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Ouija Board

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Limehouse View Post
    You mean a mouse and screen are less effective communicators than a glass? Are spirits that fussy?
    i cant see how it works online, plus many answers are repeating themselves; like in a loop


    • #17
      I think that, if spirits want to communicate, they should keep up with modern technology like the rest of us have to.


      • #18
        Fussy? You bet. First they lure you in. Then, they start demanding stuff like a six pack of beer and some chips before they'll answer any questions.



        • #19
          Originally posted by Malcolm X View Post
          i cant see how it works online, plus many answers are repeating themselves; like in a loop
          Hi Malcolm X,

          Your on-line ouija board is nothing more than a hoax. It has been programmed with a large number of answers that it tries to match to keywords in your questions. It may even shuffle some of them around. But if you played with it long enough, you’d see that the same answers keep coming up in response to the same type of question. Those answers are teasingly vague so that a person can read almost anything they want into them.

          It's basically a variation of the trick that some of the old-time fake mediums used to use.

          As far as a real ouija board goes, you’d be well advised to keep away from one.




          • #20
            Malcolm X,

            By the way, phrases like "who is" would be keywords. You asked "who is Jack the Ripper". It answered "you are Jack the Ripper". If you had asked it who the abominal snowman is, it would have told you that you are.

            Most people see throught it right away, but someone who is grief-stricken (maybe they recently lost a loved one) often want to believe. As I said in the previous post, the answers usually are deliberately vauge to string someone like that along.

            Putting in an occasional bit of gibberish, like 'Maublaiter', is pure genius. Whoever programmed that site is good.



            • #21
              Originally posted by Bulldog View Post
              Malcolm X,

              By the way, phrases like "who is" would be keywords. You asked "who is Jack the Ripper". It answered "you are Jack the Ripper". If you had asked it who the abominal snowman is, it would have told you that you are.

              Most people see throught it right away, but someone who is grief-stricken (maybe they recently lost a loved one) often want to believe. As I said in the previous post, the answers usually are deliberately vauge to string someone like that along.

              Putting in an occasional bit of gibberish, like 'Maublaiter', is pure genius. Whoever programmed that site is good.

              well it didn't even know my name , so i was a bit suspicious of that, it's asked me to play again later on tonight, but i doubt it, it can not answer questions that the spirit world should know the answers too, and on a few occassions it told me to leave, i dont know what that was all about.....

              it told me that MJK's killer was a woman called KAREN, it repeated this 3 times! ..... it said the ripper was a friend/ trusted one, it kept repeating this..

              it then went crazy when i said ``did joe barnett kill MJK? ``...... i was told to stop playing right said ``leave... go away``....that spooked me!


              • #22
                who killed mary jane kelly?............yourself

                i mean what a load of rubbish it is


                • #23
                  A small piece of advice here MX- Keep off the old Ouija- One to One ( or many) on a home board is an 'interesting' diversion -that we all had a play when we were 16-17 yrs old -and had the willies put up us on the odd occasion! - With the benefit of some few years on though -

                  It's the lowest form of 'contact' IMHO -and an 'online version' is just totally ridiculous and potentially dangerous for those that allow themselves to get taken in- especially on a 'genuine' (!) Occult website! They'll be asking for money next!!!"Spirits"- They're NOT!! .......charlatans they ARE!

                  Get off of it now!!.......... that's my advice!

                  ...and Yes I read the cards and all sorts of other things but the Ouija-- be aware I say!
                  Last edited by Suzi; 03-27-2009, 12:54 AM.
                  'Would you like to see my African curiosities?'


                  • #24
                    Hi All,

                    As Madame Arcarti said, "Those who believe in spirits are stupid enough to believe in anything."


                    Never believe anything until it has been officially denied.


                    • #25
                      Blesser!!! "Little Tommy Tucker............"

                      On your bike ' eh! The WONDROUS Margaret Rutherford in 'Blithe Spirit' said it all!!!!
                      'Would you like to see my African curiosities?'


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Malcolm X View Post
                        on a few occassions it told me to leave, i dont know what that was all about.....
                        You asked it something that it wasn't programmed to answer - like a question beginning with 'Who?'

                        The response is clever - it's either confusuing ("yourself"), or designed to get you off that topic ("leave now"). Think of the poor person who believes - that kind of answer puts them on a guilt trip and they change their line of questioning.

                        By the way, if you didn't know, "ouija" comes from the combination of the French and German words for yes -- "oui" and "ja".



                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Suzi View Post
                          A small piece of advice here MX- Keep off the old Ouija- One to One ( or many) on a home board is an 'interesting' diversion -that we all had a play when we were 16-17 yrs old -and had the willies put up us on the odd occasion! - With the benefit of some few years on though -

                          It's the lowest form of 'contact' IMHO -and an 'online version' is just totally ridiculous and potentially dangerous for those that allow themselves to get taken in- especially on a 'genuine' (!) Occult website! They'll be asking for money next!!!"Spirits"- They're NOT!! .......charlatans they ARE!

                          Get off of it now!!.......... that's my advice!

                          ...and Yes I read the cards and all sorts of other things but the Ouija-- be aware I say!
                          Sound advice. I'm not certain whether or not I beleive. But many people I've spoken to suggest that the board lies. I think some call them 'Gins".

                          Snips of info, and more and more lies. Lay off, it goes no where.

                          All the best



                          • #28
                            yes it lies that's for sure, but it's very addictive...i must stop playing it, it repeats answers from earlier sessions all the time; but then throws in something very strange... a very unpredictable answer.... it also keeps saying to me ``maybe later``'s the link take a look


                            • #29

                              Can we move this thread to pub talk? That's where UFOs are. Shouldn't spirits be there too?



                              • #30
                                Karen killed MJK? Aaaaargh!

                                I dread to think where this is going to go...

