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The meaning of the GSG wording
Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.
Before the infamous message .. there are a few words that i would like to draw your attention to ( 1 ) Mettle { courage , spirit } (2) Bled { draw blood / obtain money by extortion . (3) Jah-Bul-On { Freemason god of the highest degree } .
The message scrawled on the wall above Catherine Eddows blood soaked apron read ..
[ The Juwes are not the men that will be blamed for nothing ]
( the movable [ Not ] makes no difference )
Using the same 46 letters , just re-aranging them , this interesting anagram rears it's head ....
[ Jah Bu Lon , mettle within Freemason gent , that bled Whore ]
Happy days
[ Jah Bu Lon , mettle within Freemason gent , that bled Whore ]
Kind of reminds me of that scene in Rosemary's baby, where Rosemary uses Scrabble pieces to find the anagram from the name of the book "All of them witches."
She comes up with "COMES WITH THE FALL, ELF SHOT LAME WITCH" and says, "Now that REALLY makes sense".
Now Then, Now then.
Originally posted by The Good Michael View PostMonty,
You see, there is the fantasy world of Ripperology that we all live in, and then there's the reality world of Ripperology that includes sailors and giant tampons and wandering organ thieves that only a few live in.
I now have to subscribe to this thread just to read the next instalment of this particular duel. You have sown the wind. Can the whirlwind of retaliation be long delayed?
Regards, Bridewell
P.s. Living in a giant tampon - not a pleasant prospect!I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.
Originally posted by moonbegger View PostHello,Hello,Hello
Before the infamous message .. there are a few words that i would like to draw your attention to ( 1 ) Mettle { courage , spirit } (2) Bled { draw blood / obtain money by extortion . (3) Jah-Bul-On { Freemason god of the highest degree } .
The message scrawled on the wall above Catherine Eddows blood soaked apron read ..
[ The Juwes are not the men that will be blamed for nothing ]
( the movable [ Not ] makes no difference )
Using the same 46 letters , just re-aranging them , this interesting anagram rears it's head ....
[ Jah Bu Lon , mettle within Freemason gent , that bled Whore ]
Happy days
Please tell me this is a wind-up. I don't think I can take another random anagram.
Anagram is an anagram of "Mar a Nag", so perhaps that was the motive?
I'd probably better shoot myself now, because someone will now work that "interesting fact" into a suspect book.
Regards, Bridewell.I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.
Hi Bridewell / Dave ,
Its Ok i'm still down pat with the( local , unknown ) malarkey . Call off the Free mason assassination squadi read Stephen Knights book in the early 80's , and then one rainy afternoon i came up with a few ( 46 all letters in, alternatives to the infamous message ) thought they might be interesting enough to share .. check out this gem
"The Freemason W.Gull , with Joe Barnett belt , That Don em in "
i Know , i know , i'll get me coat
Ta Tar for now ,
moonbegger .
Originally posted by moonbegger View Post. . . and then one rainy afternoon i came up with a few ( 46 all letters in, alternatives to the infamous message ) . . .
Although I was worried for a moment that you were really putting that forward as a serious scenario.Sarah
Originally posted by SarahLee View PostThat must have been a seriously boring, rainy afternoon
Although I was worried for a moment that you were really putting that forward as a serious scenario.
Moonbegger .
Originally posted by moonbegger View PostHa , Ha , yep i think Jack Daniels hand a hand in it too .. i'm sure i even had a few Anagrams that pointed the finger directly at Mr Daniels himself ..
Moonbegger .I don't know MB, I reckon Mr Daniels or maybe some of his close relatives might have played some small part in it somewhere.
Originally posted by fireskin View PostHeh.. and I'm surprised so many people here didn't get the reference to Young Frankenstein.(but then, I haven't read the ENTIRE thread yet... )
To the question, I was debating this with a Jewish friend of mine as I'm writing my screenplay.
His take was that it meant, the Jews would be blamed for nothing by God. That he felt he hadn't done anything wrong in killing these women.
An interesting perspective.
Um. Thats FrankenSTEEN! Hee Hee.
Welcome and thats an interesting idea. I must contemplate it."Is all that we see or seem
but a dream within a dream?"
-Edgar Allan Poe
"...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."
-Frederick G. Abberline
Originally posted by SarahLee View PostOK - I'm going to have another play with this :
1) Meaning
No matter how many times I read this or think about it, the way I read it always comes back to Abby's option 3
"The killer was not Jewish-means-The Jews will not take the blame for anything. I read somwhere(can't remember where) that a language expert on the times says that this is probably the most accurate way to interpret it."
The Jews will not be blamed for anything / the Jews will not take responsibility for anything.
I'm not sure that it necessarily means that the writer was NOT Jewish. That would be the most likely inference, but I don't think we can absolutely, categorically say that he was not . . . but for now, let's make that assumption.
2) Interpretation
Taking the hypothesis above, the writer feels that the Jews are to blame for something that they will not take responsibility for. Abiding by the rules of the thread and assuming that the killer wrote it, possible interpretations that come to mind :
> Given that it's not unusual in times of economic hardship for immigrants, foreigners or ethnic minorities to be blamed for the situation, the killer blames the Jews for the social inequalities of the time and for putting so many unfortunates on the streets and in his path. (putting temptation in his way)
> As above, but he blames the Jews for bringing about the hardships that have put him in his own social situation - perhaps having to mix with what he perceives as the dregs of society who he resents and wants to be rid of.
> Or perhaps it's more personal than that, and he blames the Jews for his own inability to find work, to maintain his business, progress in his chosen profession or perhaps he has specifically lost a job to a Jew. Perhaps this would lead to frustration and resentment that he's taking out on anyone more vulnerable than himself.
3) The strange syntax
The most interesting part of the phrase IMO and far more interesting than the double negative.
"The Juwes are the men that will not be blamed for nothing"
Surely, it would have been far simpler just to write "The Juwes won't be blamed for nothing".
To me, the emphasis on "they're the men" implies a degree of denial and a comparison to himself. "It's not me, they're the ones who won't take responsibility for anything".
Great post"Is all that we see or seem
but a dream within a dream?"
-Edgar Allan Poe
"...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."
-Frederick G. Abberline