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George Hitchinson: a simple question

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  • Hi Greg,

    ...What David said.

    Just a quick observation about the lodging houses. They enabled their occupants to become proverbial needles in a haystack. They were popular with the criminal fraternity for precisely that reason. When Thomas Sadler was robbed and beaten, the offenders bolted straight into a lodging house, apparently regarding it as an immediate sanctuary. The reality of the situation was that sheer numbers precluded the possibility of any lodger homing in on another, 28 beds to the left.

    You also had lots of butchers and slaughterers lodging in these establishments, as well as casual patrons bringing home their dodgy meat victuals to cook and eat alongside many others in the large kitchen. The Victoria Home even boasted private cubiles and reading rooms for keeping abrest of the latest press reports.

    Last edited by Ben; 09-24-2008, 01:57 AM.


    • Hutch Details

      Thanks for the link Joel and yes I had already read that one...still appears we don't know much about old Hutch.........except that he most likely lied.....I guess many scenarios now present themselves.........

      Thanks also Ben for the lodging house stuff, I think I had read that as well, doesn't sound like a warm, comfy bed & breakfast does it? I guess blood and guts and God knows what else wouldn 't have caused much of a stir...

      Is the implication of that Hutch link that he lied to protect red mustache? I think it is.........wonder how much that cost? I guess now we could surmise he was a lookout on all the murders! Why not?




      • Again, you're most wecome, Greg.

        If Hutchinson was protecting anyone, it was himself, rather than someone else in my view. That said, there may be an argument for identifying the "red moustache man" with the loitering man seen by Lewis. Both were short and stout, and both wore the same headgear; a wideawake or billycock.



        • Originally posted by DVV View Post
          I wonder how many people here believe in Mr Astrakhan... the man seen twice by Hutchinson... and by Hutchinson only...
          I recall one James Hadley Chase: "Believe this, you believe everything"...

          Hi David

          Did James Hadley Chase get published in France?

          No Orchids For Miss Blandish is a quite astonishing piece of literature.

          Have you read the George Orwell essay on it?

          The English phrase is 'If you believe that you'll believe anything'.

          And Hutch may quite well have been telling the truth.

          Best wishes

          (et allez les rosbifs)


          • Did Hutchinson seemingly just dissapear after his "moment of fame",or was he possibly labouring under an assumed name,or a non de plume given to him by the police?


            • Ben writes:

              "Oh, true.
              But the press tended to sensationalize existing evidence, and "standing on the corner of Dorset Street" was a pretty mundane and non-sensational detail."

              It is interesting, Ben, that this mundane and non-sensational detail is something you swallow without blinking, when you on a Stride thread some time ago, in an exchange with me, would not accept for a second that the Star reported Schwartz saying that BS man was of a respectable appearance...?

              Could you elaborate on why the latter detail is so much more sensational than the first?

              The best!


              • Hi all!

                I have been digging a bit in the field of gas lamps. There is actually a very nice little film on youtube on showing a Victorian gas lamp, a so called Bray gas burner.

                These burners were around early. On
                there is an 1860:s gas lamp with bray burners for sale.

                There is also a beautiful ad on
                where a cigarsmoking gentleman reads his paper with the aid of a bray burner gas lamp lit outside his window.

                also provides an interesting glimpse – or flame – about gaslighting, with a drawing showing an extremely well-lit Paris street crossing in 1842, among other things.

                And yes, guys and gals, I DO realize that this is just a drawing, and I DO realize that the artist may well have exaggerated things. But to round off with, it makes for interesting reading!

                The best,


                • It is interesting, Ben, that this mundane and non-sensational detail is something you swallow without blinking
                  I don't, Fish.

                  I think Hutchinson lied. I don't think he saw the couple from any angle or any distance. You agree. Remember? If you're asking if the press invented the "corner of Dorset Street" detail, my answer is I don't know. If pressed though, I'd say that a press addition of "respectability" arguably adds a degree of spice to an account. More interesting that local shabbiness.



