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The word JUWES

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  • Simon Wood
    Hi Monty,

    I wasn't attempting to be funny, although I do see that somebody appreciated the joke.

    Unless Goulston Street was particularly quiet that morning, then [based on the fears of Arnold and Warren], it's fair to conclude that for about an hour Willie Bettles' lone vigilance in guarding the GSG prevented a riot by the local Jewish community.

    Surely you of all people can't deny PC 190H his hour of glory.



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  • Stephen Thomas
    Originally posted by Simon Wood View Post
    My sympathies go out to PC 190H Willie Bettles who, for the best part of an hour, had to single-handedly prevent any passing Jews from reading the GSG and thus thwart a riot.

    I'm not quite with you here, Simon.

    I'd thought that it was Gentiles who were not supposed to read the message.

    Am I missing something?

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  • RivkahChaya
    Originally posted by Sally View Post
    The prevalence of graffiti in East London has no bearing on the likelihood, or not, that the Ripper wrote it. Other factors may argue for or against, but not that one.

    Originally posted by Monty View Post
    Indeed, the fact is graffiti existed during the period and it would be foolish to think Goulston Street was an exception.

    Of course it does. If it wasn't possible to drop a piece of apron without having it near a piece of graffito, then of course it matters.

    My own thoughts are that JTR isn't responsible for it, because of its cryptic nature. I think it was intended for someone, or some specific group, who would have understood it clearly. The spelling and odd grammar were in-jokes, or references to something, or continuation of a longer message, where it made sense.

    If it hadn't been erased, then someone could have come forward and said "Yeah, that was us-- no Ripper connection." But that couldn't happen, because it was erased.
    Originally posted by Simon Wood View Post
    My sympathies go out to PC 190H Willie Bettles who, for the best part of an hour, had to single-handedly prevent any passing Jews from reading the GSG and thus thwart a riot.

    I'm amazed he didn't receive a medal.

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  • Monty
    Originally posted by Simon Wood View Post
    Hi Monty,

    My sympathies go out to PC 190H Willie Bettles who, for the best part of an hour, had to single-handedly prevent any passing Jews from reading the GSG and thus thwart a riot.

    I'm amazed he didn't receive a medal.



    Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, so its fitting you should come out with that comment, no?

    Due to the timing, we both know the chances of anyone seeing the writing at the moment Bettles stood guard were far less than when Warren arrived.

    I expect better from you Sir. Far better.


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  • Simon Wood
    Hi Monty,

    My sympathies go out to PC 190H Willie Bettles who, for the best part of an hour, had to single-handedly prevent any passing Jews from reading the GSG and thus thwart a riot.

    I'm amazed he didn't receive a medal.



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  • Monty
    Originally posted by moonbegger View Post
    It makes perfect sense in a War situation Monty , to ready your troops for the battle ahead .. in which case there must surely be records of Warren asking for reinforcements for the oncoming Riots he feared was just ahead, spurred on by the first press release of the infamous anti Semitic fire starter !

    But there are none that i can find ?

    Also Monty , considering the lengths he was prepared to go to to stop a handful of local people seeing the GSG is it really feasible that he would allow his officers to announce it to the press and the rest of the world a few days later ? Troops ready or not !

    Before he erases the GSG , He is in code red mode (apparently) Fearful of Riots, deaths , Armageddon in the East End ! Once he erases the message, its gone ! danger over , fear of imminent rioting no longer a worry ( back in code white )

    So what reason or gain could there be for Charles Warren, going from the danger of code red into the stand down tranquility of code white , then back into code red when there really was no need , it could have been easily avoided ..

    It's a fact there was something on that wall , that he recognised and wanted gone ! If it was the anti Semitic repercussions , then only a disconnected fool would allow his men on the ground to share it with the rest of world a few days later !

    If it was indeed the fact that he recognised the word " Juwes" (misspelt or otherwise) and made the connection himself , implying freemasonry and his Brother's ( whether it was, or wasn't ) it makes a lot more sense that he would get rid of the message and not give a hoot about his officers using the word " Jews" for the press a few days later .

    just a thought !

    moonbegger .
    There is no need for Warren to reinforce as the Bobbies were already called in. Long for example. It was a case of formulating a plan if required.

    As for stating that there was no rioting in the end, hindsight is golden isn't it? I'm sure if rioting did occur some hear would have slated Warren for it.

    Damned if he did....


