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Donald Trump

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  • Donald Trump

    I have always considered Donald Trump to be a loud mouthed, obnoxious, buffoon and I would never consider voting for him. But I did watch him speak at a recent rally and I do understand his appeal for certain people. He is entertaining, I will give him that. And he says what he thinks which is refreshing. The comparisons to Hitler were kind of scary however.


  • #2
    As an outsider (a Brit) i understand exactly what you mean, he has charisma that is certain, but he comes across as uneducated, or perhaps its just ignorant on many issues.

    unfortunately this is what you get with the American system, ability to do a job comes second to the ability to fund a campaign.
    It never ceases to amaze me that it appears to be impossible to stand for the highest officer unless your are you disgustingly wealthy.

    Thats just the the view of An Outsider, with no wish to offend either party in the USA.


    • #3
      Feel free to offend both parties. They both deserve it.



      • #4
        Outsider here, too. (Canadian)

        My problem is that Cruz scares me as much as Trump.
        Is it progress when a cannibal uses a fork?
        - Stanislaw Jerzy Lee


        • #5
          I LOVE offending both parties at every possible moment but that's neither here nor there. Trump is an ass-hat. Though I think social media and so many news outlets writing off his voters and rally attendees as just racists or fascists is a mistake and a fairly large one. Yes, he has more than his fair share of those idiots but he appeals very much to the blue collar segments, his speeches focus heavily on trade and reviving industries that are still dragging or being shipped out of the US. Much of the blue collar segment is still having a pretty rough time and are aware that another downturn is coming. The main arms of both the Dems and Reps have pretty much ignored them for a good while when it comes to policies and only give them lip service when its election time.
          Sanders should have made a much stronger play for that group, instead of focusing on college and farther left areas as much as he has. Those groups would have listened to him anyway, he could have eased off them and shifted focus to blue collar earlier.
          I’m often irrelevant. It confuses people.


          • #6
            I have never been for Trump (the guys I'm for keep dropping out) but it is funny to see how the Democrats are cowed by him.
            This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

            Stan Reid


            • #7
              I wouldn't say that Hillary and Sanders are cowed by Trump. As far as I can see they've pretty well ignored him up to now. (I'm Aussie but love the political process so have been watching closely on Sky, CNN and yes, Fox!) Whether Sanders will continue to ignore the Donald after being accused of encouraging supporters to disrupt his rallies is debatable, though!

              I think Trump does speak to a section of blue collar workers who've been ignored by the elite. Whether he'll be able to bring manufacturing back to the US from China if he ever gets into the White House is another matter. His speeches often seem to be a mix of broad generalisations, incoherent sentences and slogans. You can certainly say he's entertaining though, and like Sanders, seems to have brought a new demographic out to vote who usually stay home. Has he gone too far though? Super Tuesday should be very interesting.


              • #8
                I saw a comment the other day.


                You think this is an election.

                It's not.

                It's an IQ test.

                You are failing badly.
                G U T

                There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by c.d. View Post
                  The comparisons to Hitler were kind of scary however.
                  ...they even share a fetish for precariously-sloping hair!
                  Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                  "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


                  • #10
                    Trump is boorish and obnoxious, there's no disputing that. He's not someone I'd care to have in my home, or to meet on a social occasion, but I'll be voting for him this coming Tuesday*. Trump is an unabashed nationalist, and elevates doing what's best for America over philosophical principles such as free trade or human rights. I absolutely love that he holds political correctness in contempt, and will say what he thinks regardless of how desperately people try to shame him into silence. I feel safe as well in that he's rich enough that no-one can buy him.

                    I'll admit also to a certain amount of childish glee watching the career politicians and professional analysts try to figure out why he's succeeding when he's not campaigning on the issues they want to promote, and completely failing to see the forest for the trees.

                    * I feel vaguely guilty about this, as I live in Ohio, and have twice campaigned for John Kasich, who is an outstanding governor, and whom I'd be backing for President if not for Trump.
                    - Ginger


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post
                      ...they even share a fetish for precariously-sloping hair!
                      Just once I'd like to be a fly on a bathroom wall when Trump combs his hair in the mornings. Is he really bald on top and just swirls his remaining hair in some way onto his skull (glue?) while the rest hangs down like a curtain behind? I've never seen a hairstyle like it, actually!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Rosella View Post
                        Just once I'd like to be a fly on a bathroom wall when Trump combs his hair in the mornings. Is he really bald on top and just swirls his remaining hair in some way onto his skull (glue?) while the rest hangs down like a curtain behind? I've never seen a hairstyle like it, actually!
                        But is it his hair.
                        G U T

                        There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                        • #13
                          Maybe the eagle's nest on the top is a wiglet. But surely if he has a toupee he'd buy a better one than that? I mean, his hair's been a target for late night comedians for a decade or more.


                          • #14
                            I thought some sort of animal climbed up on his head and died.
                            G U T

                            There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by SirJohnFalstaff View Post
                              Outsider here, too. (Canadian)

                              My problem is that Cruz scares me as much as Trump.

                              They all scare me. except Kasich.

                              full disclosure-American here. registered Independent. I don't fit with Republican or democratic as I feel strongly for and against many issues on both sides. There isn't a party that fits me.

                              but they scare me, or at least make me nervous.

                              Trump-too controversial. egomaniac, says (and maybe believes?) things that are simply unconstitutional.

                              Cruz-way to conservative. hard to read his true personality. and if other politicians don't even like him-yikes.

                              Rubio-vacuous pretty boy. cant or wont even do his job in the senate. too inexperienced.

                              Hillary-a flat out liar. she only wants the job because she reeeeeally wants the job (and for personal power reasons only sad to say). Her and her husband have serious moral deficiancies.

                              Sanders-truly a good guy, but a socialist. Darn.

                              Kasich is the only one Id feel OK with but unfortunately he dosnt have a chance.
                              "Is all that we see or seem
                              but a dream within a dream?"

                              -Edgar Allan Poe

                              "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                              quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                              -Frederick G. Abberline

