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Help populate this JtR map

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  • #61
    Originally posted by GBinOz View Post
    Eventually one has to make up their own mind regardless of the opinions of others (and just let them be wrong ).
    Couldn't agree more, both on the first and the second part.

    As for the times on this possible sighting, we're back to the old problem of clock sync's and time estimates.
    Yes, there's always that problem to consider. However, even if we'd suppose that the sighting was at, say, 1:15 rather than 1:30, it would mean JtR took about half an hour to find another suitable victim, knowing it would only have taken him some 7-8 minutes to walk from Church Lane to the vicinity of Mitre Square and maybe 6-7 minutes for Eddowes to have arrived there after leaving Bishopsgate Police Station at around 1 am. Lots of unknowns there and as always, anything is possible, I know, but it's all a bit far from really fitting, let alone 'like a glove' for me, so some doubt remains (without dismissing the possibility that it was, in fact, a JtR sighting).

    I'm still on the fence as to whether Stride was even a JtR victim.
    Me too, and I've been there for almost 20 years now, so it's good to have your company there.

    All the best,
    "You can rob me, you can starve me and you can beat me and you can kill me. Just don't bore me."
    Clint Eastwood as Gunny in "Heartbreak Ridge"


    • #62
      Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

      Hi Richard,

      You have placed the reference in Back Church Lane. Church Lane is on the northern side of Commercial Road opposite the Little Alie St intersection. If this was a JtR sighting it would mean he went along Church Lane and turned into Whitechapel Road to get to Mitre Square, rather than down Alie St. Interestingly, Church Lane would also be on the shortest route to Michael Kidney's home at 38 Dorset St.

      Date of source is The Star 1 Oct 1888:

      Cheers, George
      Fixed this.
      thanks<< JtR Interactive Map
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      • #63
        I've added a lot more annotations and details to the map over the last couple of days. Thanks to those of you who have also requested access so you can add and edit too. I've expanded areas of the map too. I'd love to get this map filled with exhaustive and useful detail which could end up being the JtR map to turn to when discussing/analyzing the case.
        Again, if you don't want to register for access but you want things added to the map, please post them here and I will do it ASAP.
        the direct link to the map is:

        Or click the link in my signature below.<< JtR Interactive Map
        JtRmap FORM << Use this form to make suggestions for map annotations
        --------------------------------------------------- << JtR 3D & #VR Website


        • #64
          Hi richardh,

          It's looking good and overall a nice contribution. I did notice that some of the joins between sections of the map are misaligned. For example, around Stride's murder location, there's a section just below where you can see how Fairclough doesn't align properly with the bit to the west (where Fairclough meets Back Church Lane). There's a section that goes south as far as Pinchen Street that just needs to be shifted down a bit. Also, the Bishopsgate Ward section needs realignment as well (New Street doesn't line up, for example; I think there might be a mismatch between map sources going on there that's causing the problem as just above the big red arrow you can see the public house and the bank next to Artillery Lane twice, though the bank is only labelled in one view, and if you were to align them then New Street is going to get worse; Probably need to recapture some bits all from the same source map or these kind of things will invariably occur).

          It's a big job, but if your goal of it becoming a "go to reference map" is to be achieved then getting the underlying image lined up will be necessary. Might be easier to do before it gets too filled up with notes and annotations though. So far, those sections are not too crowded with information.

          - Jeff


          • #65
            Originally posted by JeffHamm View Post
            Hi richardh,

            It's looking good and overall a nice contribution. I did notice that some of the joins between sections of the map are misaligned. For example, around Stride's murder location, there's a section just below where you can see how Fairclough doesn't align properly with the bit to the west (where Fairclough meets Back Church Lane). There's a section that goes south as far as Pinchen Street that just needs to be shifted down a bit. Also, the Bishopsgate Ward section needs realignment as well (New Street doesn't line up, for example; I think there might be a mismatch between map sources going on there that's causing the problem as just above the big red arrow you can see the public house and the bank next to Artillery Lane twice, though the bank is only labelled in one view, and if you were to align them then New Street is going to get worse; Probably need to recapture some bits all from the same source map or these kind of things will invariably occur).

            It's a big job, but if your goal of it becoming a "go to reference map" is to be achieved then getting the underlying image lined up will be necessary. Might be easier to do before it gets too filled up with notes and annotations though. So far, those sections are not too crowded with information.

            - Jeff
            I just worry that there won’t be enough room to fit in all the significant references, particularly in the core Spitalfields area.


