It has long been thought that the lay out of killings formed a symbol. I think I have found one that fits, even though the result will seem ridiculous. As you will see in my very rough diagram(turned on its side), the lines formed by the five ripper killings begin the first steps in the "ancient German children's puzzle" The House of Santa Claus. Not only do they begin the first steps but they begin one of the few ways of solving the picture puzzle. It is my opinion that step five and two are meant to be the same location. As close as he could manage, poorr fellow.

On the map we can see that there would have been nine killings in all. I believe the killer furnished enough steps in the puzzle to allow use to fill in the gaps.
The house is not upright, for obvious reasons. So it would not be so easy to solve. To fit the area. I believe the fourth killing was special and vital. Catherine Eddowes was left in Mitre Square. Some have seen this as connecting to Freemasonry. The triangular mutilations beneath her eyes add to this. If we see this as the crest of Santa's house then it all makes sense. The eye of God above the pyramid of Freemasonry, and earlier, is suggested by all the clues now. The crest of the house, the pinnacle of the pyramid. The mitre joint angle suggesting the shape of the roof and a building. The cuts under the eyes are the crest of Santa's house to the killer.
Did any of the other women leave any clues to this theme?
Mary Ann Nicholls was known to have a friend called Leather Apron. Who wears such a thing? A man who makes things? She also boasted of her new bonnet. She was no beauty and always found it hard to get the money for a bed, yet here she is wasting cash on a bonnet? Or was it a gift from Leather apron? Who makes things and gives out presents? Hmm.
Annie Chapman was found with coins and two rings laid out at her feet. More gifts? She was found near a leather apron too.
Liz Stride found with grapes and sweetmeats in her dead hands. Having a quick snack before she got to business? More likely the killer placed them there as a clue. Fruit and sweet things. Good Christmas fare. Before her death she was seen with a man who carried a parcel.
Catherine Eddowes we have dealt with. I feel her clues relate to rooftops. Where else would Santa be found?
Mary Jane Kelly was seen with another man with a parcel. This man had a horseshoe tie pin. Was it a horses hoof or a reindeer? (of course, the original Santa Sinterklaas rode a horse, not reindeer and a sleigh) At her death scene we have a fireplace and a chimney no doubt. Ho ho. In the fire we see another bonnet and some velvet. Velvet is the fur from a young deer's antlers.
Another thing to consider is the use of the word "jolly" in some of the ripper letters. And the amount of HAHAHA this fellow gets up to. And his reference to being "buckled"? Does that summon up images of a large belt for a large belly?
Whitechapel. The word itself mirrors the image of Santa's house. His house would be white, with snow. Chapel, a building of God. A house of God. Simple.
The symbol has no magical history in itself. I believe we are seeing the killer's sense of humour at play. But take the roof off and we have a square and a cross. The angle of this seen with the map the right way up turns the square and cross into the EYE OF FIRE a Germanic symbol. We also have the alchemical symbol for the four elements.
But this could be supposition.
The suspect? An obvious one sprang to mind, then I found a massive clue left by him.
Roslyn D'Onston Stephenson is my man. Also went by the curious name of Tau Tria Delta. And that name is the clue. It fits the image of Santa's House. The delta is obviously the triangular roof. The Tau is obviously the cross. The Tria? What is left of the picture without the roof and cross? Three lines that form the floor and two walls. Weak? yes, but then the killer couldn't have it too perfect.
I believe Roslyn deliberately left the clue of that odd pen name on purpose. He also intentionally connected himself to the ripper so that his pen name would be there as a clue. He may have even intentionally become a suspect to ensure the clues would be there. Why? for whom? Himself, that's who. I believe he commited these crimes and left these clues to solve HIMSELF. In his next reincarnation. Crazy? Maybe. He did kill women for no good reason.
If all this is true, then was the first murder also well planned? Or was it pure luck that the name of the first victim would be Mary Ann NICHOLS?
Mary Jane Kelly was seen with a gentleman before she died. He wore a horseshoe tie pin. The name Roslyn means "gentle horse". We all know this man's link to ties.
Make sense of this if you will. A man who thinks he is Santa Claus? No doubt the obvious gag of word play with Santa and Satan and Claus and Claws would have appealed to such a man. And might this all explain how he went about unseen? Across the rooftops? Down chimneys?

And why DID the Cola company change Santa's costume from green to RED?