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The could be knife Thomas Coram found on October the 1st 1888

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  • Originally posted by niko View Post
    Hi everybody, still no luck with my research !! "dam".

    Many people think that the Thomas Coram knife was a round ended knife and about an inch wide. (which to my believe is not so)

    The following I think explain's quite well that the blade of the knife was wider than an inch and the point (tip) was rounded off.

    Dr Phillps coment on the knife appeared in the Daily Telegraph, 6 Ocober -

    The knife produced on the last occassion was not sharp pointed, was it ? - No, it was rounded off at the tip which was about an inch across. The blade was wider at the base. Was there anything to indicate that the cut on the neck of the deceased was made with a pointed knife ? - Nothing.

    He also claim's it was a sliceing knife. All the best.

    Just like a long bread knife of the period...something you would find in any kitchen...perhaps like the one whose door was open to the passageway Liz was killed in.


    • Nico, the British working classes suffered from a long trade recession in the 1880's plus a rural depression and bad harvests (worse actually in the earlier part of the decade) which affected the whole country.

      In the 1890's came the New Unionism, mass unionism for dockers, miners and so on, which, in contrast to the earlier small craft unions, really helped the working classes. None of this had anything to do with the Royal family and/or Freemasons.

      Generally speaking, the conditions for working class people in Britain gradually improved throughout the 19th century and into the Edwardian period.

      There was no more anxiety in the upper regions of society about the working classes rioting and taking over in the 1880's than there was in the 1870's, just a trade dip. The real danger of revolution in Britain occurred much earlier in the century when the Industrial Revolution brought in more and more new machinery.


      • If someone had got a hold of this knife from the police, why would they bury it there? It just seems kind of like a strange conclusion to draw, it's like finding a brass ring in the thames and just KNOWING it was annie chapman's


        • I understand the many policeman were freemason's if not all back in 1888, This is a hipothesis of mine, Let's say that the Royal family, the British goverment, the police and the freemason's were all worried of the disputes that the working population were creating in 1888 !! their worries were that they thought that a revolution could break out just as some year's earlier had happened in France !!

          So the Royal family, the goverment, the freemason's and the police working together planed and executed the whole story of Jack the Ripper to distract the population especially that of the East end who were disputeing and organising rally's to protest on their terrible working condition's,

          So this four mentioned parties acted out all the murder's and filled the East End with policemen !! thus the population were now more worried of this maniac on the loose that fighting for their right's, remember that the majority of the working popultion of the East End worked in semi slavery codition's.

          Any way !! thing's calmed down the murderer was never caught and funny enogh the working codition's bettered !! Funny thing that the Berner club where stride was suposed to have been murdered played an important role of creating the first working union's of London and the world I supose.

          If this hipothesis is true, we will never know who Jack the Ripper was as the mentioned four parties are still acting thier role and making sure that the truth remain's well burried !! hence my dead end's !!
          You are claiming that the police (all of them Freemasons) have been conspiring for more than 100 years? What a load of tosh. Why would there be a conspiracy covering a knife which lay undiscovered and forgotten for a century? Most likely explanations? Thrown there by a man who feared being stop-searched or dropped/forgotten by a tramp who slept there at one time. Oh, but I was a policeman for 30 years (never a Freemason then or now), so I would say that, wouldn't I - just to throw you off the scent?
          I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.


          • Originally posted by Bridewell View Post
            You are claiming that the police (all of them Freemasons) have been conspiring for more than 100 years? What a load of tosh. Why would there be a conspiracy covering a knife which lay undiscovered and forgotten for a century? Most likely explanations? Thrown there by a man who feared being stop-searched or dropped/forgotten by a tramp who slept there at one time. Oh, but I was a policeman for 30 years (never a Freemason then or now), so I would say that, wouldn't I - just to throw you off the scent?
            You wasn't a policeman in 1888 was you ? how do you know there wasn't plenty of policemen mason's in 1888 ? my belief's are not that the knife was dropped or fogotten by a tramp !! I belief the knife with a rotten cloth wrapped around the handle and secured with a thin string which also has three notches carved onto the side of the handle was intentionally burried in the garage (arch) floor !! remember Bridewell it's only a hipothesis !! how dare I say that a goverment or a royal family or police force would do such a thing !! COVER UP !! unthinkable !! it would be the first time !! lol

            To me this knife is suspicious !! the reason¡s I have written in this thread.

            All the best.



            • Hello Niko.
              When i wAs deployed, my roommate was an Arkansas mason who had been kicked out because he had served at the funeral for of another mason. He explained the reason thus: he was a white mason who had served at a black mason's funeral. I didnt know this, but there were two major freemason groups.

