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Patric Mackay.

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  • Patric Mackay.

    It was sometime in the early 70's, that I had a scary experience with a certain Patrick Macay, He would become famous ( if now forgotten )in and around 1974/75 for the murder of a priest in Shorne, Kent.
    Shorne is a pleasant village located between Gravesend and Rochester,
    surrounded by dense woodland. As kids after school, friends and myself would often be found exploring in these woods after school.
    On one occasion we were on our bikes when all of a sudden a person appeared from nowhere on a bike wearing a stocking over his head, he shouted something and then full speed came at us. We at this point fled as fast as we could go, and raced to the sprawling housing estate from where we lived. ( riverview park )
    He chased us but we managed to lose him, however we kept our eyes on him and then followed him to his house on the estate.
    We found that he lived in a road all close to us although we didnt know him.
    It was only a few years later that he went onto his killing spree.
    It not certain how many people he killed, I think it was thought about FIve, but these only came to light after he was caught and convicted for the murder of the priest, who had befreinded him.
    He was found dead in his bath with an axe in his head.
    I now believe Mackay is doing life in Broadmore.
    As a spooky footnote, I went to visit a freind of mine to see her new house in Shorne last year She was keen to show me the scene from her upper bedroom...It over looks the house that the priest lived and died in.
    It was a long time ago now,so some of the facts maybe slightly out concerning Mackay and his murder spree, but are basically correct.

  • #2
    Thanks Spyglass,

    waow... good story...How/when did you learn that the guy with the stocking on his face was Macay ?

    I've just read a bit about him, but that was only about the last murder (the priest).
    So, if anybody knows more about the case...



    • #3
      HI DVV,

      I remember that when he chased us to the estate, we managed to slipdown one of the many alleyways and garages, Mackay cycled past and when he was far enough away we kept him in sight and was able to see which house he lived in in a road named Frobisher way/ drive. So when a few years later, he went on the rampage,everyone knew it was the same person when arrested and it appreared in the papers.
      Macay was I think only a few years older then myself, and although we lived on the same estate, I cant ever remember seeing him at any othertime.

      I think it was assumed that he had killed a tramp on Hungerford Bridge,London, and also some old women somewhere, although not sure if it was ever proven, but the police seemed certain I think.
      I did hear a story later that as a kid,Mackay used to venture out late at night stealling garden gnomes and storing them in his own garden.
      Allthough not quite JTR, at least I can say I came face to face with a
      serial killer....and lived to tell the tale.


      • #4
        Such a chilling story Spy, thanks for sharing. It is no wonder you were scared.... just look at this guy!!

        Last edited by Uncle Jack; 02-19-2010, 01:06 AM.
        Best regards,

        "They assumed Kelly was the last... they assumed wrong" - Me


        • #5
          Hi Spyglass,

          many thanks for sharing your experience. Chilling thing, in retrospect...
          I didn't know this case, and the little I've read since is most interesting.

          Now, any book dedicated to Macay should mention your experience, 'cos it tells something of this serial killer behaviour, obviously.


          edit : Hi Adam, who's that guy ? Macay ? Whoever, not sure I want to have a beer with him.
          Last edited by DVV; 02-19-2010, 03:48 PM.


          • #6
            HI, and glad you enjoyed my tale.

            Uncle Jack,
            Thanks for the pic of Mackay, looking at that just makes me glad he kept the stocking on over his head.
            he certainly looks older then I would have thought.


            • #7
              Patrick Mackay

              Didnt this guy make his own nazi costume out of caedboard


              • #8
                Originally posted by dannymc View Post
                Didnt this guy make his own nazi costume out of caedboard
                yes he did. He also called himself "Franklin Bollvolt I" and paraded around his home.
                He had this fantasy that he was "Dictator of The Earth" or somthing like that.

