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An historical pattern

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  • An historical pattern


    I enjoyed reading the suggestion about the strange astronomical pattern.

    Polly Nichols was the only victim found 15 minutes walk from a police station.

    All the other victims were found 5-10 minutes from a police station - or two.

    Regards, Pierre
    Attached Files

  • #2
    What on earth is the raison d'etre of this thread? The Whitechapel district was absolutely tiny. For instance, the Whitechapel Metropolitan Police District (H Division) encompassed a mere 1.25 square miles:

    I would therefore have thought that almost everywhere in Whitechapel was a five to ten minute walk away.

    That should be sufficient to dispose of this thread, although don't hesitate, Pierre, to ask me if you require any further assistance.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Pierre View Post
      I enjoyed reading the suggestion about the strange astronomical pattern.

      Polly Nichols was the only victim found 15 minutes walk from a police station.

      All the other victims were found 5-10 minutes from a police station - or two.
      It's an amazing thing you've spotted there.

      But perhaps they were all even closer to a doctor's surgery?

      I wonder if there were other things that they were all close to. Grape sellers maybe? Post Offices? Public houses? Lodging houses? Slaughter houses? Tinkers? Tailors? Butchers? Bakers? Candlestick Makers?


      • #4
        Originally posted by John G View Post
        What on earth is the raison d'etre of this thread? The Whitechapel district was absolutely tiny. For instance, the Whitechapel Metropolitan Police District (H Division) encompassed a mere 1.25 square miles:

        I would therefore have thought that almost everywhere in Whitechapel was a five to ten minute walk away.

        That should be sufficient to dispose of this thread, although don't hesitate, Pierre, to ask me if you require any further assistance.
        No, such a distance (1,25 mile) is about 25-30 minutes walk.

        The pattern is that the murder sites are 5-10 minutes walk from a police station.

        You are certainly not of any assistance at all, John. And I do not accept your belittling comment about disposing of the thread.
        Last edited by Pierre; 07-21-2016, 01:20 PM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by David Orsam View Post
          It's an amazing thing you've spotted there.

          But perhaps they were all even closer to a doctor's surgery?

          I wonder if there were other things that they were all close to. Grape sellers maybe? Post Offices? Public houses? Lodging houses? Slaughter houses? Tinkers? Tailors? Butchers? Bakers? Candlestick Makers?
          What garbage you provide this forum with, David. As usual.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Pierre View Post
            No, such a distance (1,25 mile) is about 25-30 minutes walk.

            The pattern is that the murder sites are 5-10 minutes walk from a police station.

            You are certainly not of any assistance at all, John. And I do not accept your belittling comment about disposing of the thread.
            But in a district whose total area was 1.25 square miles even the extremes of the district mightn't be 1.25 miles apart. And it certainly wouldn't be 1.25 miles from a boundary to the centre point. Geography, I see, is not really your strong point. And there were 4 police stations in Whitechapel, so they were probably only a few minutes walk from one another. I would therefore of thought that most places were only 5 or 10 minutes walk from a police station.

            And I'm sorry if you think I'm belittling your threads because I'm honestly starting to feel a little sorry for you now. However, you keep starting endless threads concerning subjects that you apparently haven't properly thought through-like the geography of Whitechapel, for example.

            I mean, I wouldn't mind but you're supposed to be an academic with several degrees, although I'm assuming geography isn't one of them!
            Last edited by John G; 07-21-2016, 01:43 PM.


            • #7
              [QUOTE=John G;388609]

              But in a district whose total area was 1.25 square miles even the extremes of the district mightn't be 1.25 miles apart. Geography, I see, is not really your strong point.
              Abstaining from making belittling comments is not really your strong point.

              And I'm sorry if you think I'm belittling your threads because I'm honestly starting to feel a little sorry for you now.
              Keep your belittling comments to yourself if you can not contribute to the discussion without telling others you are feeling sorry for them.

              However, you keep starting endless threads concerning subjects that you apparently haven't properly thought through-like the geography of Whitechapel, for example.
              "Properly" thought through"? What a belittling and meaningless thing to say. You are not in any position to know what I have thought through or not. You know nothing about how I work.

              You see, I have no problem with asking questions and looking "stupid", if that is your opinion, in the eyes of those who are worshipping the ideas of police officers from 1888. I prefer that. It leads to knowledge, whereas ripperology mostly leads to the same prejudiced and old ideas.

              I mean, I wouldn't mind but you're supposed to be an academic with several degrees, although I'm assuming geography isn't one of them!
              Shall I give a list of what yours degrees are not, is that what you are asking for?

              Stop attacking me and stop destroying the thread.
              Last edited by Pierre; 07-21-2016, 01:45 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Pierre View Post
                The pattern is that the murder sites are 5-10 minutes walk from a police station.
                Er, but not where Nichols was murdered in Bucks Row.

                Lechmere's house was situated closer than a police station to where she was murdered.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Pierre View Post
                  Stop attacking me and stop destroying the thread.
                  I think this thread is already dead.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by David Orsam View Post
                    I think this thread is already dead.
                    I hope so.
                    G U T

                    There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by John G View Post

                      Abstaining from making belittling comments is not really your strong point.

                      Keep your belittling comments to yourself if you can not contribute to the discussion without telling others you are feeling sorry for them.

                      "Properly" thought through"? What a belittling and meaningless thing to say. You are not in any position to know what I have thought through or not. You know nothing about how I work.

                      You see, I have no problem with asking questions and looking stupid in the eyes of people who are worshipping the ideas of police officers from 1888. I prefer that. It leads to knowledge, whereas ripperology mostly leads to the same prejudiced and old ideas.

                      Shall I give a list of what yours degrees are not?

                      Stop attacking me and stop destroying the thread.
                      You seem to be going off topic with this post, which must be a first considering it's your own thread! Although to be fair I would concede that my degree is also not in geography-unlike yourself, who I seem to recall has a multitude of degrees I, unfortunately, only have the one.

                      As for how you work, you are absolutely correct. I frankly haven't a clue how you arrive at your theories, except it's probably not via the disciplined method of an academic historian, and I doubt anyone else does either.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Pierre View Post
                        No, such a distance (1,25 mile) is about 25-30 minutes walk.

                        The pattern is that the murder sites are 5-10 minutes walk from a police station.

                        You are certainly not of any assistance at all, John. And I do not accept your belittling comment about disposing of the thread.
                        Pierre you are walking very slowly, where do you get the figure of 25-30 minutes to walk one and a quarter miles from please. A reliable source please?



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Elamarna View Post
                          Pierre you are walking very slowly, where do you get the figure of 25-30 minutes to walk one and a quarter miles from please. A reliable source please?

                          The average walking speed is between 3 and 5 mph. So let's use 4.

                          Thus 1.25 miles would be about 20 minutes.

                          Even 3 mph is under half an hour.

                          Not many cop shops needed in that space to be only five minutes away from any point.
                          G U T

                          There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                          • #14
                            Closest police station to Durward street: Bethnal Green, one mile away to the north. Bow Road is about 2 miles further East down Whitechapel Road (A11). These are tiny distances in London terms (Monty may even have knowledge of some former stations even closer)


                            • #15
                              My major incident training included routes of ingress and egress. Pierre's map has triggered a thought, not one of the canonical five was more than five minutes walk from one of the (then new) District and Hammersmith train stations. These would have offered escape routes if open at the relevant times! Does anyone know about historic London Transport regional operations?

