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Robert Mann - A 'New' Suspect

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  • #91
    The suggestion that Mann was the ripper was based totally without Factual evidence, and at best is wild, wild conjecture.

    To suggest he did it based on working in a mortuary,stipping the body against the wishes of the police,living in the area, his father dying when he was seven and having basic anatomical knowledge is almost so laughable its untrue.

    Where is the factual evidence??? If Trow went to court with this today he would be laughed out. And dont even get me started on finding the dead body of Tabram and deciding to mutilate it there and then.......

    Something tells me he is trying to sell a book!!
    Last edited by Jem.R.Salmon; 10-13-2009, 01:48 PM.


    • #92
      Jem R.

      Something tells me Mr. Trow is trying his best to find a more credible suspect, based on an earlier FBI observation by experienced geographical profilers when they mentioned that the likely suspect could be someone like a butcher or maybe a mortuary assistant and it from there that Mr. Trow was paying attention when he remembered in the back of his head that somewhere he remembered reading that there was indeed, a mortuary assistant who had been named and who had been called in to give evidence in one of the cases and the more and more Mr. Trow proved on this possible suspect, the more and more interesting coincidences he found, like the fact that all the murdered women ended up in his slab; in the patch of territory where the killing field took place.

      It is all too easy, to assume that the killer is not in our mist, it easier to say, it was the Jews who did it, or the Swedes, or an errant sailor, or an itinerant American actor, or a doctor who would not have lived and known the area too well, or better still... Royalty. Nope. The thought of the murderer being a local, never ever entered the minds of the people then, like it doesn't enter the minds of the people now, this is why no one then, nor now cared to look at this other grey and insignificant person, a mere mortuary assistant in the eyes of those who have studied this case for so long. Their ideas are already fixed and are inmutable like the universal laws that cannot be changed. It is only the bold who dare to part from the established thoughts and put forward new ideas that others didn't care to even look at. I think more respect should be shown to this new suspect.


      • #93
        You can draw up an equal argument to suggest the killer lived in the area or came to the area to seek out his victims.

        Again as i have continually said it is for each person to assess and evaluate the various hypotheses that many people have suggested over the years and are stilldoing today.

        For what its worth I dont subscribe to the belief he was a local man, and that not because i have my own suspect who did not reside in the area

        Its down to geographical profiling of my own. Guess that make me a geographical profiler ?

        The only difference bewteen me and these so called geographical profiling experts is that they know how to operate and use the complicated software. I use an old fashioned tried and tested method called "common sense"


        • #94
          Fail To See

          Originally posted by scarletpimpernel View Post
          Something tells me Mr. Trow is trying his best to find a more credible suspect, based on an earlier FBI observation by experienced geographical profilers when they mentioned that the likely suspect could be someone like a butcher or maybe a mortuary assistant and it from there that Mr. Trow was paying attention when he remembered in the back of his head that somewhere he remembered reading that there was indeed, a mortuary assistant who had been named and who had been called in to give evidence in one of the cases and the more and more Mr. Trow proved on this possible suspect, the more and more interesting coincidences he found, like the fact that all the murdered women ended up in his slab; in the patch of territory where the killing field took place.
          It is all too easy, to assume that the killer is not in our mist, it easier to say, it was the Jews who did it, or the Swedes, or an errant sailor, or an itinerant American actor, or a doctor who would not have lived and known the area too well, or better still... Royalty. Nope. The thought of the murderer being a local, never ever entered the minds of the people then, like it doesn't enter the minds of the people now, this is why no one then, nor now cared to look at this other grey and insignificant person, a mere mortuary assistant in the eyes of those who have studied this case for so long. Their ideas are already fixed and are inmutable like the universal laws that cannot be changed. It is only the bold who dare to part from the established thoughts and put forward new ideas that others didn't care to even look at. I think more respect should be shown to this new suspect.
          I fail to see how Robert Mann is a suspect - there is not a jot of evidence, nor a contemporary allegation, to suggest such a thing. The FBI profile is worthless. Local butchers, and many other locals, were looked at in 1888 as suspects. I don't know where you get the idea that they weren't. We are all aware of the mortuary attendants who gave inquest evidence. All the victims did not end up on 'his slab.' Modern theorists have consdidered local suspects. I really don't know where some people get their ideas from.

          Treat me gently I'm a newbie.


          • #95

            The thought of the murderer being a local, never ever entered the minds of the people then,

            Good heavens, why do you suppose the Met enaged into a house-to-house search over a good part of Whitechapel after the Stride/Eddowes murders if they didn't have a strong suspicion the muderer was a local? Do you suppose it was actually a ruse to sell tickets to the Policeman's Ball?

            As Stewart said, from where some people get their ideas is quite a mystery, but for all too many it clearly is not the result of studying the case.

