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  • Originally posted by Pierre View Post
    Hi Steve,

    This is a cold case and the sources are historical sources. You can not treat an historical source, or an historical source about a patient, as a patient.

    This source is absolutely clear and the evaluation of it is correct.

    Regards, Pierre
    Sorry Pierre that is just not an acceptable answer by any definition of the term.

    Your word that something is clear and correct, without publish any details is neither scientific or debatable

    And of course one can teat a cold case to look at symptoms, and hypothesis about the condition of a patient, just because it is historical it does not preclude diagnosis based on the data available..

    Hang on a moment is that not exactly what your expert has done!

    The failure to wish to debate this issue in a serious scientific manner suggests that you FEAR of any such discussion, where the failings of the research and approach are likely to be exposed once the thread is dissected.

    You have not given any indication of the expertise of your expert, nor have you answered why only one opinion as been sort or even given the briefest suggestion as to what you believed this person was suffering from at the start of this thread..

    Please do not insult the intelligence of persons on this forum any further,
    If you are not prepared to discuss any details then I conclude the first post in this thread was highly disingenuous.

    At no point as any indication been given of a desire to do anything other than lecture and tell us if you have failed in your own opinion.

    The reality is that this thread yet waste of time, in many ways the post by "The Good Michael" was accurate.



    • Pierre

      I am perplexed by your statement that such a killer would not have a serious brain problem as you fail to suggest (or even hint) what the problem is. I refer you to the case of Phineas Gage, who was an Irish railway worker who suffered a spike through his brain. Not only did he live, he was photographed and continued a successful existence (presumably helped by his picture with a two foot metal spike). He was able to carry out a relatively normal life but the spike destroyed his personality centres leaving a short tempered and angry chap. If you are referring to a degenerative cerebral disorder, if it was purely localised to certain parts of the brain e.g. the frontal lobe, then there is no reason to doubt a new psychopathic/sociopathic tendency but maintained higher functioning.

      Please provide further information rather than your trout fishery fly if you truly want a quorum to provide an answer (e.g. a hint to what your presumed diagnosis might be). You never know, some of those whom you chose to ignore and antagonise might know slightly more about certain things than you do, for surely is that not why we ask questions?



      • Originally posted by Pierre View Post
        What nonsense. I share what little I am able to share with you and I get this accusation from you, John. Personally I do not care about it, since I know how disappointed you, and many others, are with ripperology.

        But when I post some discussion about particular sources, the discussion gets attacked by you, someone who do not understand the case, i.e. a ripperologist disappointed with other ripperologists. That is not helping the case forward.

        Regards, Pierre

        you once again give the impression that you are forced to withhold information:

        "I share what little I am able to"

        That is falsehood, you share what you wish to share, basically nothing, and hide behind the self imposed restraints you have applied.

        You are able to share all if you wish to, however you decide to share nothing.

        But there are no discussions about sources, you refuse to give any details time and time again to allow debate and discussion.

        What you refer to are monologues from yourself telling us what an undisclosed source means and we are meant to accept such or you say we are attacking the ideas.

        How can one attack what is not disclosed or divulged. We have no way of knowing if the sources you use are reliable or not, or if they are useful in this debate, given you refuse to give any details.

        Yet another post the sole aim of which is to avoid answering any serious questions!



        • Originally posted by Pierre View Post
          Steve tries to do with historical sources what a patient or doctor does who wants second opinions.

          Such work been done with Richard the third, the princess in the tower, Tutankhamen, Napoleon, the known bodies from the Franklin expedition and the plague pits from London.

          The list goes on and on.

          It is accepted historical practice when reviewing illness and death. Your objection is unjustified and shows a lack of knowledge of such things.

          This is truly surprising for an academic historian!

          Why are you afraid of such?



          • Originally posted by David Orsam View Post
            Okay, well if you understood the questions, why didn't you answer them?


            One is left to assume no answer because he is unable to do so and still retain and semblance of research integrity if he did so.

            The replies demonstrate a real lack of knowledge of historical research on human remains such as I quoted in my last post.

            Nor do they show any understanding or knowledge of research based on historical data, such as hypothesis about the health say of Henry the Eighth, Cleopatra and Alexander the Great.



            • Troll

              The more I read Pierre's comments, the more I'm convinced he's nothing more than a troll, a fraud unable to respond seriously. I keep asking myself why does Casebook's admins and moderators tolerate this. Maybe because trash sells well and keeps Casebook's ratings high up on the charts. I tend to believe it's members deserve more than that unless we have simply turned into pawns serving their own personal interest.

              I've been an administrator and moderator on a couple of highly rated forums and we would never have accepted this kind of behaviour from someone like Pierre.

              Hercule Poirot

              Sorry about my English, I'm one of those French Canadians.


              • Originally posted by Elamarna View Post

                One is left to assume no answer because he is unable to do so and still retain and semblance of research integrity if he did so.

                The replies demonstrate a real lack of knowledge of historical research on human remains such as I quoted in my last post.

                Nor do they show any understanding or knowledge of research based on historical data, such as hypothesis about the health say of Henry the Eighth, Cleopatra and Alexander the Great.

                Actually his replies lack a knowledge of History as an academic historian and a subject.

