There is NO PROVEN link between the murders of Eddowes and Stride beyond the day.
There is no PROVEN link between apron-piece and writing other than juxtaposition (and on that see my remarks earlier in this post).
The links you propose are circumstantial and suppositious - I would have less objection if you flagged them up as such and NOT as proven conclusions.
There is no PROVEN link between apron-piece and writing other than juxtaposition (and on that see my remarks earlier in this post).
The links you propose are circumstantial and suppositious - I would have less objection if you flagged them up as such and NOT as proven conclusions.
Considering there is very little that is PROVEN about this case, and the bare facts we have at our disposal have given us a thousand gaps and very few proven conclusions (hence the enormous number of debates that have been ongoing here since casebook began), I'm not sure on what grounds you can seriously object to others exploring potential links, keeping potential clues in mind and speculating about what could have made the killer, or killers tick. The bare facts are not up for debate, but everything else is, or you and I would not be on a thread discussing the (unknown and unknowable) meaning of the GSG!
I know what I'm doing here. Do you?
What circumstantial or suppositious links have I flagged up as 'proven conclusions'? I thought I always made it pretty clear when I was reciting bald facts and when I was speculating, based on those facts.
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