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  • Herlock Sholmes
    Originally posted by Fisherman View Post
    Yes, that is the only way we can perpetuate the Ripper myth, so I see the allure.

    The really funny thing is when we look at other suspectologists. Some say that Lechmere disturbed Kosminski, some say he disturbed Druitt, Levy, Bury etc. It´s quite Pythonesque.

    By the way, for you to agree with me, you really need to know what I think first. And if you do, then you also realize that agreeing with me is naming Lechmere the Ripper.

    So agree away, Jon!
    Making up drivel doesn’t help your case. This is pathetic, twisted, shameless shoehorning.

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  • Elamarna
    Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
    I see what your saying-but the only one we have to count on is the man in question. he could be lying how long he was there, when he left home etc.
    Yes he could, but that does not mean he is.

    The only suggestions for him arriving earlier are:

    the time he left home, unfortunately impricisely recorded.

    Paul's 3.45 which if we accept it means 3 seperate Police Officers lied under oath, what would be the reason for this?

    The probaility is that Paul had the incorrect time, easy if your clock or watch were incorrect, or at least not syncronised which most were not.


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  • Herlock Sholmes
    Originally posted by Fisherman View Post
    Haha! Good one, Jon! I think we can safely say that IF Lechmere had been seen handling the body, knife in hand, we would not have this discussion today.

    Whether Lechmere did a whole lot - knife in hand - BEFORE Paul arrived and could see anything at all is another matter. Going by how she bled afterwards, I think it is safe to say that either he or the dreaded .... (drumwhirl)...
    PHANTOM KILLER did it.
    Either that or Jack The Ripper did it

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  • Elamarna
    Originally posted by Fisherman View Post
    The epicentre is the area between Old Montague Street and Hanbury Street where Tabram, Nichols, Chapman and Kelly perished. Lechmere passed through there ate times that are seemingly consistent with all the murders, including Chapmans that was performed at the latest 4.30 according to Phillips.

    Incorrect there, if Tabram is included it must be between whitechapel road and Hanbury street. George ysrd is off Old Montague agreed but south of it.
    We have no source to suggest he ever used Old Montague as you well know. The only route we know he used is Hanbury. Everyother suggestion is just conjecture. That is fine but its not as conclusive as you suggest.
    Basing TOD on RM alone is now known to be unreliable, Phillips's opinion is thus rendered equally unreliable, not becsuse he made any mistakes but because the science he applied honestly was faulty.

    If you don´t see the potential relevance of this, then I won´t point out to you what that says about you. There has been too many degrading things said out here already.

    The fact that you want to use the TOD for Kelly as given by Bond and Phillips as if either man must be correct says a whole deal about your bias. The bias of never admitting any possible guilt on Lechmeres´ behalf, no matter how ridiculous an excuse you must use. (And this is not the time to go on about how you have never said that Lechmere cannot be guilty; it would be very unbecoming).

    Thank you for the revelation, Steve. One of many!

    Are you saying we cant accept the TOD for Kelly by the Doctors?

    If so then we NEITHER ca we accept thre TOD Chapman!

    One cannot with any integrity say in one line Phillips TOD places a murder in the required time frame and only a few lines later say that we cannot use TOD by Phillips in tge Kelly case because it does not fit the required hours.

    And of course I do not accept any of them.

    What is unbecoming is the continual personal slights and attacks on those who do not agree with the views posted.


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  • Fisherman
    Originally posted by Elamarna View Post

    Yes we can use the suggestion as the starting point for a theory, But witbout evidence it remains just that.

    Proven theories are no longer theories, you know. If it is proof you are talking about. If it is only evidence, then there is evidence that points to Lechmere as potentially being the killer. So much so, that James Scobie said it makes for a prima facie case that suggests that he was the killer.
    Last edited by Fisherman; 06-13-2018, 07:38 AM.

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  • Fisherman
    Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
    I see what your saying-but the only one we have to count on is the man in question. he could be lying how long he was there, when he left home etc.
    If he was the killer, then we can probably elevate that "could" to a "would".

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  • Fisherman
    Originally posted by caz View Post
    Something of the sort, Robert, wouldn't surprise me in the least. Mizen would have been smarting and in damage limitation mode after Paul's very public condemnation of his attitude, especially if he had also failed to report his brief encounter with both men. Downplaying Paul's role could have been a snub, but he missed a trick if Paul really hadn't said a word or was far enough away not to have known or cared what Cross was saying.

    Mizen could have made much more of this when asked by Baxter if Cross was with anyone else at the time. We can all imagine why Baxter asked the question, if Mizen was saying that 'a' man [Cross] spoke to him and made no mention initially of another man being there too. The newspaper account had Paul telling Mizen about the woman down, so Baxter understandably needed to clear this up and establish there were indeed two men involved in the reporting. It was Paul according to Paul, with the other man reduced to a cameo performance, while it was just Cross according to Mizen - until he admitted this other man - the cop hater - was there too. In light of Paul's scathing account, this was the golden opportunity for Mizen to put the boot in and say the other man kept his distance while Cross did the talking, if that was the truth of the matter, but no - he let Paul off the hook. Why? Because he knew very well that both men had reported the matter together and that Cross would confirm it?


    ... and then they lived happily ever after.

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by Elamarna View Post
    Thats my point.

