At the Eddowes inquest the testimonies of City PC's Watkins and Harvey contradicted so badly that there could be little room for any other conclusion than that one of them lied.
Not unusual for the inquests from the double event onwards but this was blatant and no room for the usual 'human error' or 'ambiguous interpretation' offered in defence .
Which one lied can't be known .

Watkins stated that he waited alone with the body until Holland arrived bringing along Sequeira .

Harvey stated that he remained in the square with Watkins .

Watkins couldn't possibly fail to notice that fellow city officer was stood next to him discussing the crime for 10 minutes whilst waiting for Holland ....

Now this raises the possibility that perjury was the reason for the unknown dismissal of Harvey some 8 months later .
If so , where was he when he should have been with Watkins ?