Well Andy,I haven"t yet given it any real thought but off the top of my head I would say that Druitt may well have been a man who felt very strongly for whatever reason about Home Rule.Certainly Henry Labouchere ,the radical member of parliament was determined to get Parnell"s name cleared and was extremely suspicious of Pigott ,the Irish journalist,who forged the letters for The Times, criminalising him.
Labouchere had apparently studied the handwiting of Pigott and drew attention to the great similarity between the Dear Boss letters" handwriting and that of Pigott----Pigott committed suicide in February 1889 during The Special Commission.Labouchere was it appears pretty seriously convinced that Pigott was Jack The Ripper---and if he was his suicide was timely.Now Pigott certainly did scribed those letters which formed part of a supposed expose of Parnell-as a terrorist etc and at the same time Robert Anderson,a fierce "anti Home Ruler" of Unionist persuasion,also scribed articles for the same paper,The Times that implicated Parnell in crimes connected with terrorism.However,a very strong liberal element prevailed as well as the Irish Nationalist defence led by Michael Davitt, [ not a dynamiter per se],which was for Home Rule,brought about through parliamentary means with great support therefore for the Irish Home Rule MP, Parnell and which fought tooth and nail to clear his name of the forger Pigott"s slander.
Pall Mall Gazette was part of it therefore Edward Cook would have been too,as was the MP Labouchere.
BTW- A place where some of these met was Hammersmith---at William Morris"s house on the river and at Bernard Shaw"s.They were mostly intellectuals who had never been at odds with the law in their lives but who felt very strongly about this issue.
Finally ,of extreme importance in all this was, Sir Edward Jenkinson,ex Spy Master at Dublin Castle and later at The Home Office for Matthews.Jenkinson was a secret "Home Ruler"and Parnell sympathiser and did everything in his power to expose Pigott via a meeting in Paris that October 1888 with Michael Davitt who was defending Parnell.Their meeting was just before the Special Commission opened.By doing this he also ofcourse got back at Anderson and Monro who had had him sacked in 1885.Both Pigott and Anderson were also in Paris that October and both left Paris on the very same day=4th October 1888.Its thought they were trying to get ex fenians living in exile to come to the Special Commission to testify against Parnell.That failed but they did get Le Caron,the British spy, to testify and Caron lived the rest of his life under armed guard!
Was Druitt therefore the man Macnaghten is alleged to have said was"a leader of the plot to assassinate Balfour---that is who the Ripper was" or similar words.
Will return to this later-must go out now
Labouchere had apparently studied the handwiting of Pigott and drew attention to the great similarity between the Dear Boss letters" handwriting and that of Pigott----Pigott committed suicide in February 1889 during The Special Commission.Labouchere was it appears pretty seriously convinced that Pigott was Jack The Ripper---and if he was his suicide was timely.Now Pigott certainly did scribed those letters which formed part of a supposed expose of Parnell-as a terrorist etc and at the same time Robert Anderson,a fierce "anti Home Ruler" of Unionist persuasion,also scribed articles for the same paper,The Times that implicated Parnell in crimes connected with terrorism.However,a very strong liberal element prevailed as well as the Irish Nationalist defence led by Michael Davitt, [ not a dynamiter per se],which was for Home Rule,brought about through parliamentary means with great support therefore for the Irish Home Rule MP, Parnell and which fought tooth and nail to clear his name of the forger Pigott"s slander.
Pall Mall Gazette was part of it therefore Edward Cook would have been too,as was the MP Labouchere.
BTW- A place where some of these met was Hammersmith---at William Morris"s house on the river and at Bernard Shaw"s.They were mostly intellectuals who had never been at odds with the law in their lives but who felt very strongly about this issue.
Finally ,of extreme importance in all this was, Sir Edward Jenkinson,ex Spy Master at Dublin Castle and later at The Home Office for Matthews.Jenkinson was a secret "Home Ruler"and Parnell sympathiser and did everything in his power to expose Pigott via a meeting in Paris that October 1888 with Michael Davitt who was defending Parnell.Their meeting was just before the Special Commission opened.By doing this he also ofcourse got back at Anderson and Monro who had had him sacked in 1885.Both Pigott and Anderson were also in Paris that October and both left Paris on the very same day=4th October 1888.Its thought they were trying to get ex fenians living in exile to come to the Special Commission to testify against Parnell.That failed but they did get Le Caron,the British spy, to testify and Caron lived the rest of his life under armed guard!
Was Druitt therefore the man Macnaghten is alleged to have said was"a leader of the plot to assassinate Balfour---that is who the Ripper was" or similar words.
Will return to this later-must go out now