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  • #46
    Originally posted by richardh View Post

    Please make suggestions for additions, annotations, points of interest and all that.
    Great work, Richard!

    As for a possible addition, this might be of interest:

    Lloyd’s Weekly News, 30 September 1888
    Last night a correspondent furnished us with another strange story of an incident occurring early on Thursday morning, near to the scene of the four murders. He states that early in the morning a woman was sitting sleeping on some steps in one of the houses in Dorset-street, when she was awoke by a man who asked her whether she had any bed to go to, or any money to pay for a lodging. She replied that she had not, upon which he said he had money, and then gave her what she thought was two half-sovereigns. She went with him down a passage, and when there he seized her by the throat and tried to strangle her. A scuffle ensued between them, in which she screamed and got away. The next morning she found that what he gave her was two farthings machined round the edge like gold coins. She described him as being a man with a dark moustache, and dressed in a rough frieze blue overcoat.

    So, this allegedly occured on the Thursday morning before the 'double event'.

    All the best,
    Last edited by FrankO; 10-12-2022, 10:54 AM.
    "You can rob me, you can starve me and you can beat me and you can kill me. Just don't bore me."
    Clint Eastwood as Gunny in "Heartbreak Ridge"


    • #47
      is there a online outlets that actually sells these old maps .


      • #48
        Originally posted by milchmanuk View Post
        is there a online outlets that actually sells these old maps .
        You can get O/S maps here:

        Sheet 63: Whitechapel, Spitalfields and The Bank is the one to get. They also do larger scale maps of certain areas.

        Last edited by MrBarnett; 10-12-2022, 01:02 PM.


        • #49
          A bit more pricey are the historical London A to Zs produced by the London Topographical Society.

          The Victorian A to Z, based on Bacon’s ‘Ordnance Atlas’ of 1888, is the most relevant to Ripperologists. In the same series, The A to Z of Regency London, based on Richard Horwood’s map of (circa) 1800, is useful because it shows every individual building and includes street numbers. Many of those buildings were still around in the 1880s and the street numbering was often unchanged.


          • #50
            Originally posted by FrankO View Post

            Great work, Richard!

            As for a possible addition, this might be of interest:

            Lloyd’s Weekly News, 30 September 1888
            Last night a correspondent furnished us with another strange story of an incident occurring early on Thursday morning, near to the scene of the four murders. He states that early in the morning a woman was sitting sleeping on some steps in one of the houses in Dorset-street, when she was awoke by a man who asked her whether she had any bed to go to, or any money to pay for a lodging. She replied that she had not, upon which he said he had money, and then gave her what she thought was two half-sovereigns. She went with him down a passage, and when there he seized her by the throat and tried to strangle her. A scuffle ensued between them, in which she screamed and got away. The next morning she found that what he gave her was two farthings machined round the edge like gold coins. She described him as being a man with a dark moustache, and dressed in a rough frieze blue overcoat.

            So, this allegedly occured on the Thursday morning before the 'double event'.

            All the best,
            Thanks, Frank
            I've added this to the map in the Dorest street location.
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            • #51
              The spot where Eddowes was found drunk before her murder is actually just to the right of the letter "D" in the word "WARD" on your map.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Scott Nelson View Post
                The spot where Eddowes was found drunk before her murder is actually just to the right of the letter "D" in the word "WARD" on your map.
                Fixed. Thanks
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                • #53
                  Hi Richard,

                  Perhaps this report, from The Star, could be added, and perhaps consideration given to changing slightly the ripper's presumed route from Berner St to Mitre Square?

                  "From two different sources we have the story that a man, when passing through Church Lane at about half past one, saw a man sitting on a doorstep and wiping his hands. As everyone is on the lookout for the murderer the man looked at the stranger with a certain amount of suspicion, where upon he tried to conceal his face. He is described as a man who wore a short jacket and a sailor's hat."

                  Cheers, George


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by GBinOz View Post
                    Hi Richard,

                    Perhaps this report, from The Star, could be added, and perhaps consideration given to changing slightly the ripper's presumed route from Berner St to Mitre Square?

                    "From two different sources we have the story that a man, when passing through Church Lane at about half past one, saw a man sitting on a doorstep and wiping his hands. As everyone is on the lookout for the murderer the man looked at the stranger with a certain amount of suspicion, where upon he tried to conceal his face. He is described as a man who wore a short jacket and a sailor's hat."

                    Cheers, George
                    Added. Check to see if it makes sense. Also, what was the date of the source? Thanks
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                    • #55
                      Originally posted by richardh View Post

                      Thanks, Frank
                      I've added this to the map in the Dorest street location.
                      Cheers, Richard!

                      "You can rob me, you can starve me and you can beat me and you can kill me. Just don't bore me."
                      Clint Eastwood as Gunny in "Heartbreak Ridge"


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by richardh View Post

                        Added. Check to see if it makes sense. Also, what was the date of the source? Thanks
                        Hi Richard,

                        You have placed the reference in Back Church Lane. Church Lane is on the northern side of Commercial Road opposite the Little Alie St intersection. If this was a JtR sighting it would mean he went along Church Lane and turned into Whitechapel Road to get to Mitre Square, rather than down Alie St. Interestingly, Church Lane would also be on the shortest route to Michael Kidney's home at 38 Dorset St.

                        Date of source is The Star 1 Oct 1888:

                        Cheers, George


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by FrankO View Post
                          Cheers, Richard!
                          Hi Frank,

                          Good to see you're still keeping an eye on us.

                          Best regards, George


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by GBinOz View Post
                            If this was a JtR sighting it would mean he went along Church Lane and turned into Whitechapel Road to get to Mitre Square, rather than down Alie St.
                            Hi George,

                            If it indeed was a JtR sighting, it would also mean he'd only covered some 370 meters since leaving Dutfield's Road in about 30 minutes - a distance he could have covered well within 5 minutes. Which, in turn suggests that he stuck around not too far from the crime scene in Dutfield's Yard for some 25 minutes. One other thing to ponder...

                            All the best,
                            Last edited by FrankO; 10-15-2022, 12:39 PM.
                            "You can rob me, you can starve me and you can beat me and you can kill me. Just don't bore me."
                            Clint Eastwood as Gunny in "Heartbreak Ridge"


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

                              Hi Frank,

                              Good to see you're still keeping an eye on us.

                              Best regards, George
                              Cheers, George!

                              Yes, every once in a while I check to see if there are some interesting posts for me to react to. Sometimes I react and stay for a longer or shorter while, other times I realise nothing changes and stay away a while longer. This time around I felt tempted to react to some posts on "Evidence of innocence" but decided there was no point in this, but since this Richard's map project concerns only facts and not how they can be interpreted, I added a thing or two.

                              Best regards,
                              "You can rob me, you can starve me and you can beat me and you can kill me. Just don't bore me."
                              Clint Eastwood as Gunny in "Heartbreak Ridge"


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by FrankO View Post
                                Cheers, George!

                                Yes, every once in a while I check to see if there are some interesting posts for me to react to. Sometimes I react and stay for a longer or shorter while, other times I realise nothing changes and stay away a while longer. This time around I felt tempted to react to some posts on "Evidence of innocence" but decided there was no point in this, but since this Richard's map project concerns only facts and not how they can be interpreted, I added a thing or two.

                                Best regards,
                                Hi Frank,

                                After the Richardson thread I am thinking the same thing. Eventually one has to make up their own mind regardless of the opinions of others (and just let them be wrong ).

                                As for the times on this possible sighting, we're back to the old problem of clock sync's and time estimates. I'm still on the fence as to whether Stride was even a JtR victim.

                                Best regards, George

