We don't know, of course, but then, it's not really a very long "gap". The JtR crimes happen with very short "inter-crime intervals". While there are modern cases with shorter intervals between offences, it is more common for the time between murders to be measured in months rather than weeks. Given that JtR has to find a victim and have what he deemed a suitable opportunity, and given the panic following the double event, the "gap" may reflect nothing more than lack of opportunity rather than lack of trying. Even the "gap" between Kelly and McKenzie (for those who include the latter as potential JtR victim) is not so large that it is unusual in general, although given the rapidity of the earlier sequence it might raise questions for this specific series. Basically, I'm not sure the gap itself is sufficient to bolster any particular theory as it is consistent with just about anything from "the inter-crime interval will vary, and some intervals will be longer than others" to "sick", "out of country", "no opportunity", "couldn't be bothered", "had extra work", and so forth. Almost anything you can think of will work because we have no further information to constrain our reasoning. And remember, if anything works, it tells us nothing.
- Jeff
- Jeff