            "To expose [the Senator] is rather like performing acts of charity among the deserving poor; it needs to be done and it makes one feel good, but it does nothing to end the problem."


            • #96
              Just to put the record straight house to house enquiries were as important then as they are today. They are carried out in an attempt to gather evidence and information and to look for witnesses.

              Unless it is known a suspect has entered premises within a specific area house to house enquiries are not carried out to look for an offender

              In the case of the killer they would have known who they were looking for in any event


              • #97
                Originally posted by Stewart P Evans View Post
                I fail to see how Robert Mann is a suspect ...
                Let it go, Stewart! Just let it go!

                Take that perception of 'Jack the Ripper' having been the top-hat wearing / Gladstone toting / caped 'Toff', that we have all had for so many years, and just let it go!

                Mr. Trow has introduced us all to the possibility that 'Jack the Ripper' might have actually been a local man, of little stature; and for that, we should all be thankful.


                • #98

                  Please tell me that was sarcasm.

                  Yours truly,

                  Tom Wescott


                  • #99
                    Eventually we will have covered all bases.

                    I'll get my coat.



                    Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.



                    • Trev,

                      True enough about house-to-house searches in general, but I was specifically referring to the the searches proposed by the Home Office and modified by Warren that were, in Anderson's word,s intended to investigate "every man in the district whose circumstances were such that he could go and come and get rid of his blood-stains in secret." I cited it simply to underscore Pimpernel's preposterous claim that at the time of the murders no one thought to suspect a local.

                      "To expose [the Senator] is rather like performing acts of charity among the deserving poor; it needs to be done and it makes one feel good, but it does nothing to end the problem."


                      • Hi all

                        After watching the show I tend to agree with the consesus on this thread.

                        To me mann is like 60 - 70% of the 'local men' in the area at the time. You could have them carrying knives working in slaughter houses, round blood etc, rough upbringing - do I need to go on?

                        I think that maybe Mr trow has made a link with Mann and the court transcripts and tried to fit the rest of the 'evidence' around this.

                        The fact that he went until 1896 before dying is in itself not very likely - and we have to assume he had a reoccurence of t.b. to cease the killings, what if he didn't, why then did he stop after Kelly?

                        Also why does he need to kill the women when he has his fill of bodies coming to him daily? To me the facts that were put forward are contradictary.

                        I a mere ripper nipper was shaking my head at the mistakes/misinformation put forward I can understand why the ripperologists were gnashing there teeth in consternation.

                        This info would have sufficed as 'interesting info' chapter in a ripper book not drawn out to the extent it was.

                        Thanks for your time
                        It's not about what you's about what you can find out


                        • I think those proposals were intended to give the police powers to enter and search the homes of persons who had perhaps been flagged up as a direct result of either initial house to house enquiries or evidence from witnesses.

                          It would seem they were never implemented probabaly because all the initial enquiries drew a blank.


                          • Trev,

                            It would seem they were never implemented probabaly because all the initial enquiries drew a blank.

                            What are you talking about? Are you unaware of the intensive searches by plainclothes detectives from 13 October to 18 October in an area bounded by "Lamb Street, Commercial Street, the Great Eastern Railway and Buxton Street on the north; Whitechapel Road on the South; by the City boundary on the west, and by Albert Street, Dunk Street, Chicksand Street and Great Garden Street on the east"? The detectives went from house to house and from apartment to apartment within those houses. Not armed with warrants, they asked the permission of the occupants (which seems to have been granted in almost all cases, such was the fear of Jack) and, if allowed to enter, asked questions of the occupants, looked into closets or chests, under beds and anywhere else accessible.

                            Whether they found anything that may have pointed to a future named suspect (e.g. Kominski) is moot, but the great effort involved belies Pimpernel's confused comments about contemporary suspicions a local may have been Jack.

                            "To expose [the Senator] is rather like performing acts of charity among the deserving poor; it needs to be done and it makes one feel good, but it does nothing to end the problem."


                            • Well thank you for pointing those facts out me. Is there any reasons why they picked those streets especially so long after the last murder. It would seem to be to little to late. Where is this documented ?

                              Is there any reasons documented then as to why the same wasnt done following Mary Kellys murder


                              • Hi everyone,

                                I had a bit of time to kill this afternoon so I visited You tube (as you do) and I re-visited a documentary which I remember seeing on Channel 5 a couple or three years back. It seems to me that all the “costume dramatics” used in this show were “cut and pasted” into the “Jack the Ripper - Killer Revealed” programme shown on Discovery on Sunday night . In fact, in many ways the older one seems like practically the same documentary (only a bit better in my opinion). Dr Dean features in this one too. However, Mann is not named as a suspect!

                                For anyone with the time or inclination the link to the first part is below :

                                Best wishes

