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Did The Ripper Die Shortly After His Last Kill?

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  • #31
    I think both options (three, if we include sudden illness) are very likely possibilities.
    However, I once again want to point out that serial killers CAN stop, and that it's not viable to automatically conclude that there has to be a certain reason for him putting down the knife other than he simply had enough of it. It's not common, I admit, but crime history has shown us that it does happen. Too many people are taking too many things for granted here based on assumptions and beliefs about serial killers that are false.

    All the best
    The Swedes are the Men that Will not Be Blamed for Nothing


    • #32
      Was (Fleming) capable of inflicting even worse mutilations and damage than Jack the Ripper? No.
      How do you know?


      • #33
        Hey. I'm not not on here long enough to know that serial killers can stop. Would Jack have stopped? Voluntarily? Really?


        • #34
          Originally posted by Nothing to see View Post
          Hey. I'm not not on here long enough to know that serial killers can stop. Would Jack have stopped? Voluntarily? Really?
          Of course he could have.
          I am not saying it's the most likely possibility but anyone who totally rules it out needs to read up a bit on the subject.

          All the best
          The Swedes are the Men that Will not Be Blamed for Nothing


          • #35
            Originally posted by Ben View Post
            How do you know?
            Common sense tells me. From what I've read about him, there's nothing to indicate that he had killer instincts let alone capable of the extensive mutilations that Mary fell victim to. To think that there was yet another murderer on the loose in Whitechapel at the exact same time period who was even worse than Jack the Ripper is a tad far-fetched (I think I just repeated myself from something I said in a different thread, but still ).


            • #36
              Originally posted by Nothing to see View Post
              OK. What is the total point of your post that I have missed?

              Brad, I've just started posting here and I don't want to cause problems.

              If you don't want me to be nice replying to you I can do that.

              You have your opinions. I have mine.


              Actually, I was not refering to you when I made my less then gracious post. You did something very common, you focused in on certain componants and lost the total meaning of my post. If you take the time to read my post. You should be able to see that I was useing examples of suspects and motives to get my point across that there can be various reasons why the Ripper quit.

              I was refering to Glenn. Who seems to agree with the general Idea of my previous post. However, instead of comming out an agreeing with me or even if he disagreed with me, he focuses in on a portion of my post and rips off. "I wish some people" He should know my name I sighn every post and if he read my post he should have relized I was not endorsing any organ harvest motive. I was just trying to point out that there could be many different motives for the killings and depending on the motive there could be many different reasons for the sudden stop or apparent stop of the killer.

              I am very interested in any of your ideas and opinions. Thats how we learn. Perhapes I should have just let it go, but it was early in the morning and I was tired and it happens so often, people who just pick a post apart. Looking for any reason to say something negative. I usually am much more tolerant.

              Your friend, Brad


              • #37
                Common sense tells me. From what I've read about him, there's nothing to indicate that he had killer instincts let alone capable of the extensive mutilations that Mary fell victim to.
                That has nothing whatsoever to do with "commonsense", and everything to do with throwing the baby out with the bathwater, and your observation about killer instincts is a strange one. Before either Ridgway or Rader were identified or caught, there was nothing to suggest that either of them had any "killer instincts", and it was this outward normality that enabled them to remain uncaught for so long. Pre-capture they looked like pussycats alongside Fleming.

                To think that there was yet another murderer on the loose in Whitechapel at the exact same time period who was even worse than Jack the Ripper is a tad far-fetched
                I know.

                I don't think there was.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by celee View Post
                  Again, not the place to discuss this but the Abberline interview is a
                  Yes, Brad.
                  The article is very interesting because it clearly proves once and for all that Abberline didn't have a single clue of what he was talking about. None whatsoever.

                  That is what I meant by people should stop referring to that article and to Abberline's erronous conclusions. I didn't actually intended to single you out especially, Brad, because you are certainly not the only one who drags it up. So it was meant as a general request.
                  By all means, discuss Abberline's views in the article but do it critically and don't take his words as gospel just because it happens to be Abberline.

                  All the best
                  The Swedes are the Men that Will not Be Blamed for Nothing


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Mascara & Paranoia View Post
                    I'm gonna have to make a list of possibilities otherwise I'll forget.

                    Suicide - Jack doesn't seem like the suicidal type to me. At all. So if he did die, that's 99% not the way he perished.

                    Illness - This is a convenient excuse to explain away why he quit IMO. Having said that though, it could be a (albeit clichéd) motive for his killings in the first place. I'm not convinced.

                    Incarcerated - Probable. Of course if that was the case then it was for something else other than the Whitechapel murders, maybe even a 'normal' murder, but definitely not a big cover-up or conspiracy. That's ridiculous.

                    Those are the only reasons I can think of at the top of my head, other than dying under under circumstances other than suicide or suffering an illness. Maybe his bad karma caught up with him and he got killed in a street brawl or something? Who knows.

                    I can't find the effort to go really in-depth with this because there's nothing we can factually conclude other than speculation.
                    You're missing what I think is the most likely scenario, that his family or friends figured it out and put a stop to it privately, possibly by putting him into an asylum, chaining him to a bed, or possibly just by not letting him go out alone ever again. And I don't think we can rule out suicide: as problematic as the Druitt story is, the basic idea that the family figured it out and it ended in a suicide (or even "assisted" suicide) seems pretty plausible to me.