                  • Which is where I disagree, of course - it is and remains totally uncontroversial. A comment stating: "He looked perfectly respectable to me" is so neutral that it is ridiculous.
                    But then again, there were not so many other suggestions you could come up with to defend this tactic of yours, was there...?

                    The best,


                    • Most establishments that had gas lighting of a private nature outside their premises,were very concious of the cost of keeping them lit.If it was neccessary to have them lit, such as advertising being open,or to display wares ,they were turned off as soon as business closed for that day.At 2am in the morning,there would not be other than corporation street lighting.
                      Window display lighting, as we have it today,is of more recent,post world war 2 history.
                      The Witness statement from Bucks Row,illustrate the strength of street lighting,Even up close details were obscure.In Dorset street Lewis could not clearly see details and she was about 20 feet away.Of course he was in shadow,but so would people be on the other side of the street from Hutchinson.Would a red hanky be recognisible?
                      If I say it is My opinion that Hutchinson was lying,it can be construed that I leave room for doubt,that I also believe,that no matter how small that doubt is ,it could be otherwise.So it was with Aberline.He expressed an opinion of Hutchinson's truthfulness,signaling that conciously,or unconciously,there was a doubt.experienced people do it regularly,even on these boards.


                      • HArry writes:

                        "Most establishments that had gas lighting of a private nature outside their premises,were very concious of the cost of keeping them lit.If it was neccessary to have them lit, such as advertising being open,or to display wares ,they were turned off as soon as business closed for that day.At 2am in the morning,there would not be other than corporation street lighting."

                        Sensible suggestion, Harry, and it would probably apply in most cases. When it comes to boarding houses and other establishments where people lived, I would expect that they may have left their gas lamps burning for the benefit of their customers returning home in the dark.

                        "If I say it is My opinion that Hutchinson was lying,it can be construed that I leave room for doubt,that I also believe,that no matter how small that doubt is ,it could be otherwise."

                        That sentence, Harry, contains a world of wisdom! I bow deeply to it.

                        The best,


                        • But then again, there were not so many other suggestions you could come up with to defend this tactic of yours, was there...?
                          I don't take very kindly to the insinuation that I'm resorting to "tactics".

                          I didn't describe anything as "controversial". I would suggest that a respectable appearance would have been somewhat conspicuous in St. George-in-the-East. That relates to Stride, though, and therefore belongs on a Stride thread.


                          • Ben writes:

                            "I don't take very kindly to the insinuation that I'm resorting to "tactics"

                            If those are your sentiments, Ben, Iīm afraid itīs time to remind you that you have twice during these last months implied that I make things up to bolster my thinking, the last time being when you threw forward such a suggestion as I stated that I could read the names on my books from four metres away by the light of a chandelier.

                            I could not care less what you take kindly to, if you will not accept arguments from other posters that use the same methodologies that you apply to the case yourself.

                            The best,


                            • I never accused you of making things up to bolster your arguments.

                              I'm saying that for all any of us know, you could have done, which is why I caution against the use of personal experiments, interesting though they may be. I conducted some experiments at the crime scene itself in relation to the distances, and I don't expect anyone to take the conclusions I drew from them as gosepl for the same reason. For all you know, I could have made it up to point-score.

                              That's not the same as accusing someone of resorting to dishonest tactics.


                              • Ben writes:

                                "I never accused you of making things up to bolster your arguments."

                                The only way to find out what you did is to quote you, Ben. And here it is:

                                "See, that's the problem with these little desperate experiments; we only have your word for it, and frankly you might be making it up to score points."

                                What I said about this is that you have implied that I may be making things up. And the implication is there.

                                Besides, no matter what you choose to call it, implication, theoretical experiment, "cautioning against the use of personal experiments" (ha!) or what, it is embarrasing - though not as much to me as it is to yourself.

                                So, Ben, when I make a perfectly reasonable comparison of how you allow yourself to treat two perfectly uncontroversial remarks in totally differing manners, I think that the best you could come up with is some afterthought, instead of a statement that you donīt take lightly to having this pointed out to you.

                                Having said that, I think this is not something that should take up too much space on a thread unintended for it.

                                The best,

