Oh, you mean us, here, Down Under, where the libel laws--and suppression laws-- were once the envy of North Korea.
South Australia (my state) and Queensland can still be very draconian.
To be fair, things are much improved since 'Ulysses', 'Lady Chatterly's Lover' and 'Power Without Glory' were banned.
On the other hand the recent p.c. laws where a person from a group only has to feel offended to cause censorship to descend was a return to the bad old days, and thankfully the new federal government is trying to have them purged.
South Australia (my state) and Queensland can still be very draconian.
To be fair, things are much improved since 'Ulysses', 'Lady Chatterly's Lover' and 'Power Without Glory' were banned.
On the other hand the recent p.c. laws where a person from a group only has to feel offended to cause censorship to descend was a return to the bad old days, and thankfully the new federal government is trying to have them purged.