabled him to be unseen, and unheard, and unknown after more than 100 years. Bury was nothing more than a drunken idiot that longed to see his memory preserved in history.

    Perfectly said!

    The Baron

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