Originally posted by DarkTaleProductions
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2. I am loth to describe the world in all its grandness to you. But I shall, wishing that perhaps you might grasp it in your slippery minds narrowed by prejudice and ignorance; always seeing what you expect but not ever seeing the truth.
It was the most despicable place, East End. Most of the whores were just but heifers, but many bore children. Little rats, scampering about in their filth, mothers and fathers wasting themselves with worldly things. Maybe some had it in their mind to do good. But they were far, and they were few. And it smelt. It smelt like hell. And it was just that. Hell. Body odour, vomit, defecation and foul rotten things. The violent roars of anger and laughter, whoring, fighting, crying, and drunkards staggering about like fiends from the pit itself. You could taste the fumes of industry in the air. If you ever touch a thing there, I would say your are eternally contaminated. Mad women, selling their flesh like cattle on the streets, and what makes me almost too ill, men, buying them? The whores are naught but animals, just pay a fee and you’ll be let ‘in’.
Everyone was crazed, you could see it in their eyes. They beg on the streets and pull you down to their pitiful height. You’re not going to get very far in life, you know, living in hell. When we die, we’ll all go there. We all deserve to burn in hell. If our God was any true God, he would roast our flesh in the pits of madness and despair. We’re all fiends. Look at what we do, every day, the bond between cattle and a drover. You know, a cow’s going to be awfully confused when she has many drovers to guide her. They need only one. Or then they’ll have no true loyalty, and will follow only the one who offers the finest reward. Men, all they are is drovers, and women are the cattle in need of being led. But what man does his job accordingly? And what woman does not rebel against?
No drover should allow the cattle to lead him. The cattle does not know right from left, up from down, it goes only where it thinks there is something pleasing. The cattle will destroy them both in the end. She will lead them off a cliff if the land below only is beautiful to her deluded mind.
3. Why must I see the world as it truly is?
Originally posted by Frank
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2. I'd rather not. I do not see why any of you would wish to retain such information if you were the perpetrator.
3. My behaviour was surreal. It was only after the papers came out and the people flocked around madly did I truly comprehend what it was I had done. I laughed at what I read and witnessed outside, but after I stopped and thought, I really wished I hadn’t done it. I could not turn away from the inevitable now. And I did cry a lot, you know, as when I was a boy and needed something or someone to hold on to.
Originally posted by JTRSickert
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2. No, but I killed one less than you assume.
3. Four.
Originally posted by lynn cates
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2. To destroy the One Ring.
3. The colour of the rainbow!
1. All the time.
2. So often I have failed to remember mentionable vice.
3. But they are all male.
Originally posted by corey123
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2. I killed only four. But no one really knew, why not take the credit for the majority of the crimes, wouldn’t that be very frightening.
3. You are all such a bore. These questions are read over again so many times. Nothing original except for: can I examine your brain

Originally posted by kensei
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2. Four.
3. We all realise what the kidney underwent, but neither the heart nor the uteri have any clear reason for removal. Except for your theories of them as trophies. But that was incorrect. If you have slaughtered a bit of livestock, you’re not going to keep for yourself the unusable organs. You do not eat them. You discard them. I burnt them. I watched them fade into ashes and was pleased!
However, the heart was another story. I must confess there wasn’t a heart to begin with. I simply did not take it out! She was a heartless person for sure.
Originally posted by brummie
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Originally posted by Phil Carter
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2. Unfortunately, it is an almost casual thing to find evidence of my existence. The best evidence you have for it all are those thoughts and speculations that run through your mind.
3. Again, I must refuse you. It would be an incessant provider of boredom if I dared to offer you such a telling of madness.
Originally posted by corey123
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2. There were no solid reasons for the first three murders however, Mary was another story but that’s not worth telling is it? That son story of hers was a true thing but out of date you see her son was really dead.
3. No. It would look too much like your own to be of any interest.
Originally posted by Hunter
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2. Well it made a brilliant comedy. But the whole thing was a disaster, it became so boring after twenty and three minutes.
3. I believe Global Warming was invented by a man or a woman who desired a purpose in life.
Originally posted by Sam Flynn
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2. Chapman, Stride, Eddowes, and 'Kelly'.
3. Mary.
Originally posted by DVV
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2. I did indeed.
3. The latter.
Originally posted by protohistorian
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2. Where? I think you know where, and you know when.
3. They were all whores obviously.
Originally posted by joelhall
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2. I have no desire to make it known unto you or any of your fellows profess the ability to understand.
3. Not really I was too fast for them. I guess they tore a muscle when chasing me, and gave up after all they are bad sports.
Originally posted by KatBradshaw
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2. Not there.
3. No.
Originally posted by looby64
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2. …
3. I returned to where I came from and died from consumption.
Originally posted by perrymason
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2. She stole my pocketbook.
3. I don't watch Monty Python so I kent tell you.
Originally posted by Gman992
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2. Because they refused to tell me the secret ingredient in ginger beer.
3. Because I was such an arrogant cuss I thought my own prowess would render me invisible to the lower persons' eye.
4. As if you’d know half of what my father’s ‘job on me’ was.