Just reposting this comment and newspaper article RJ found (below). I suggest the reason the police thought the ripper was dead in 1890 could be connected to the investigation into Bury. Berry the hangman related the following conversation:
RJ's comment: How seriously one should take it is a matter of debate or judgment, but there were claims that Scotland Yard thought "Jack the Ripper" was dead four months before Aaron Kosminski was even sent to the workhouse.

- 'I think it is him right enough (Berry)', 'And we agree with you', replied one of the detectives, 'We know all about his movements in the past, and we are quite satisfied that you have hanged Jack the Ripper'.
- “On the day before his execution two detectives were sent from London to be present should he make a last statement. This I myself only learned years afterwards, so carefully guarded was the secret, but it shows the importance Scotland Yard attached to their discoveries”
- “the facts they gathered (Scotland Yard) pointed more and more clearly to Bury being Jack the Ripper, but it was a slow task, entailing months of work, and they had been ordered to make nothing public”
- Scotland Yard "kept their own counsel, and when Bury came up for trial it was the common opinion that he was guilty of the Whitechapel crimes and would make a full confession in the event of his being condemned to death”
RJ's comment: How seriously one should take it is a matter of debate or judgment, but there were claims that Scotland Yard thought "Jack the Ripper" was dead four months before Aaron Kosminski was even sent to the workhouse.