Originally posted by Lipsky
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The phrase "well meaning but clueless" was not directed at you.
It was directed at these "senior officers" to characterize their efficiency -- or lack of, apparently.
Combined with their penchant for public memoirs at their "golden years" of retirement, I think it shows, if anything, audacity.
I hold Abberline and Munro in high esteem, and I think with their combined effort at the time of the events, something better would have been achieved.
When Munro got back on track, it was "too late in the game".
Maybe I am wrong though, and catching this person "wasn't meant to be". He has deceived subsequent researchers and crime experts, passing off as a "lust murderer".
Fair points. But are you saying that he couldn’t have had a sexual motivation? I’m not saying that he did or didn’t by the way. I just don’t think that we can know for certain why he killed those women?
My opinions can be deemed as "illogical" or "erroneous" (or worse) by anyone willing to do so.
But you can hardly call them "patronising" as this term is used to characterize not opinions, but interaction with another person.
Your inquiry as to "how long" I have been an "expert" (!) was patronising because it turned the argument personal - ad hominem.
And it was illogical. One can follow a case for 500 years and still draw the wrong conclusions. One can follow a case for two weeks and apprehend the suspect.
Good police work is "real-time". We are only "post-fact" observers, researchers at best.
My comment ‘how long have you been an expert’ could have been phrased better. What I was getting at is that no one can be certain that they know the truth on all the various issues involved in the case. I got the impression that you were stating as facts what were in fact opinions. I think that we all have our own bugbears connected with this case and I suppose that my main one is over-confidence. Opinions stated as facts.
I have no knowledge of how user "Baron" behaves with response to your posts. If he is indeed rude etc, you have my sympathies.
I am too old to try and insult others as a means to choke my opinions down their throats.
I try to make a case as an interested observer without anything to profit from this, with whatever tools of analysis I may possess.
I am sure most people here do the same, and defend their convictions passionately, in compliance with our human nature.
Correct of course. The vast majority of posters do just that. We agree or disagree. Possibly my frustration at being stalked from thread to thread spilled over here. If I misinterpreted your post I apologise. Believe me, something that certain posters will never do.
It is this human nature that the killer defiled, along with the life and the dignity of some misguided women.
I hold these "senior officials" responsible because they were outsmarted by a dangerous, cunning, unremorseful Raskolnikov-type of "I have no blame" self-righteous murderer, whoever he may prove eventually to be (if at all).
Although the killer wasn’t caught I’m perhaps reluctant to blame them entirely. We’re they incompetent or just faced with a phenomena for which they were ill prepared or was it a mixture of both?