Originally posted by Trevor Marriott
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1. Why are you so keen to trust MacNaghten on this issue but when discussing Druitt you accuse him of being unreliable? Is he reliable or unreliable or is it a case of either when it suits?
I am not so keen to trust the writings of any of these high-ranking officers. I am more inclined to believe the officers who were directly involved in the investigations like Abberline,Reid and Dew all of whom make no mention of this game changing mythical ID parade and do not corroborate what Anderson says in his book quite the contrary
But you made the point that MacMaghten didn’t think that Kosminski was the ripper. So why would you think that important when you always portray him as being unreliable. It’s a simple enough point.
2. The result of the ID as per Anderson is well known but Swanson simply confirms that Kosminski was the suspect (because Anderson didn’t mention the name.) We can’t assume to what extent Swanson agreed or disagreed with that opinion. So it’s hardly surprising that another officer (MacNaghten) was less convinced.
No, he doesn't Swanson gives more of an insight into what allegedly happened. There could not have been an ID parade as is set out in the marginalia and the reasons why are set out in the previous post
Swanson only states that the suspect at the ID was Kosminski.
Stating that there couldn’t have been an ID is just wrong. Time after time you criticise and demonise the Police but now that it suits you try and claim that the police would never have done anything that wasn’t strictly by the book. Efficient or inefficient? Honest or liars? Take your pick….its what you usually do when it’s convenient.
You can set out as many ‘reasons’ as you like Trevor it makes no difference. Unless you hold to the belief that if there’s no evidence of something then it couldn’t have occurred then your points hold no water. Especially concerning events that occurred 135 years ago and where we know that there is so much stuff missing. Your opinion is stated as fact again. You can’t state definitively that the ID parade didn’t take place.
3. Any quibbles that you might have about the marginalia pale into insignificance when compared to the evidence for it being genuine. The fact that you persist in this blatant attempt to discredit proves that you are, as ever, fixated on something to the extent that you will try absolutely anything.
The only person fixated is you in trying to prove that an ID parade took place as described and that the killer was positively identified
There’s no evidence that it didn’t take place. That is a fact. There is no evidence of forgery in the marginalia. That is a fact.
This is why you go into conspiracy theory mode on the marginalia because you realise how unlikely it would have been for Swanson to have backed up a lie in a book not meant for the general public.