              You use the term "freemason" in a ubiquitous manner, but were there different mason "groups" (not clubs or charters) active in London88?
              there,s nothing new, only the unexplored


              • Originally posted by Robert St Devil View Post
                Hello Niko.
                When i wAs deployed, my roommate was an Arkansas mason who had been kicked out because he had served at the funeral for of another mason. He explained the reason thus: he was a white mason who had served at a black mason's funeral. I didnt know this, but there were two major freemason groups.

                You use the term "freemason" in a ubiquitous manner, but were there different mason "groups" (not clubs or charters) active in London88?
                Sorry Robert I can't answer your question, don't know nothing about the freemason's, mason's or franco masones how there called in Spanish, as a youngster I heard that anyone could become a freemason !! let's say that policemen and villan's could be brother's of the same brotherhood just like a butcher or a doctor too !!

                All the best.



                • Originally posted by niko View Post
                  Hello to everybody, my name is Niko. Firstly i would like to say its a pleasure on joining the forum, i have been reading various threads on this forum and i must addmit a lot of you know a hell of a lot about the Whitechapel murders, i wish i could say the same about me. not too good on handling the computer, the other day i accidently named myself ripperologist on facebook, ( what a bodge up ). I joined this forum to see if anyone could help me with the following subject. I think i have the knife Thomas Coram found along the Whitechpel Road. I lived in the East End of London, in the heart where Jack the ripper commited his horrific murders. At the age of seventeen whilst working in a near by railway arch to my home i unburried a knife. The condition of the knife found was as follows - a twelve inch long knife, the blade of the knife was bent or turned, the blade was covered in a thick crust, the handle was wraped up in a rotten cloth and a thin string tied around the blade end of the handle. I remember the string being very neatly tied. I after straightened the blade and cleaned all the knife (now i know that was a stupid thing to do). However in 2006 i became interested on JTR, i started looking on the internet and to my suprise i came across some amazing information, being the following - a man called Thomas Coram on Monday the 1st of October 1888 at half past midnight found a twelve inch long knife on a door step along the Whitechapel Road. He handed the knife to P.C Joseph Drage, who further on took it to Leman Street Police Station. The discription of the knife found was as follows - along bladed knife with a hankerchief tied around the handle, both knife and hankie were stained with blood. I have my own hypothesis about the Whitechapel murders. I have spoken with the up most experts on JTR they make me belive, they think im inventing the whole story up, " im telling the truth its not in my nature to lie". I have also come to think that society has been more interested in making money from JTR than actually interested in resolving who was or who were the real Jack the ripper for once and for all. I ask myself many questions about the JTR case, but one that baffles me is,if it is the SAME KNIFE, how did it get from being in Police custody at Leman Street Police Station, to being burried for more than a hundred years in a railway arch in the East End. In my research i have found a possible conection between the arch were i found the evil knife and Aaron Kozminski, the number one suspect i think at the time of the murders. The possible conection being that the propioter of the mentioned arch grandfarther could of been Aaron Kozminski,s cousin. Now put yourself in my shoes, you find an old bent up knife wraped up in a rotten cloth when your a kid and twentyfive years later you find out there was a knife with the same discription found at the times of the murders, what would you think or do? open to all sugestions, within limits,will try to place picture of knife on forum,thanks for reading, all the best, live and let live.
                  Do you even paragraph, bro?


                  • Originally posted by Harry D View Post
                    Do you even paragraph, bro?
                    Not then but I do now !! as you can see !! lol.

                    All the best.



                    • Not everyone can be a Freemason, at all. You have to be invited and your good character established.


                      • Originally posted by Rosella View Post
                        Not everyone can be a Freemason, at all. You have to be invited and your good character established.
                        Like I said I don't know nothing about mason's !! Whay I ment that anyone from any religion or colour can be a mason !! ofcourse you have to make yourself invited !!


                        • In order to become a Freemason, you need some basic qualifications (specific qualifications vary from one lodge to the next, but some general rules apply). But if you meet the Freemason criteria, you still have to go through a process, from petitioning to becoming a full member.

                          The qualifications to join a lodge vary from one jurisdiction to another, but some basic qualifications are common to all regular Masonic lodges:

                          You must believe in a Supreme Being.

                          You must be joining of your own free will.

                          Don’t let your dad, uncle, neighbor, or friend pressure you into joining. Join because you want to.

                          You must be a man.

                          You must be free-born.

                          The term “free-born” is a holdover from the days when slavery, indentured servitude, and bonding were common. It means that a man must be his own master, and not be bound to another man. That’s not a problem these days, but the language is retained because of its antiquity and a desire to retain the heritage of the fraternity.

                          You must be of lawful age. Depending on the Grand Lodge, this can be anywhere from 18 to 25.

                          You must come recommended by at least two existing Freemasons from the lodge you’re petitioning.

                          Masonry doesn’t care about your worldly wealth or social position. Both the bank’s president and the bank’s janitor can apply for membership, and they’re considered equally qualified.

