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Save Cleveland st Workhouse

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  • Save Cleveland st Workhouse

    I must bring this to everyone's attention if its not been covered before.
    The only surviving purpose build workhouse in London, is in Cleveland St, built on 1778 It later became part of Middlesex hospital and has been in use till a couple of years ago. University College Hospital want to raise the building and sell the site to developers.Dr Ruth Richardson[ I heard her lecture on Dickens] was brought in by locals to help save it. There is a petition on www workhouses to sign, it has over 900 signatures they need over a thousand for secretary of state to consider listing.
    It is important for several reasons, Dr Joseph Rogers, the medical officer there in the 19th century was a radical who tried to reform conditions and wrote one of the only accounts of workhouse conditions.
    It has an important Dickens connection,found by Dr Richardson, it is possibly the workhouse Dickens used in Oliver Twist, Dickens lived eight doors away from it for six years when he was growing up, then Dickens house was 10 Norfolk st, now it is numbered 22 Cleveland St, the house is still there.
    Please go on the workhouse website sign the petition and read up about it. Thank yoiu , Lets try and stop more of old London being destroyed.
    Cheers Miss Marple

  • #2
    The petition is up to 945 so need another 15 signatures to get up to the one thousand required to be presented to the secretary of state. The petition is on
    Miss Marple


    • #3
      I've signed but I will give the workhouse cookbook a miss.

      Also, any workhouse boy who added 15 to 945 and came up with 1000 would doubtless be flogged and then crucified on the workhouse roof.


      • #4
        A mistake attracts attention! Miss Marple


        • #5
          "There are no flies on you, Miss Marple." (George Baker, At Bertram's Hotel)


          • #6

            Keep bumping this thread,so everyone gets to see it,as we really need to
            save this lovely building....please sign,everyone !!!


            • #7
              Done. But I was only signer #956. Let's keep at it.


              • #8
                The petition is now up to 969, so only thirty one to go, so thanks to all casebookers who have signed, but please more signatures! I am going to see if I can take some photographs of the workhouse this week. Miss Marple


                • #9


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      Thanks folks. It's gone over the thousand.


                      • #12
                        Signed it.

                        I work in an office a few doors down and often stop to peer through the security gates on my way to the newsagents for a quick snack. I’ve often thought it would be interesting to have a look around, but from what I can see through the windows the fixtures and fittings are clearly 1970s and not many original features have survived.

                        I could be wrong, but I think it will ultimately be condemned to the same fate as Middlesex Hospital, although hopefully any redevelopment will be seen through to its conclusion this time. The Middlesex Hospital site is now just one large creator which cost Candy & Candy millions to dig.

                        It's amazing though just how much light now enters the office


                        • #13
                          There has been encouraging news about the campaign. However, more signatures would be nice.

                          Yep, they are asking for more.


                          • #14
                            That makes 2105 !!!!! Keep going chaps!!!...and keep re bumping!!
                            'Would you like to see my African curiosities?'


                            • #15
                              Excellent, Hanney! As a reward, I shall have you de-loused and your rags will be patched again.

                              HSQ, MA

