According to A. M. Phypers' "The House Where Jack Swilled?" article in the Dissertations, the pub I've colored in green is the Commercial Tavern, 142 Commercial Street. The article doesn't say anything about the pub I have outlined in red; it states that the Commercial Tavern was the only other pub in Commercial Street (together with the Ten Bells, the Golden Heart [Hart?], Red Lion, Queen's Head, and Princess Alice).

The first thing that occurs to me is that this building simply wasn't a public house in 1888; after all, the ordnance map is from several years after that date, and this seems the most logical reason why the place wouldn't have been in the article.
Does anyone know whether or not this was a pub in 1888? If it was, does anyone know the name of the establishment, and the name of the landlord?
Many thanks!

The first thing that occurs to me is that this building simply wasn't a public house in 1888; after all, the ordnance map is from several years after that date, and this seems the most logical reason why the place wouldn't have been in the article.
Does anyone know whether or not this was a pub in 1888? If it was, does anyone know the name of the establishment, and the name of the landlord?
Many thanks!