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Tilney Street Explosion

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  • Tilney Street Explosion

    An 1894 explosion on Tilney Street was believed to have been directed at Justice Hawkins, who had presided over trials involving anarchists, Neill Cream and Charles Le Grand.

    The Deseret Weekly, Volume 49, November 10, 1894, Pages 663-664

    London, Nov. 5.—A squad of detectives from Scotland yards is investigating an explosion which occurred shortly alter 11 o'clock last night at the residence of Hon. Reginald Brett, in Tilney street, two doors from the residence of Hon. Sir Henry Hawkins, one of the justices of the Queen's bench division of the high court of Justice, for whom the bomb is supposed to have been intended. Col. Edward Bradford, chief commissioner of police is personally directing the matter.

    The scene around Tilney street at daybreak this morning was one of extreme excitement. The whole neighborhood seemed to be in the possession of uniformed police and detectives who kept back the sightseers. Many residents were so alarmed that they fled from their houses and have been afraid to return. As soon as there was light enough to work, Col. Majendle, chief Inspector of explosives, directed that photographs be taken of the scene from all points of view, and all fragments of the bomb, splinters, etc., were taken to police headquarters.

    The fragments, etc., were then taken to the home office for examination. Up to noon today, the police have no definite theory as to the origin of the explosion with exception of suspecting a man from Savery [sic] hotel. The. authorities are running down four theories. One is that the explosion was the work of some person who sought revenge for some decision rendered by the late Lord Esher, master of the rolls and father of Reginald Brett; another theory is that Brett may have Incurred the enmity of the dynamiters; the third theory is that the explosion was caused by the Irish Physical Force party, and the fourth theory is that anarchists attempted to carry out their threats made against Justice Hawkins.

    Justice Hawkins is the judge who sentenced Frederick Charles, Victor Calles, Joseph Thomas Duncan and Jaan Batolla, the Wallsan [sic] anarchists, to various terms of imprisonment. He also presided at the trials of other anarchists and imposed sentences of various degrees upon them.

    The bomb plowed up a cavity eighteen inches deep below the threshold ot the front door, which was blown to pieces, The top step, a slab of concrete 40 by 26 inches, was blown across the street. The railings were twisted,

    The sound of the explosion was heard for two miles.


    The Spectator, November 10, 1894, Page 636

    The Explosion in Tilney Street

    The Windsor Magazine, July-December, 1895, Page 224

    The Houses of Celebrated People

    by R. S. Warren Bell

    Mr. Justice Hawkins' house in Tilney Street, W., commands a fine view of Hyde Park. Though not in Park Lane, it is of Park Lane, as Tilney Street is one of that famous and aristocratic thoroughfare's offshoots. Sir Henry Hawkins' house is held in much awe by the residents and other people. Coiners, for example, slip by it with furtive and fearful glances; blackmailers go half a mile out of their way to avoid it; murderers shun even the district which holds the residence of the great "hanging judge."

    Sir Henry's house, indeed, has a wholesome and restraining influence on the neighbourhood. The points of its roof and its bow windows have an air of the Old Bailey about them which is apt to send Anarchists into fits. Strange to say there are always a few policemen hanging—we use the word metaphorically—about here. In fact, those members of the constabulary who were in the neighbourhood when we paid our visit eyed us with considerable misgivings, and possibly drew lots to decide who, in the event of our placing a bomb, should dash forward and hurl the deadly engine of destruction on to the Park's green-sward (where it would merely blow up a few equestrians, and let the judge go scatheless).

    However, as we produced no infernal instruments further than a pencil or two and a piece of india-rubber, they had no need of putting their heroism to the test. While we were engaged in our task a victoria drove up to the door, from which a benevolent-looking old gentleman descended, smiled around, and went in. It was Sir Henry Hawkins.


    The Strand Magazine, 1899, Pages 318-326

    Baron Brampton of Brampton [Justice Henry Hawkins]

    by "E."

    Portrait of Sir Henry Hawkins, link
    by Sir William Nicholson

    The Reminiscences of Sir Henry Hawkins (London: Edward Arnold, 1905), Pages 271-271
    by Baron Henry Hawkins Brampton


    One evening, while sitting with some friends in Tilney Street, there was one of the most tremendous explosions ever heard. It seemed as if the world was blown up. But as nothing happened, we did not leave the room, and went on with the conversation.

