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  • #46

    Hello Greg. Thanks.

    Indeed. My favorite; Vlad the Impaler = Count Dracula...

    Believe it or not, he seems to have been a copycat. Incredible? Have a go at Tiglathpileser III, Neo-Assyria king.

    “Not with conviction, true, young Lynn.”

    Young? We’re friends.

    “We lack data. I believe though, with the requisite information, your favorite discipline - statistics - would show them to be comparable...”

    Statistics? Arrrggghhh! I sentence you to watch daytime telly for eternity. (Oh, dear, maybe just Hell—less severe.)

    “Except to demonstrate that be it a 15th century French Castle, the El Castillo cave in Spain or a grimy district in Whitechapel - human nature remains the same.”

    Quite. But how it gets expressed from era to era is quite different.



    • #47
      One of the theories I kind of enjoy is that serial killers often feel victimized by their childhood. And some totally were. But it's a subjective idea. So perhaps if you were a serf's kid in the 1300s, you may have thought that your childhood sucked, but you didn't know anyone who's childhood was different. So with the destruction of isolated castes (about the beginning of the 19th century), people started being able to better compare their lives to others, and suddenly impoverished kids were looking at middle class kids, and presto, now their life sucked. Not generally, in comparison to THAT guy. So the mingling of the haves and have-nots leads to serial killers.

      I don't know if it's true, but it's a theory I enjoy.
      The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


      • #48
        Always a first...

        Believe it or not, he seems to have been a copycat. Incredible? Have a go at Tiglathpileser III, Neo-Assyria king.
        I suppose we all have our predecessors Lynn. He seems a typical military ruler - whack anyone who looks at you crooked....I didnt' see anything about impaling on stakes however....

        Young? We’re friends.
        Ha. Age is relative - to Ernest Borgnine we're mere lads.............

        Statistics? Arrrggghhh! I sentence you to watch daytime telly for eternity. (Oh, dear, maybe just Hell—less severe.)
        And indeed I'd prefer the latter. The former comprises cruel and unusual punishment.............

        Quite. But how it gets expressed from era to era is quite different.
        I'll take your word for this....

        One of the theories I kind of enjoy is that serial killers often feel victimized by their childhood. And some totally were. But it's a subjective idea. So perhaps if you were a serf's kid in the 1300s, you may have thought that your childhood sucked, but you didn't know anyone who's childhood was different. So with the destruction of isolated castes (about the beginning of the 19th century), people started being able to better compare their lives to others, and suddenly impoverished kids were looking at middle class kids, and presto, now their life sucked. Not generally, in comparison to THAT guy. So the mingling of the haves and have-nots leads to serial killers.

        I don't know if it's true, but it's a theory I enjoy.
        Not a bad theory Errata as we know many crimes result from envy.....



        • #49

          Hello Errata. In mediaeval times, the notion was, "Knowing your place and staying in it." To violate it was to be guilty of hubris. Why was Prometheus so violently punished for giving fire to man? Hubris. He was not authorised so to do.

          I agree that all that changed, roughly in the mid-18th c with the "French Enlightenment."



          • #50
            British Museum to the rescue

            Hello Greg. Thanks.

            Go here.

            Go to the second illustration and blow it up. It shows what our dear old boy was up to. (Original in the British Museum.)



            • #51
              Hi Lynn

              You`re taking the "get a damned fine hiding when I get home" thing too literally.

              It`s just a thing we Brits say, like my missus is going to kill me when I get in . I though it was the same in the States?

              Also, Eddowes was making the point to Hutt that she had someone waiting for her, which gave her a little more respectability as she left the Police station.


              • #52
                Hi Lynn

                "I think she met her assailant just outside the gaol. He had been waiting for her."

                Bloody hell, Lynn :-)
                Evidence please (or anything remotely going in that direction ..)


                • #53
                  Hi Lynn

                  "Hold it right there. How do you know he was unknown to her? Her body English at Church passage says otherwise."

                  It`s called flirting. Strangers do it and also prostitutes do it. ...wait a minute!!


                  • #54

                    Hello Jon. Thanks.

                    "Eddowes was making the point to Hutt that she had someone waiting for her"

                    Absolutely. And I never thought the "hiding" was more than a verbal one. Well, not much more.



                    • #55
                      Who buys the drinks? Not Charlie Kane.

                      Hello (again) Jon. Thanks.

                      I was thinking of whoever bought her drinks.



                      • #56
                        Imagine all the . . .

                        Hello (again) Jon.

                        "It`s called flirting."

                        Oy!! Admire your imagination.



                        • #57
                          Kill the vampires...

                          Go to the second illustration and blow it up. It shows what our dear old boy was up to. (Original in the British Museum.)
                          Thanks Lynn, yes, it seems impalers have predecessors. Wonder who taught Tiglath?

                          Nothing new under the rainbow including motiveless need for the modern term serial killer.............

                          I know, nothing at all to do with Whitechapel !

                          It was just a bad year, that 1888...

                          Attached Files


                          • #58
                            same old . . .

                            Hello Greg. Thanks. That's the one! I use this in class to emphasise the use of terror as a form of control by the Neo-Assyrian rulers.

                            And since Tiglathpileser III (say it ten times real fast) scooped dear old Vlad Dracul by 2 millenia, it seems to corroborate your thesis that "There is no new thing under the sun."

                            But it is also grist for my mill. For, although the need for government control is still extant after 2 1/2 millenia, the means differ--Tiglath impaled; 1960's rulers used threats of nuclear war.

                            Both were quite effective for their target populations.



                            • #59
                              Mind control...

                              Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
                              But it is also grist for my mill. For, although the need for government control is still extant after 2 1/2 millenia, the means differ--Tiglath impaled; 1960's rulers used threats of nuclear war.

                              Both were quite effective for their target populations.
                              I like it Lynn, what do they control with today? Gadgetry and breast implants?



                              • #60
                                Hi Lynn

                                Got to love the elegant way you derailed your own thread there...masterful logic!

                                All the best


