"I think this guy was JTR, I really do"
Well, you could do a lot worse picking a suitable suspect, Nell. But you yourself throw forward an interesting matter when it comes to the silence of the police. And even if we choose to believe that Fleming would have slipped through the net, as James Evans or something else, we are left with the trouble of explaining why he did the first murders. And if it was him - why did he choose a category of women so consistent in age and status?
If we are to look away from the rest, Fleming really is the most convincing suggestion mentioned for Kellys death, no doubt about it. But when we bring the other victims on stage, we are faced with something quite different from a domestic scenario. And if we accept that the same killer is responsible for all the killings (Stride aside, as usual...), we are left with something that resembles crime fiction if we try to nail Fleming as Jack. If someone tried to force-feed me a plot like that in a crime novel, I would use said novel for toilet paper.
Who will supply me with a credible answer to my questions? Could Fleming have practiced on the first victims, before going for the grande finale with Kelly? Or did all the other victims know that Fleming was of royal descent, and had fathered an illegitimate child with Kelly...

The best, all!
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