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East End Watch

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  • East End Watch

    No, nothing Maybricky!

    I started a thread in the good old days about changes to the Ripper district that were occuring at the time; direct architectural ones and things affiliated with the same. By its very nature, there's only a few people here who can regularly contribute updates but I thought it relevant.

    For example, at present Goulston Street is dug up and being entirely repaved. They've done Happy Days (today they finished it, actually) but there's nothing of note to see; the upheavals don't go deep enough.

    The other thing with far greater - and concerning - ramifications is the news I was given by the company today before I started taking a tour.

    The City have now barred all public access to the service road that was Dorset Street PERMANENTLY. They claim it is to stop the prostitutes, which is utter crap. I've never seen one down that road, there's nothing to stop people walking in there, a group of tourists are hardly with a prostitute (erm... we won't go there... no comments on gang-bangs or dogging...) and if you stop all the tours going into that road, well - a quiet undisturbed place is going to be JUST what the prostitutes are looking for! When I was there today, there were two yellow-jacketed security guards standing nearby (I stopped and did it all by the barrier at the Commercial Street side and it felt rubbish) but at the same time, I saw another group from the same company actually in the street doing the business - albeit down at the far end.

    I suspect that it has nothing at all to do with prostitutes and the people at the Fruit Exchange have brought in a private security firm as they've had enough of tours stopping outside their business. However, the chaps that DO work there have always been very friendly to me. I've asked the company if they know why another group was in there when we'd been told there was no more public access, but I've yet to have a reply.

    I can't see it lasting if it's true. This would mean permanent security guards, 24 hours a day, walking up and down one strip of service road. It's nonsensical.

    Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd.

  • #2
    This has probably been mentioned already, but the original site (now derelict) of the original Aldgate East Station (corner of Goulston St and Whitechapel High St) is now on view as the original solid hoardings have been replaced by railings.

    There is not that much to see, though on the Goulston Street side there are some brick 'doorways' which lead me to believe we are looking at the cellars of the former Aldgate East Tavern, a picture of which Rob Clack posted on the East End pictures thread last week.

    I'm in the area on Saturday morning (school tour) and it will be daylight for a change, so I'll try and get some snaps before they build something on it.


    • #3
      Hi John.

      Snaps already done from all angles and already here on the site, along with a link to a YouTube vid but more obviously welcome.

      Interesting about the doors - I just assumed all of it to be linked to the station.

      I should also mention that the building in the opposite corner of Mitre Square to Ripper's Corner has the demolition contractors in who appear to be gutting the building. I'm often tempted to find out who I need to speak to to get up into the building and take some shots from above.

      Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd.


      • #4
        Hi Philip,

        No more passage through White's Row? That's terrible. Just some recollection of when I was there this past September the week that I met you-- When I was doing my solo tour I came up from the south at around 1 p.m. and was carrying some greasy fish and chips from the Happy Days I'd just bought for lunch. When I got to the west end of White's Row I saw that there was a gate, but a man was just walking out and I asked him if it was ok to pass through. He shrugged and looked like he thought it was a strange question and just said "yeah." But when I was shooting video of the fruit exchange and narrarating the story out loud for my friends back home, an Indian fellow inside one of the big doors who was sweeping the floor was eyeing me quite a bit, and it looked like he then went and got his supervisor, who came and asked me what I was doing. I told him exactly and then asked if it was ok, and he said I could film outside but not to point the camera into the interior of the building. Is there no pedestrian traffic allowed through there at all anymore, or is it just closed to tour groups?


        • #5
          No pedestrians at all.

          I phoned the City Surveyor this afternoon and he has replied that tour groups WILL be allowed into the road (and he does state, quite correctly, that it is a private road after all) but first they must apply to the City for a licence.

          I'm fine with that - it'll keep out the riff-raff. However, in the meantime we've all got issues. Groups were being turned away today. Tomorrow night's going to be chaos - we've got three groups of public tours from our own company, let alone anyone else. Thankfully, I can do a route where I end at Dorset Street and should thus be avoiding most of the other people, getting there at about 8:30pm.

          Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd.


          • #6
            These are the photos I took of the old Aldgate East site and The Aldgate East Arms.

