Hi everyone. I came across an article referring to Victorian 'Street Views' available through digitised 'Historical Directories', and clicked on the links to have a look.
The project digitized many different types of old directories, such as the 'Post Office London Directory', and was carried out by the University of Leicester with National Lottery funds. It's quite an ambitious project, and looks like it will be a terrific resource for all kinds of historical research, genealogy, etc.
To use the Historical Directories website you choose a city - oh, let's pick London - and a decade - how about the 1880's?
Then you can enter keywords.
I'm still playing with it, but I thought I'd go ahead and post this so others can have a go.
Article in 'The Spectator': http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/books/2...tories-project
HISTORICAL DIRECTORIES PROJECT WEBSITE:http://www.historicaldirectories.org/hd/index.asp
Best regards,
The project digitized many different types of old directories, such as the 'Post Office London Directory', and was carried out by the University of Leicester with National Lottery funds. It's quite an ambitious project, and looks like it will be a terrific resource for all kinds of historical research, genealogy, etc.
To use the Historical Directories website you choose a city - oh, let's pick London - and a decade - how about the 1880's?
Then you can enter keywords.
I'm still playing with it, but I thought I'd go ahead and post this so others can have a go.
Article in 'The Spectator': http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/books/2...tories-project
HISTORICAL DIRECTORIES PROJECT WEBSITE:http://www.historicaldirectories.org/hd/index.asp
Best regards,