    It was not until the next day it was ascertained that an attempt had been made to blow in Reginald Brett's front-door, which was a few houses off, and that it had been perpetrated by some Fenians, whose friends had been awarded penal servitude for life for a similar outrage with dynamite. Why their anger was directed against Mr. Reginald Brett—a most peaceful and excellent man—it was difficult to say, for he was very kind-hearted, and, above all, the son of the Master of the Rolls, who never tried prisoners at all, only counsel.

    Having made inquiries the next morning—I don't know of whom, there were such a number of people in Tilney Street—I was astonished to hear soneome say: 'They meant to pay you that visit, Sir Henry.'

    'Then they knocked at the wrong door,' said I.

    The stranger seemed to know me, and I had a little further conversation with him. It turned out he was a Chancery barrister and a friend of Brett's.

    'Why,' I asked,'do you think they meant the visit for me?' 'Well,' he answered, 'it was.'

    'If it was intended for me,' I replied, 'I can only say they were most ungrateful, for I gave their friends all I could.' 'Yes, penal servitude for life.'

    'Very well,' I added, 'if they think they'll frighten me by blowing in Reginald Brett's front-door, they are very much deceived.'

    Lord Esher, I believe, always considered that he was the object of this attack, and as I had no wish to disturb so comforting an idea, took no further notice, and the Fenians took no further notice of me. Years after, however, my name was mentioned in Parliament in connection with this case; nor was my severity called in question.

    There were no more explosions in Tilney Street, but a singular circumstance occurred, which placed me in a position, if I had desired it, to deprive Lord Esher of the satisfaction of believing that he was the object of so much Fenian attention. But if it was a comfort to him or a source of pride, I did not see why I should take it away.

    A Reverend Father of the Roman Church told me that a long while ago a man in confession made a statement which he wished the priest to communicate to me. It was under the seal of confession, and he refused, as he was bound to do, to mention a word. The man persisted in asking him, and he as persistently declined.

    Some considerable time, however, having elapsed, the same man went to the priest, not to confess, but to repeat his request in ordinary conversation. This the Father could have no objection to, and the culprit told him that he had undertaken to throw the bomb at the front-door of Number 5, but that through having in the gas-light misread the figure, he had placed it against that of Number 2. He begged the priest as a great favour to assure me on his word that the bomb was certainly intended for me, and not for Brett.

    Click image for larger version

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  • #2
    I R B

    Hello Trade. Good to hear again.

    Thanks for posting this. Most interesting.

    Did anyone ever pin the explosion to a particular faction of the IRB?



    • #3

      I'm still withholding judgment on whether the Fenians were actually responsible for the explosion.


      • #4
        TradeName. I like this kind of stuff, I really, really, honestly do (apart from us in the UK can't see any of those google book links as full text.)
        But,mentioning Neil Cream and Le Grand kind of makes it sound like they may have been involved? Justice Hawkins must have tried thousands of people at the Old Bailey, surely?


        • #5

          Hello Trade. That is a wise policy.



          • #6
            infernal device

            Hello Debs. Hmm, did not Tom's article about LeGrand hint at an "infernal machine"?

            I presume he was safely caged in 1894 however?



            • #7
              You know he was , Lynn.


              • #8
                an easy go

                Hello Debs. Thought so. But that lad always seems to have been released on rather light terms.



                • #9
                  Lynn, Not at all, that middle aged man served all he was supposed to do on very sentence ever given to him.


                  • #10
                    Easy time

                    But that lad always seems to have been released on rather light terms.
                    Until 1915 that is...after which it was 1917 and deportation...yes?



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Cogidubnus View Post
                      Until 1915 that is...after which it was 1917 and deportation...yes?

                      Info courtesy of Rob Clack.


                      • #12

                        Hello Debs. What? No early release? Hmm, I stand corrected.

                        But weren't the sentences a bit light?



                        • #13
                          down the line

                          Hello Dave. Hmm, that's a bit far down the line. I was thinking of his earlier career.



                          • #14
                            Early release open to anyone who kept their nose clean, yes.
                            Like Tumblety, a misdemeanor maximum sentence was 2 years imprisonment without early release-that's 1889-91. Then 20 penal servitude...good behaviour guaranteed an early release, calculated to a set anyone else. they didn't bend the law for any of these guys!


                            • #15
                              Hi Debs

                              Was it? Don't remember where I saw it but you're probably right...thanks!

                              Hi Lynn

                              Yes...thinking about it they probably were...could this be though because of all the pseudonyms employed? ie they were all early offences? Don't know...just asking...

                              All the best