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  • moonbegger
    Originally posted by Monty View Post
    Beacuse Arnold had then time to organise his forces to cover such incidents.

    It makes perfect sense in a War situation Monty , to ready your troops for the battle ahead .. in which case there must surely be records of Warren asking for reinforcements for the oncoming Riots he feared was just ahead, spurred on by the first press release of the infamous anti Semitic fire starter !

    But there are none that i can find ?

    Also Monty , considering the lengths he was prepared to go to to stop a handful of local people seeing the GSG is it really feasible that he would allow his officers to announce it to the press and the rest of the world a few days later ? Troops ready or not !

    Before he erases the GSG , He is in code red mode (apparently) Fearful of Riots, deaths , Armageddon in the East End ! Once he erases the message, its gone ! danger over , fear of imminent rioting no longer a worry ( back in code white )

    So what reason or gain could there be for Charles Warren, going from the danger of code red into the stand down tranquility of code white , then back into code red when there really was no need , it could have been easily avoided ..

    It's a fact there was something on that wall , that he recognised and wanted gone ! If it was the anti Semitic repercussions , then only a disconnected fool would allow his men on the ground to share it with the rest of world a few days later !

    If it was indeed the fact that he recognised the word " Juwes" (misspelt or otherwise) and made the connection himself , implying freemasonry and his Brother's ( whether it was, or wasn't ) it makes a lot more sense that he would get rid of the message and not give a hoot about his officers using the word " Jews" for the press a few days later .

    just a thought !

    moonbegger .

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  • Edward
    Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
    Hi Edward
    Except that it implicates jews-
    Abby -

    Implicates Jews for what? There were probably hundreds, if not thousands of transactions between Jews and Gentiles that took place in Whitechapel on the day in question. It could have been a business deal gone bad, someone not repaying a loan on time, reneged promises, etc. Any of those things could have prompted the GSG on that day. The GSG does not directly reference any specific crime or slight.

    Last edited by Edward; 09-05-2012, 05:10 PM. Reason: spelling

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  • Monty
    Originally posted by Sally View Post
    The prevalence of graffiti in East London has no bearing on the likelihood, or not, that the Ripper wrote it. Other factors may argue for or against, but not that one.
    Indeed, the fact is graffiti existed during the period and it would be foolish to think Goulston Street was an exception.


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  • Sally
    The prevalence of graffiti in East London has no bearing on the likelihood, or not, that the Ripper wrote it. Other factors may argue for or against, but not that one.

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by Edward View Post
    Hello All -

    Lynn - thanks for the link to graffiti!
    Is anyone amazed at the quality of the graffiti documented on the link than LC provided? I am certainly impressed.

    The simple notes and notices aside, a lot of it is well thought out, intelligent and literary. The poetry is fantastic. The prevalence of graffiti in the East End has been discussed (I'm sure) on these boards, but I've not noticed any discussion about the quality of the renderings. It appears that at least some of the writers were well educated and thoughtful.

    In my mind, the possibility now exists that the GSG was a well thought out expression (subtle and vague) intended to provoke thought and discussion. The spelling of “Juwes” may not be a misspelling at all, but intentional. The GSG is vague enough to allow multiple interpretations, depending upon the reader’s point of view. It certainly has simulated a lot of discussion on the boards!

    However, the GSG does not contain any direct reference to the murder(s) or to any crime for that matter. I feel that it was probably one of many examples of graffiti in and about Whitechapel, and its proximity to the piece of apron is coincidental.

    Best Regards,
    Hi Edward
    Except that it implicates jews- and the Ripper was disturbed/interupted by several jews that night which may have even led to him to having to kill twice that night. And if Israel Scwartz was accurate then the Ripper explicitly knew he was disturbed by and pissed off at a jewish witness. Also, the graffiti has the accusatory word "blamed" in it. Blamed for what?if not for the murder(s) and/or interupting him. If it is just a coincidence, then its quite a coincidence. Especially since the grafitti probably was not there in the daylight before the murders either, as it would probably been cleaned off by one the tenants of the new and heavily Jewish occupied building upon which it was written.

    I would also add that the police made no note of any other graffiti in proximity to the apron, and that the apron was located directly under said only graffiti in the area, which is probably why the police felt there was a link at the time.
    Last edited by Abby Normal; 09-05-2012, 04:45 PM.

