Originally posted by FISHY1118
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Horses and carts were a regular sight in the area but I’m guessing that posh coaches and horses weren’t. Why did no one report seeing one near to any of the crime scene’s?
Why were there no traces in the streets? Footprints from stepping in the blood in the confined space of a coaches interior or drips from a horribly mutilated corpse?
Its unlikely I suppose that they parked directly in front of the murder sites? Therefore how far do we have these men carrying a mutilated corpse? A few yards? Surely you can see how suicidally risky this would have been? A man going into a yard with a women might not have merited a second glance but two men carrying a corpse would stick in the memory I’d suggest?
How could they have known what was through the side door of 29? What if the door to the garden was locked? What if someone was in the hallway? What if someone was in the yard?
Why would they have taken such massive and unbelievable risks when they had absolutely no need to. Simply employing some anonymous, lower class killer would have done the job risk-free. An alternative theory is one thing Fishy but you are not presenting anything new as you know. This has been looked at and analysed and no one gives it a moments credence.
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