    We dont know for sure, but we do have the testimony of Lechmere who says he saw her moments before hearing Paul and Paul who only says he sees him ahead.
    No mention of how far away and no mention of any movement before he says Lechmere
    Is coming towards him.

    To be odd Lechmere must be there earlier than he claims. There is no reliable source which indicates that. Paul's 3.45 is not reliable.

    Yes we can use the suggestion as the starting point for a theory, But witbout evidence it remains just that.

    I see what your saying-but the only one we have to count on is the man in question. he could be lying how long he was there, when he left home etc.

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  • Elamarna
    Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
    he el

    well aman did give her a red hanky-so perhaps a little one? ; )
    Love it Abby. Good one.


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  • Elamarna
    Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
    no its not illogical. we don't know how long lech was with polly. no one saw him prior.

    Thats my point.

    We dont know for sure, but we do have the testimony of Lechmere who says he saw her moments before hearing Paul and Paul who only says he sees him ahead.
    No mention of how far away and no mention of any movement before he says Lechmere
    Is coming towards him.

    To be odd Lechmere must be there earlier than he claims. There is no reliable source which indicates that. Paul's 3.45 is not reliable.

    Yes we can use the suggestion as the starting point for a theory, But witbout evidence it remains just that.


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  • caz
    Originally posted by Robert View Post
    Maybe Mizen wanted to pay Paul back for his newspaper interview by relegating him to a bit part player.
    Something of the sort, Robert, wouldn't surprise me in the least. Mizen would have been smarting and in damage limitation mode after Paul's very public condemnation of his attitude, especially if he had also failed to report his brief encounter with both men. Downplaying Paul's role could have been a snub, but he missed a trick if Paul really hadn't said a word or was far enough away not to have known or cared what Cross was saying.

    Mizen could have made much more of this when asked by Baxter if Cross was with anyone else at the time. We can all imagine why Baxter asked the question, if Mizen was saying that 'a' man [Cross] spoke to him and made no mention initially of another man being there too. The newspaper account had Paul telling Mizen about the woman down, so Baxter understandably needed to clear this up and establish there were indeed two men involved in the reporting. It was Paul according to Paul, with the other man reduced to a cameo performance, while it was just Cross according to Mizen - until he admitted this other man - the cop hater - was there too. In light of Paul's scathing account, this was the golden opportunity for Mizen to put the boot in and say the other man kept his distance while Cross did the talking, if that was the truth of the matter, but no - he let Paul off the hook. Why? Because he knew very well that both men had reported the matter together and that Cross would confirm it?



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  • Fisherman
    Originally posted by Elamarna View Post
    "Through the Epicenter of the murder spree at the relevant hours"


    Nichols - yes

    Chapman - probably on his route, but the timing is disputed.

    Stride - Not on his route, the suggestion he was going or coming from his mothers is unprovable and hence is not evidence; just unsupported theory.

    Eddowes - as Stride

    Kelly, close to a possible route, however TOD is problematic, either too early or too late to support on his walk to work..

    So no red flag.

    The epicentre is the area between Old Montague Street and Hanbury Street where Tabram, Nichols, Chapman and Kelly perished. Lechmere passed through there ate times that are seemingly consistent with all the murders, including Chapmans that was performed at the latest 4.30 according to Phillips.

    If you don´t see the potential relevance of this, then I won´t point out to you what that says about you. There has been too many degrading things said out here already.

    The fact that you want to use the TOD for Kelly as given by Bond and Phillips as if either man must be correct says a whole deal about your bias. The bias of never admitting any possible guilt on Lechmeres´ behalf, no matter how ridiculous an excuse you must use. (And this is not the time to go on about how you have never said that Lechmere cannot be guilty; it would be very unbecoming).

    Thank you for the revelation, Steve. One of many!
    Last edited by Fisherman; 06-13-2018, 07:31 AM.

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  • Fisherman
    Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
    Hi Jon
    I'm a little confused by this-can you please explain?
    Yes, I´m especially intrigued by how Jon suggests that people can do things dead or alive...

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  • Fisherman
    Originally posted by caz View Post
    Could Mizen have thought, after Paul's account was published, that he might be asked why he had left his beat on the sole word of two workmen whose details he had failed to take? Would it not have helped him to add that he understood he was wanted by a fellow officer [which was technically true as he was immediately sent for the ambulance], even if this later appeared to have been a minor misunderstanding? He'd have covered himself, wouldn't he?

    After all, Mizen quickly appreciated, if he hadn't done initially, that both men had been at the scene of a brutal murder [not long after the brutal murder of Tabram] and he had let them go on their way without asking a single question. The only response we have from him is "All right", isn't it? If neither carman had gone to the papers or come forward voluntarily, I'm not sure if or when Mizen would have dared mention the encounter, because if he did they would both instantly be treated as persons of interest, but with bugger all to go on regarding their identities, movements or current whereabouts!


    "Could Mizen have thought....?"

    Yes, he could have thought anything - just look at all the fancy suggestions that are offered on his account out here!

    And I don´t think that the carmen would have been regarded as persons of interest at all, Caz - somebody had to find the body, don´t ya´know.

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by Jon Guy View Post
    Exactly Abby.
    Cross was seen doing nothing suspicious by Paul, but the others could have been doing anything with the body, dead or alive.
    Hi Jon
    I'm a little confused by this-can you please explain?

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