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  • RivkahChaya
    Originally posted by Edward View Post
    However, the GSG does not contain any direct reference to the murder(s) or to any crime for that matter. I feel that it was probably one of many examples of graffiti in and about Whitechapel, and its proximity to the piece of apron is coincidental.
    This is my thinking, too. Thanks to LC for showing us how prevalent graffiti was then. Like I mentioned, the question has been in the back of my head for a while, but I've never been in a position to research it.

    If it had been the only bit of graffito anywhere for miles, or even blocks, I'd accept the idea that if JTR didn't write it, it caught his attention, and he at least stopped to read it, and that is how the apron got dropped there, but now I'm not even sure we can say he dropped it right there, rather than somewhere else, and it got kicked or blown there.

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  • Edward
    Quality of Graffiti

    Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
    Hello All. Here is a link to some samples of graffiti at a casual ward, ca 1865.

    I did not recognise the prevalence of East End graffiti until now.


    Hello All -

    Lynn - thanks for the link to graffiti!
    Is anyone amazed at the quality of the graffiti documented on the link than LC provided? I am certainly impressed.

    The simple notes and notices aside, a lot of it is well thought out, intelligent and literary. The poetry is fantastic. The prevalence of graffiti in the East End has been discussed (I'm sure) on these boards, but I've not noticed any discussion about the quality of the renderings. It appears that at least some of the writers were well educated and thoughtful.

    In my mind, the possibility now exists that the GSG was a well thought out expression (subtle and vague) intended to provoke thought and discussion. The spelling of “Juwes” may not be a misspelling at all, but intentional. The GSG is vague enough to allow multiple interpretations, depending upon the reader’s point of view. It certainly has simulated a lot of discussion on the boards!

    However, the GSG does not contain any direct reference to the murder(s) or to any crime for that matter. I feel that it was probably one of many examples of graffiti in and about Whitechapel, and its proximity to the piece of apron is coincidental.

    Best Regards,

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  • RivkahChaya
    Originally posted by Fisherman View Post
    Don´t forget that the Imperial Club was a Jewish club, Rivkah - and that there was a synagogue (here´s a link: directly nearby, as Eddowes was killed. Myself, I don´t invest much in the Jewish connection - it would have been hard to find a strictly un-jewish venue to kill in, in them parts.
    You're right. I get hung up on the fact that the person who found the body (whom I don't suspect) was Jewish. I guess I don't really have a good sense of how Jewish the East End, or Whitechapel was then. The lower class parts of Manhattan were really, really Jewish, so I guess it shouldn't be surprising that another port city was the same. It's just that it was a time when the US was seeing the beginning of a huge wave of immigration that would continue until the Depression, and we study it in public school as well as Hebrew school, as part of Jewish history. Like I said, Americans learn about Shakespeare's London, and Dickens' London, and the blitz, and that's pretty much it, for what we study in school.
    Originally posted by Errata View Post
    When bipolar people are manic our hands tend to shake, and our thoughts race ahead of our mechanics. It's an apt comparison with any excitable state as far generalities go, but different chemicals are involved and so not quite the same.
    That would certainly explain spelling errors. Really, all I was just suggesting was that even if we knew for certain that JTR wrote any of the communication received from the police, we don't know that it's a fair example of his writing, just like having samples of your writing only when you are manic and unmedicated wouldn't be a fair sample. Trying to diagnose a reading disorder based on samples taken only when you were manic and unmedicated wouldn't be a very good diagnostic procedure.
    Originally posted by curious4 View Post
    Hello Ritvah,

    I have had difficulty in posting and no time to post in full again, so will say only this in the true spirit of the Jtr Casebook message boards: I'm right, you're wrong! I suspect logic doesn't cut it with you anyway..
    Now you are just being insulting. Insults don't cut it with me.

    What is the point of demonstrating that JTR was dyslexic, anyway?

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  • Errata
    Originally posted by RivkahChaya View Post

    It's a little off topic, but I read an article once that people who are bipolar sometimes have handwriting that looks different when they are in manic vs. depressive states, and tend to make more mechanical errors in writing or typing when in a manic state. It was a preliminary study with a small sample size, but it was people who were previously diagnosed, not diagnosed for the study. I realize that may not have any bearing, because the excitable state of a psychopath who has just committed a murder may not be comparable to that of a bipolar person who is manic.
    When bipolar people are manic our hands tend to shake, and our thoughts race ahead of our mechanics. It's an apt comparison with any excitable state as far generalities go, but different chemicals are involved and so not quite the same.

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