Can anyone help me with this ? I am looking into the Tower bridge construction (barely a couple of miles away) and the people who worked on it. My research is focussing on the people who were involved, ( riveters, labourers etc ) and where they lived during the period of the building process itself. I believe that the workers earnt double what a policeman earnt at the time, but the work itself was very dangerous and had no Health and Safety insurances that we see today.
During the actual building process, 10 men died and this was considered pretty acceptable considering the previous remark. The information i am after is regards to names and dates of their deaths and how they died. Can anyone point me in the right direction ? i believe the Pall Mall Gazette of September 6th 1894 printed a list of the costs in terms of money and human life but i have so far been unable to locate this in print.
Can anyone help me with this ? I am looking into the Tower bridge construction (barely a couple of miles away) and the people who worked on it. My research is focussing on the people who were involved, ( riveters, labourers etc ) and where they lived during the period of the building process itself. I believe that the workers earnt double what a policeman earnt at the time, but the work itself was very dangerous and had no Health and Safety insurances that we see today.
During the actual building process, 10 men died and this was considered pretty acceptable considering the previous remark. The information i am after is regards to names and dates of their deaths and how they died. Can anyone point me in the right direction ? i believe the Pall Mall Gazette of September 6th 1894 printed a list of the costs in terms of money and human life but i have so far been unable to locate this in print.