                But then I remember that when he first lobbed he was a scientist, with no grasp of scientific principals, then some other jumbo jumbo sociologist or something.

                He has displayed no grasp of any of those things.

                No historian would ever claim that a newspaper (of the era) was a secondary source as he did earlier this week. To a true historian a primary and secondary source is a different thing than to a layman and a contemporary news report is an historical primary source.

                The one thing that has surprised me is that he hasn't promoted himself above an MA.
                G U T

                There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                • To be honest, if more time was spent actually researching and constuctive debate... we'd all spend less time reading and writing the crap that's been written here. Come on people, research then debate, we might get somewhere.

                  Pierre, I'm personally not much of a fan of your posts because I see very little in your willing to share evidence/opinions/ideas. Please share something as basic as a legit thought, opinion, or research findings rather than leading people to believe that (25 pages of what amounts to absolutley nothing of value) you've contributed in any way of helping solve the mystery of the WM.

                  It was such an honor to be granted a member of this site, it behooves me why some don't respect it enough. So Pierre, please, share what you learned. Share what you thought that turned out to be nothing. Give details. Share please. Or at least debate something based on something. Your unique views can be tantalizing so by all means don't stop that...just give something. Please?



                  • I'm pretty much with GM, paddy Goose and hercule on this one. My suggestion would be that if no one responded to pierre he would, out of desperation to get responses would reveal his suspect sooner (if he actually has one).

                    That being said, david is completely correct-no one has to justify responding to pierre if they want. The admins have already said spoken on the issue-he is free to post, although I thought they warned him about talking about his "suspect" in the future. and of course its an open forum and people are free to respond, ignore etc.

                    I just wish they wouldn't because I think it would be interesting to see how Pierre would react. I remember the line spoken by Genn Close in the movie Fatal Attraction-"I wil not be...Ignored!" LOL.

                    OK anyway feel free to continue with this mindless banter. JK ; )


                    • Originally posted by Hercule Poirot View Post
                      The more I read Pierre's comments, the more I'm convinced he's nothing more than a troll, a fraud unable to respond seriously. I keep asking myself why does Casebook's admins and moderators tolerate this. Maybe because trash sells well and keeps Casebook's ratings high up on the charts. I tend to believe it's members deserve more than that unless we have simply turned into pawns serving their own personal interest.

                      I've been an administrator and moderator on a couple of highly rated forums and we would never have accepted this kind of behaviour from someone like Pierre.

                      Hercule Poirot

                      Sorry about my English, I'm one of those French Canadians.
                      Don't worry about your English, Hercule. It was quite eloquent and well stated.



                      • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
                        I'm pretty much with GM, paddy Goose and hercule on this one. My suggestion would be that if no one responded to pierre he would, out of desperation to get responses would reveal his suspect sooner (if he actually has one).

                        That being said, david is completely correct-no one has to justify responding to pierre if they want. The admins have already said spoken on the issue-he is free to post, although I thought they warned him about talking about his "suspect" in the future. and of course its an open forum and people are free to respond, ignore etc.

                        I just wish they wouldn't because I think it would be interesting to see how Pierre would react. I remember the line spoken by Genn Close in the movie Fatal Attraction-"I wil not be...Ignored!" LOL.

                        OK anyway feel free to continue with this mindless banter. JK ; )
                        True Abby...and look what happened to Glenn Close at the end of the movie!



                        • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
                          I'm pretty much with GM, paddy Goose and hercule on this one. My suggestion would be that if no one responded to pierre he would, out of desperation to get responses would reveal his suspect sooner (if he actually has one).

                          That being said, david is completely correct-no one has to justify responding to pierre if they want. The admins have already said spoken on the issue-he is free to post, although I thought they warned him about talking about his "suspect" in the future. and of course its an open forum and people are free to respond, ignore etc.

                          I just wish they wouldn't because I think it would be interesting to see how Pierre would react. I remember the line spoken by Genn Close in the movie Fatal Attraction-"I wil not be...Ignored!" LOL.

                          OK anyway feel free to continue with this mindless banter. JK ; )

                          Hi Abby

                          After the non-responses from the "historian" yesterday and am finally starting to agree with what others have been saying.

                          If he continues to refuse to give anything, then simply debate is impossible and is a pointless exercise.

                          So lets see if its possible, I can't promise because of my own nature.



                          • Originally posted by Elamarna View Post
                            Hi Abby

                            After the non-responses from the "historian" yesterday and am finally starting to agree with what others have been saying.

                            If he continues to refuse to give anything, then simply debate is impossible and is a pointless exercise.

                            So lets see if its possible, I can't promise because of my own nature.

                            as usual a fair and level headed response El. thanks.


                            • Originally posted by Mayerling View Post
                              True Abby...and look what happened to Glenn Close at the end of the movie!

                              Ha! well I don't want that to happen!!

                              I just want him to name is darn suspect already. Its been over a year now..

                              Time to shite or get off the pot. yeeesh!


                              • Originally posted by Pierre View Post

                                We can forget the source for a severe brain problem now.

                                Best wishes, Pierre
                                How can we forget a source which has yet to be divulged?
                                I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.