            • #66
              Originally posted by MrBarnett View Post

              I just worry that there won’t be enough room to fit in all the significant references, particularly in the core Spitalfields area.
              Yes, a lot happened in a small area with all the people, events, and locations involved, it could get pretty crowded pretty quickly. I suppose that could hint at the overcrowding the people lived in at the time.

              - Jeff


              • #67
                Would it be possible to layer the map to display only the info required? Say, tick or untick boxes to show eg Canonical murder sites, public houses and police stations...
                Or would that be too complicated?


                • #68
                  Originally posted by JeffHamm View Post
                  Hi richardh,

                  It's looking good and overall a nice contribution. I did notice that some of the joins between sections of the map are misaligned. For example, around Stride's murder location, there's a section just below where you can see how Fairclough doesn't align properly with the bit to the west (where Fairclough meets Back Church Lane). There's a section that goes south as far as Pinchen Street that just needs to be shifted down a bit. Also, the Bishopsgate Ward section needs realignment as well (New Street doesn't line up, for example; I think there might be a mismatch between map sources going on there that's causing the problem as just above the big red arrow you can see the public house and the bank next to Artillery Lane twice, though the bank is only labelled in one view, and if you were to align them then New Street is going to get worse; Probably need to recapture some bits all from the same source map or these kind of things will invariably occur).

                  It's a big job, but if your goal of it becoming a "go to reference map" is to be achieved then getting the underlying image lined up will be necessary. Might be easier to do before it gets too filled up with notes and annotations though. So far, those sections are not too crowded with information.

                  - Jeff
                  Yes, The maps tiles are a bit misaligned in some areas. I can spend a bit more time getting them to fit better.
                  I did create another test map last night which is HUGH and much higher resolution. The tiles fit together much better (there are a few small misalignments but not too jarring).
                  The trouble with this map (the test one - link below) is how big it is and whether it loads quickly enough and perhaps causes lag (stuttering) when you pan.

                  The size and resolution are great though.

                  Which is the better one?
        << JtR Interactive Map
                  JtRmap FORM << Use this form to make suggestions for map annotations
         << JtR 3D & #VR Website


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Joshua Rogan View Post
                    Would it be possible to layer the map to display only the info required? Say, tick or untick boxes to show eg Canonical murder sites, public houses and police stations...
                    Or would that be too complicated?
                    Alas, that's not possible. Not even in the premium (paid) subscriptions. That would be good. I've searched high and low for a good platform for collaborative image annotations online but there isn't one that fits all our needs totally. This one is the closest fit for what we need.
                    However, I think this one works well enough.
                    I will try to tile the map better today, so there are fewer misaligned parts.

          << JtR Interactive Map
                    JtRmap FORM << Use this form to make suggestions for map annotations
           << JtR 3D & #VR Website


                    • #70
                      The map has been updated to a VERY big and hi-definition version. Better tiling and is more detailed. It's just BIG so will take a time to load in your browser.
                      The link is in my signature below.
            << JtR Interactive Map
                      JtRmap FORM << Use this form to make suggestions for map annotations
             << JtR 3D & #VR Website


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by richardh View Post
                        The map has been updated to a VERY big and hi-definition version. Better tiling and is more detailed. It's just BIG so will take a time to load in your browser.
                        The link is in my signature below.
                        Not sure why, but your signature isn't showing.

                        - Jeff


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by JeffHamm View Post

                          Not sure why, but your signature isn't showing.

                          - Jeff
                          Oh okay!
                          well, the map link is easy to remember:

                          I've sent you an invite to edit the map, Jeff. Okay?
                << JtR Interactive Map
                          JtRmap FORM << Use this form to make suggestions for map annotations
                 << JtR 3D & #VR Website


                          • #73
                            I've updated the map again to a bigger version with a much better resolution (thanks to FrankO for the map).

                            Also, The map has its own website now. The direct link to the map is now the easy-to-remember

                  << JtR Interactive Map
                            JtRmap FORM << Use this form to make suggestions for map annotations
                   << JtR 3D & #VR Website


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by richardh View Post
                              I've updated the map again to a bigger version with a much better resolution (thanks to FrankO for the map).

                              Also, The map has its own website now. The direct link to the map is now the easy-to-remember

                              Well done, and thanks Richard.

                              Might I suggest that Butcher's Row be added. It is believed that Sagar and Cox had a prominent suspect under surveillance in that area. Details are here:

                              Cheers, George


                              • #75
                                6 Fashion Street please.