                          You’ll be asked other important questions down the road, before you’re allowed to join a lodge:

                          Are you unbiased by friends and uninfluenced by any mercenary motives?

                          Do you have a favorable opinion of Freemasonry?

                          Do you agree to follow the rules?
                          The above was provided to me by a very high ranking mason.
                          G U T

                          There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                          • Scissor¡s or knife ?

                            Hello everyone, I bet you all think I'm a nutter for going on about this knife !! I am very stubborn when I think that I'm right !! at the present I'm trying to locate a teacher from my old school but with no luck !!

                            Iwould like to know what some of you think of the following.

                            At the age of 15 after school I would go to work at a Taxi garage that was located in a railway arch, on Saturday's I would work all day. My boss on winter day's would offer coffee to the policeman that was on the beat around the garage, I remember on one ocasion my boss commenting about one policeman, my boss said " that copper's stupid !! everytime he comes in for a coffee all he does is stare at the brickwork of the arch as if his looking for something " let's call this policeman Bill,lol

                            Bill's brother in law was hireing a cab from our garage to work the street's, let's say the taxi driver's name is Ben, so Bill "n" Ben are related, lol. On one occasion Ben told me that his wife was a teacher at my school (her name let's say is mary) her name is Mary, I told him that I knew, she was an English teacher but that I wasn't in her class, Ben told me that she would like to talk to me and that I should visit her at school.

                            So one afternoon after my last class I visited her class, she welcomed me and told me that I knew her husband and brother, she also asked me how I liked working at the garage and how was I doing in school ? I replied that I enjoyed working at the garage and that I was doing well in school.

                            Then she asked me the most strangest of question's, " do you know if in the garage you work at, has anything strange been found ? " strange like what I replied ? " like a pair of scissor's or a knife ?" not of what I know of " I replied, we talked for a little while longer then I departed !!

                            The funny thing is that two year's later I found burried in the garage the large knife which I believe is the same knife Thomas Coram found along the Whitechapel road on the 1st oct 1888.

                            I found out that Mary further on went to become headmistress of a school in the East End, I contacted the school for contact detail's for Mary but they refused to give me any detail's due to their policy, they only told me that she had retired some year's back All that I want to ask Mary is why when I was 15 she asked me about the scissor's and knife in the garage (railway arch) ?????
                            I think she could shed some light regarding the knife I found.
                            By the way Mary, Bill "n" Ben were Jewish !!

                            All the best,



                            • Hello, Niko,

                              I'm confused. In your first post, you said you found the knife in a railway arch near your home.

                              In your most recent post, you said you found it buried in the garage where you once worked.

                              Which is correct?
                              Pat D.
                              Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.


                              • Originally posted by niko View Post
                                Hello everyone, I bet you all think I'm a nutter for going on about this knife !! I am very stubborn when I think that I'm right !! at the present I'm trying to locate a teacher from my old school but with no luck !!

                                Iwould like to know what some of you think of the following.

                                At the age of 15 after school I would go to work at a Taxi garage that was located in a railway arch, on Saturday's I would work all day. My boss on winter day's would offer coffee to the policeman that was on the beat around the garage, I remember on one ocasion my boss commenting about one policeman, my boss said " that copper's stupid !! everytime he comes in for a coffee all he does is stare at the brickwork of the arch as if his looking for something " let's call this policeman Bill,lol

                                Bill's brother in law was hireing a cab from our garage to work the street's, let's say the taxi driver's name is Ben, so Bill "n" Ben are related, lol. On one occasion Ben told me that his wife was a teacher at my school (her name let's say is mary) her name is Mary, I told him that I knew, she was an English teacher but that I wasn't in her class, Ben told me that she would like to talk to me and that I should visit her at school.

                                So one afternoon after my last class I visited her class, she welcomed me and told me that I knew her husband and brother, she also asked me how I liked working at the garage and how was I doing in school ? I replied that I enjoyed working at the garage and that I was doing well in school.

                                Then she asked me the most strangest of question's, " do you know if in the garage you work at, has anything strange been found ? " strange like what I replied ? " like a pair of scissor's or a knife ?" not of what I know of " I replied, we talked for a little while longer then I departed !!

                                The funny thing is that two year's later I found burried in the garage the large knife which I believe is the same knife Thomas Coram found along the Whitechapel road on the 1st oct 1888.

                                I found out that Mary further on went to become headmistress of a school in the East End, I contacted the school for contact detail's for Mary but they refused to give me any detail's due to their policy, they only told me that she had retired some year's back All that I want to ask Mary is why when I was 15 she asked me about the scissor's and knife in the garage (railway arch) ?????
                                I think she could shed some light regarding the knife I found.
                                By the way Mary, Bill "n" Ben were Jewish !!

                                All the best,

                                Hello Pcdunn in my first post I wrote "whilst working in a near by railway arch to my home I unburried a knife " not so confuseing I think.

                                All the best.


