I was reading an extract from Peter Turnbull's book where he posits that all of the Whitechapel murders were a series of unrelated killings. Apparently, 'Jack the Ripper' was merely an invention cooked up by the media and Coroner Baxter soaking up the limelight. Supposedly Dr. Bagster Phillips cottoned onto what was happening and falsely stated that the killer must have great anatomical knowledge in order to deter any would-be Rippers from emulating the murders. 
Turnbull argues that most serial killers (e.g. Sutcliffe, Nilsen, Ridgway) pace themselves over a period of years, seemingly oblivious to the idea that the Ripper's "reign" was curtailed by incarceration or death. He goes on to say that serial killers typically branch out and don't operate within a restricted area like Whitechapel. Again, I think the author's being deliberately obtuse here and has a modern day sensibility in mind. For one, that patently isn't true for all serial killers, and secondly the Ripper didn't have access to the kind of transport that someone like Ted Bundy did.
I know we have people on here, notably messieurs Lynn and Michael W Richards who believe there are enough discrepancies between certain murders to question the one-killer theory, but I'm not sure I've ever met anyone who believes most of the canonical murders, let alone ALL of them, were simply a string of copycat murders. It defies all sense to believe that a neighborhood with a low homicide rate like Whitechapel was the sudden breeding-ground for a slew of murderers, all of whom never killed again and gave up because Bagster Phillips called their bluff?
Is this guy for real? Or have I been trolled hard?

Turnbull argues that most serial killers (e.g. Sutcliffe, Nilsen, Ridgway) pace themselves over a period of years, seemingly oblivious to the idea that the Ripper's "reign" was curtailed by incarceration or death. He goes on to say that serial killers typically branch out and don't operate within a restricted area like Whitechapel. Again, I think the author's being deliberately obtuse here and has a modern day sensibility in mind. For one, that patently isn't true for all serial killers, and secondly the Ripper didn't have access to the kind of transport that someone like Ted Bundy did.
I know we have people on here, notably messieurs Lynn and Michael W Richards who believe there are enough discrepancies between certain murders to question the one-killer theory, but I'm not sure I've ever met anyone who believes most of the canonical murders, let alone ALL of them, were simply a string of copycat murders. It defies all sense to believe that a neighborhood with a low homicide rate like Whitechapel was the sudden breeding-ground for a slew of murderers, all of whom never killed again and gave up because Bagster Phillips called their bluff?
Is this guy for real? Or have I been trolled hard?
