Sent your 50 quid off to the McGrath Foundation yet?
Saw a bit of the Pakistan VS England match yesterday, seems a few of your bats, particularly Traitorsen, are struggling with his form a bit....oh dear.
Steven: Herbert Sutcliffe? When was he around, about the 1920's/30's?
English cricket fans have absolutely no defence for themselves when I mention the following name: Phil Tufnell.
'Nuff said.
Sent your 50 quid off to the McGrath Foundation yet?
Saw a bit of the Pakistan VS England match yesterday, seems a few of your bats, particularly Traitorsen, are struggling with his form a bit....oh dear.
Steven: Herbert Sutcliffe? When was he around, about the 1920's/30's?
English cricket fans have absolutely no defence for themselves when I mention the following name: Phil Tufnell.
'Nuff said.