Id be happy to BB , way back in 1973 the BBC in London ran a six part documentary on jack the ripper which is on you tube , i strongly suggest you watch it . The lead researcher on that series was one Stephen knight , his 1976 book JTR The Final Solution is based on the claims of Joseph Sickert who appeared on the finale and told his story about who jack the ripper really was as told to him by his father Walter Sickert. i believe his book offers the only possible explanation as to how the murders were committed AND BY WHO.The motive is very complicated ,which i wont get into on this post ,however its the manner in which the women were killed is that which ill stick too just for now .Now let me clarify something right from the start, for people who didn't do there research it was easy for them to dismiss this story and knights book on the basis that ,1st Joseph Sickert made claims some years later that he made the whole thing up. 2nd that Joseph couldn't be Walter Sickerts son because Walter could not father children. 3rd that the main perpetrator of crimes on all 5 women was a physician who had suffered a minor stroke and couldn't possibly have been the murderer. In 2002 Patricia Cornwells book Ripper The Secret Life Of W.S. Cornwell contacted Joseph to ask him about his father, and if he would like to add something or even proposed they write a book together , when asked about his comments after the knight book he stated ''it was something he had regretted saying and wished he hadn't made that claim''. Walter Sickert had a operation on his parts when his was five years old . In Jean Overton Fullers book Sickett And The Ripper Crimes ,she more than proves that he was certainly capable of fathering children, which by the way he had two sons , all be it just a little more uncomfortable than most men do it. Lastly chapter 11 of knight book the final solution is by far the most comprehensive evaluation the physician and his involvement in the murders that cannot be overlooked simply because of a minor stroke and his age at the time. Bearing in mind it wasn't the first time this physician was accused of being involved. 1888 and 1895 to be precise. Having hopefully cleared up the main reason for people dismissing knight book and i sure there are others i could answer too if needed , i will tell you why i believe his work to be an accurate account of the murders, its because his research back in 1973 to 1976 gave him access to files that were not made available to the public at that time and as far as im aware ive yet to read any book that pre or post dates his that the same inquest and police and witness statements and coroner reports that are from the originals ive read so many different versions of what claim to be from ripper inquest, statements eyewitness reports that are different from knight version and its just small difference but it changes the entire narrative to fit in to what ever the author want people to believe his version of JTR to be the correct one. There cant be 300 jack the rippers for 300 different books, but most authors use unsubstantiated internet versions ,newspaper reports of what claim to be official documents, even the casebook inquest reports slightly differ from the originals . Robin Odells book Jack the Ripper Fact or Fiction and Cornwells JTR Portrait of a Killer . These five book together have solved the JTR murders completely THE HOW , THE WHO, AND THE WHY .