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Did noone see anything or anyone weird?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Jane Coram View Post
    Hi Lika,

    I can see your reasoning, and you are certainly right that there are some people that seem to have a certain aura of 'blackness' for want of a better word. Animals can often sense something and will run from certain people, or even attack them, so there are certainly some people that can't cover up their malevolence, but it's not always the case.

    If all serial killers looked or acted in a way that set them apart from others and made them look suspicious there would be no serial killers, because they would be picked up almost immediately and would never have the opportunity to go on and kill again. A great many serial killers are just average joe's that wouldn't raise a flicker of suspicion in anyone.

    The most common comments from neighbours and friends of killers is 'Oh he was such a lovely man, one of the kindest and nicest people I've ever met.' They are completely stunned that the person had killed x number of people.

    I think there is a very good chance Jack would have been amongst the crowd, watching the police and the reactions to the murders and getting a kick out of it, without raising so much as a sideways glance from the people around him.



    the only one of our major suspects that spooked/ disturbed other people...(to a great extent) was G.Chapman.... other Ripper suspects much less so. T. Bundy is a clasasic example of a serial killer who was a popular person too.... so no, not all people can sense evil.

    you might only sense at best..... oddness and distance, a very standoffish nature....but that can be a shy person as well, or somebody that's highly intelligent... a scientist/ professor/ surgeon.
    Last edited by Malcolm X; 03-21-2009, 07:07 PM.


    • #17
      Sorry Malcolm, I obviously didn't explain myself very well in my post. What I meant was that there are no stereotypical serial killers - they come in all shapes and sizes, which I think is what you are saying as well, unless I've misunderstood your post.

      I dont believe that all people can sense evil, but I do believe that there are some people that are so evil that almost anyone would be able to see it, even if they weren't particularly perceptive most of the time. You only have to look at some of the mugshots on the TV news of really serious offenders.
      Some of them are just so disturbing, it's hard to look at them, even in a photo.

      Then there are many other killers who are so normal that no-one would ever suspect them, no matter how perceptive they were and these killers are usually only caught by accident, by sheer luck, or might never be discovered at all. We don't know how many there are out there who have killed and got away with it and are living perfectly normal lives, and are never discovered, simply because they were so 'normal'.

      I can't really agree that of the major suspects only Chapman exhibited behaviour that others would find disturbing or spooked people, as I can think of a few instances of suspects that did things that would definitely have made people very disturbed by them, but I can see your point!



      I'm not afraid of heights, swimming or love - just falling, drowning and rejection.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Jane Coram View Post
        Sorry Malcolm, I obviously didn't explain myself very well in my post. What I meant was that there are no stereotypical serial killers - they come in all shapes and sizes, which I think is what you are saying as well, unless I've misunderstood your post.

        I dont believe that all people can sense evil, but I do believe that there are some people that are so evil that almost anyone would be able to see it, even if they weren't particularly perceptive most of the time. You only have to look at some of the mugshots on the TV news of really serious offenders.
        Some of them are just so disturbing, it's hard to look at them, even in a photo.

        Then there are many other killers who are so normal that no-one would ever suspect them, no matter how perceptive they were and these killers are usually only caught by accident, by sheer luck, or might never be discovered at all. We don't know how many there are out there who have killed and got away with it and are living perfectly normal lives, and are never discovered, simply because they were so 'normal'.

        I can't really agree that of the major suspects only Chapman exhibited behaviour that others would find disturbing or spooked people, as I can think of a few instances of suspects that did things that would definitely have made people very disturbed by them, but I can see your point!



        yes i agree with you here.... there were others i.e W.BURY and James KELLY etc who were disturbing, plus Maybrick, D'Onston and Tumblety on ocasions.. but G.Chapman appeared disturbing to far more people.

        animals sense evil far better than we do, as you've said, i think we receive the signals ok; but we just interpret this as odd or accentric..or this person is having a bad day etc.

        you only really put two and two together, once you read between the lines of what that creepy person is saying to you... i.e if you're talking to somebody in the pub that gives you the creeps and then at the end of the night they say..``how about coming back to my place for a beer mate``

        i've had this happen to me in my younger years and all you hear is, screaming in your head ``get out of here now... leave this pub, walk away from him``... a very strong sensation, you shake with terror.

        Kelly didn't sense this, if Blotchy face was her killer that is... well no, this could be becaue she was drunk, he hid it well; or he wasn't her killer.

        my guess is, the Ripper hid it well... i.e Eddowes


        • #19
          what went on that night we'll never know...........only guess at,
          this forum is a place to come to for entertainment, plus a genuine interest.. but i dont think we'll ever know who the ripper is..

          on a serious note, there is only one way to find out but it's very dangerous and risky as hell........... play an OUIJA BOARD, but i'm not brave enough to do so and definitely not at home.

          ``Mary Kelly are you there ?``........ flipping heck, can you imagine that

          and i dont think anybody went back in time from the year 3000 either, otherwise there'd be a crowd of weird looking humans all waiting outside Millers Court between 2am and 4am
          Last edited by Malcolm X; 03-22-2009, 03:14 AM.


          • #20
            sorry, i wasn't able to edit that last post

            just been reading about OUIJA board on the web, dont anyone go anywhere near it, it's far too dangerous... it even scares me reading about it


            • #21
              I have serious issues with Asperger's Syndrome. I don't dismiss it totally but I have issues when people who clearly need help start claiming they have Asperger's to get the better of society. And yes, as for animals attacking people - Blame the person, 'the animal sensed something'. Ouija Boards are good for those small number of initiates who know what they're doing. Human beings are limited individuals, we don't have unlimited powers. I was just discussing tonight with a friend about the occult, as long you know what you're doing and you know the limits and can keep well away from them I think it's OK, certainly not a bit of fun. Problem is, most people don't and that's not too good. I'm thinking of the case of Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes but looking at how their lives turned out I think it spiralled out of control even for them.

