Originally posted by Hunter
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Yes it would appear so !
Daily News 3rd Oct
Some information furnished by two City police constables to their superior officers yesterday morning supplied what is at present the only clue to the identity of the woman murdered in Mitre-square. The policemen, having seen the mutilated body at the mortuary in Golden-lane, expressed the opinion that it was that of a woman who had been taken to the station by them a short time ago when under the influence of drink.
A reporter, writing at two o'clock, said: - Some information has just come to light in connection with the woman murdered in Mitre-square, to which the authorities attach considerable value. It appears that two City police-constables, who have seen the body, believe that it is that of a woman whom they had in custody some time ago on a charge of drunkenness. This woman, when charged, lived at a lodging-house in the neighbourhood of Fashion-street, Whitechapel, and the police are now making inquiries in that district as to whether such a person has been there recently. The constables, however, while being of opinion that the woman found in Mitre-square is the same as the one they had in custody, are not quite positive. The police are, therefore, endeavouring to discover whether the woman who was in custody is now alive, and if such is the case the particular incident so far will of course end.
And if it seems unlikely that it was Halse himself who threw it all together .. Is there another candidate ? Who was the other PC with Robinson who was present at the time of the "Nothing" comment ? And who else would have had both opportunity and desire to cause such a kerfuffle between the two forces ?
The Hat stand is still standing , we may just need a new hat
moonbegger .