                    Even with the limitations of profiling, I tend to believe that anyone so profoundly disturbed was not a highly functional person, and that he had someone protecting him, someone who gave him a place to live, and wash, and a change of clothes. Everyone points to Dennis Rader, but Rader's known crimes were much further apart, carefully planned, extended affairs. I'm just not seeing that much self-control in Jack.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by celee View Post

                      Actually, I was not refering to you when I made my less then gracious post. You did something very common, you focused in on certain componants and lost the total meaning of my post. If you take the time to read my post. You should be able to see that I was useing examples of suspects and motives to get my point across that there can be various reasons why the Ripper quit.

                      I was refering to Glenn. Who seems to agree with the general Idea of my previous post. However, instead of comming out an agreeing with me or even if he disagreed with me, he focuses in on a portion of my post and rips off. "I wish some people" He should know my name I sighn every post and if he read my post he should have relized I was not endorsing any organ harvest motive. I was just trying to point out that there could be many different motives for the killings and depending on the motive there could be many different reasons for the sudden stop or apparent stop of the killer.

                      I am very interested in any of your ideas and opinions. Thats how we learn. Perhapes I should have just let it go, but it was early in the morning and I was tired and it happens so often, people who just pick a post apart. Looking for any reason to say something negative. I usually am much more tolerant.

                      Your friend, Brad
                      It's OK. I appreicate your reply.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Ben View Post
                        That has nothing whatsoever to do with "commonsense", and everything to do with throwing the baby out with the bathwater, and your observation about killer instincts is a strange one. Before either Ridgway or Rader were identified or caught, there was nothing to suggest that either of them had any "killer instincts", and it was this outward normality that enabled them to remain uncaught for so long. Pre-capture they looked like pussycats alongside Fleming.

                        I know.

                        I don't think there was.
                        One point one, you never hear the nieghbor in a post arrest interview saying" Thank God you guys came, he's a nutjob and I expected a chainsaw through the wall all day everyday!" On point two, why with such a massive density of people would two killer pathologies be a stretch. If I had to guess their were likely hundreds that never were triggered to kill. Two active killers concurrently should be anticipated.
                        We are all born cute as a button and dumb as rocks. We grow out of cute fast!


                        • #42
                          I think it would be a fine thing if people stopped referring the WM as a killer....that was the least interesting quality about him, and it was something he did to enable his goals. The man was a mutilator of very recently dead women....he made them dead because I suspect they wouldnt have let him do that while they were alive.

                          Now discuss whether a mutilator of very recently dead women would just stop on his own.

                          Cheers all...and no offense intended on Glenns point that sometimes even this kind of man stops on his own.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Ben
                            That has nothing whatsoever to do with "commonsense", and everything to do with throwing the baby out with the bathwater, and your observation about killer instincts is a strange one. Before either Ridgway or Rader were identified or caught, there was nothing to suggest that either of them had any "killer instincts", and it was this outward normality that enabled them to remain uncaught for so long. Pre-capture they looked like pussycats alongside Fleming.
                            You know what, I hold my hands up. That's a fair point.

                            But it still doesn't convince me of Fleming's candidacy of being Mary's killer, let alone the Ripper. If she'd just had her throat cut like Stride or was stabbed similar to Tabram, then I'd have thought the same, but it's the extent of the mutilations that debunks him; that was a hell of a lot worse than what the Ripper had done previously, and I just don't think he was Joseph Fleming. There's nothing (that I'm aware of) that indicates that he was.
                            I know.

                            I don't think there was.
                            You're taking it Fleming was Jack the Ripper, right? Then why do you think he killed the other victims?


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Glenn Lauritz Andersson View Post
                              Yes, Brad.
                              The article is very interesting because it clearly proves once and for all that Abberline didn't have a single clue of what he was talking about. None whatsoever.

                              That is what I meant by people should stop referring to that article and to Abberline's erronous conclusions. I didn't actually intended to single you out especially, Brad, because you are certainly not the only one who drags it up. So it was meant as a general request.
                              By all means, discuss Abberline's views in the article but do it critically and don't take his words as gospel just because it happens to be Abberline.

                              All the best
                              Okay, again you miss the point. I did not mention Abberline's theory because I was trying to endorse the idea. I was trying to use examples of different motives that could lead to different reason's why the Ripper quit.

                              Since you want to discuss it, I am a fun guy and will go along. There is alot to be learned from Abberline's interview.

                              1. We learned that all the theories involving Abberline knowing who Jack the Ripper was and all the theories that involved Abberline in an attempt to hide the truth from the puplic are dead in water. The Detective obviously had no idea who Jack the Ripper was.

                              2. We learned that Abberline did not suport Anderson and his eye witness. Obviously the eye witness did not convince Abberline that Kosminski was Jtr. This suggest that Anderson's eye witness was weak.

                              3. We learned that he did not agree with the evidence against Druitt or he was kept out of the loop involving Druitt.

                              4. We learned that Abberline thought Martha Tabram was a ripper victim.

                              5. We learned that Abberline believed the Ripper fled London to America.

                              Those are just five things off the top of my head that are important.

                              Abberline knew more about the Ripper murders then we do, right.

                              Your friend, Brad


                              • #45
                                Hi M&P,

                                There's nothing (that I'm aware of) that indicates that he was.
                                Depends what you're looking for, really. Personally, of the named suspects, I don't think we can do much better than an individual who moved into the heart of the district in August 1888, was reported to have ill-used the most brutally murdered victim in the series, who had a history of criminal activity, and who was ultimately committed to a lunatic asylum where he spent the rest of his days.

                                Not enough to stand up in court, but he's more plausible than any identified suspect I've heard about.

                                Then why do you think he killed the other victims?
                                Whoever JTR was, it's very unlikely that he had a tangible motive beyond the satisfaction he derived from killing and mutilating.

                                Best regards,