            This is from Aldgate High Street with Goulston Street on the right. I presume the area behind the wall is the cellars for the Aldgate East Arms and the area in front of the wall belonged to the Underground.
            Click image for larger version

Name:	Aldgate High St Goulston Street.jpg
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Size:	149.8 KB
ID:	655795

            This is basically from the same spot.
            Click image for larger version

Name:	Aldgate High St.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	133.3 KB
ID:	655796

            and this is from Goulston Street looking towards Middlesex Street
            Click image for larger version

Name:	Aldgate High St Middlesex St.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	150.3 KB
ID:	655797



            • #7
              Here's hoping summat's going to happen there - at least clearing it before something does. It's sat there like this with nothing happening there at all for over a month now.

              Back on the Dorset Street saga, I had a long chat on the phone with the City Surveyor this evening, and I have to say it's a baptism of fire.

              It's not just the prostitutes and druggies in the service road that are causing the issues, it IS the Ripper groups as well - but fear not; he is open-minded.

              The service road is, indeed, privately owned by the City and they are thus liable for members of the public should someone in a tour group have an accident (some groups have had people stepping into the line of cars and the like). When you look at it that way, you can see their point.

              I was told that the action was largely to prevent the crappier guides. He is well aware there are varying standards and he is all for the Ripper industry, but he (rightly) doesn't like it when tourists get told nonsense by the charlatans. Consequently, he said that the Commercial Street end is due to be gated and only licensed (being cost-free) guides will be permitted in with groups after being buzzed in.

              I explained to him about the company I work for and told him I personally have Public Liability insurance up to £15 million and he said that is exactly the sort of thing he means. He said that though he is aware that contact slips have been given out to many people, I was the first Ripper guide to contact him and he was happy to work with Richard Jones (as my boss) to discuss the issue and that the company John and I work for would probably be the first to be granted a licence.

              In short, this means that whilst it is currently a pain, a few weeks down the line there will be certain parties able to access the street again but from what he was saying it looks at the moment like it will only be us and Original London Walks, or ones who actually work for the City.

              This might well mean the casual Ripperologist won't be able to go there by themselves and certainly people unlucky enough to go with one of the less reputable companies won't get there at all.

              Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd.


              • #8
                Well, I wasn't planning to go with anyone but you anyway, Philip, so it's all good

                As a licensed guide for a licensed company, would you get access for small private tours, or would you have to be on an "official" one?

                Wellington, New Zealand


                • #9
                  Hi, Bailey. I have personal Public Liability Insurance anyway, so by having a copy of the licence granted to the company, I'd be at liberty to go there any time I chose. Technically, I legally fit all the requested criteria right now, but the City still have to get us the licence to say they have acknowledged it.

                  Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd.


                  • #10
                    A great opportunity for a bit of added theatre, Phil, as they open the gate!

                    (Always the "half-full" type, me )
                    Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                    "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


                    • #11
                      All good, Mr Phil. I'd hate to think I might someday get myself over there and not be able to get you to show me around!

                      Wellington, New Zealand


                      • #12
                        Say Phil, will the murder site still be basically visible at a distance to passers-by from either end of White's Row (Bell Lane or Commercial Street), or are there going to be obstructions now that block peoples' view? Surely they can't prevent people from taking pictures from a public street as long as they don't enter.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by kensei View Post
                          Say Phil, will the murder site still be basically visible at a distance to passers-by from either end of White's Row (Bell Lane or Commercial Street), or are there going to be obstructions now that block peoples' view? Surely they can't prevent people from taking pictures from a public street as long as they don't enter.
                          Hi Kensei,

                          Couldn't help noticing that you keep mentioning White's Row. A slip?

                          White's Row has nothing to do with the murder site which is in the unnamed service road to the north (that used to be Dorset St).

                          Access to White's Row is as normal. Dorset Street is a no-no.



                          • #14
                            I don't know what gate arrangement they're thinking of but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a tall one with only small holes in it so you can get a rough outline of what's down there but not a proper view.

                            Actually, on Saturday night I got down there fine and the security car went right past me but I know they are taking this seriously. Richard Jones phoned the City Surveyor on Monday and they're getting it sorted. I even was honoured by a phone call from Mr Rumbelow himself on Sunday asking for details.

                            One thing they ARE asking for is exact times every time when the guide will be arriving, so they can let them in. I don't need to tell you that that simply cannot work.

                            Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by George Hutchinson View Post

                              One thing they ARE asking for is exact times every time when the guide will be arriving, so they can let them in. I don't need to tell you that that simply cannot work.

                              That is a tricky one indeed. Personally, if I'm not there by 8.10pm, I start to get the heeby-jeebies.

