Originally posted by Joshua Rogan
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And this is the testimony that for me points to it being the same two officers that pulled her in earlier from the High st , and also gives us an indication that it was shorty after her murder ..
"The policemen, having seen the mutilated body at the mortuary in Golden-lane, expressed the opinion that it was that of a woman who had been taken to the station by them a short time ago when under the influence of drink."
Two things stand out .... "by them" meaning them that took her in (i.e.) Robinson & Simmons , and "a short time ago" .. Not "yesterday" or "couple of days ago" but a "short time" (a matter of hours)
A further point being , If the City felt the need for Robinson & Simmons to confirm it was the same woman .. Then there must have been other Bishopsgate officers in Mitre Sq that also voiced their concern about the dead woman's identity .. Otherwise why request Robinson & Simmons to confirm their suspicions .