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Donald Trump

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  • Originally posted by Karl View Post
    You know, when you clear a clogged drain, all sorts of disgusting gunk can come out. Before you task yourself with that dirty work, you should ask yourself if it's worth it. If it's not even your house, and you're not getting paid to do it, you'd get yourself dirty for no good reason. I'm done trying to unclog Abby myself (and it seems now that Patrick is equally full of it), and I feel much cleaner for it. My advice to you.
    Hey Karl

    Here's your participation trophy you whining Millenial wannabe.

    You can put it on your mantel next to your chelsea Manning award.

    Oh and btw, your not fooling anyone. You couldn't unclog a drain if your life depended on it.
    Wimp. I can tell by your posts you haven't lifted a finger to do anything difficult or by yourself except maybe masterbate to Rosie Odonnell on YouTube.

    You remind me of the clip of two liberals stuck on a broken escalator crying for help. LOL!!
    Last edited by Abby Normal; 01-19-2017, 03:29 AM.
    "Is all that we see or seem
    but a dream within a dream?"

    -Edgar Allan Poe

    "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
    quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

    -Frederick G. Abberline


    • Told you.


      • Originally posted by ChrisGeorge View Post
        As filmmaker Michael Moore said, "Trump is the Godfather of fake news." See

        A correspondent on another discussion site, noted:

        Joseph Goebbels passes on the mantle to Trump as godfather of 'Fake News' or more properly propaganda ...interesting to note the similarity of Trump 'Fake News' dissemination and Goebbels method

        6. To be perceived, propaganda must evoke the interest of an audience and must be transmitted through an attention-getting communications medium.
        13 (c) c. A propaganda theme must be repeated, but not beyond some point of diminishing effectiveness
        14. Propaganda must label events and people with distinctive phrases or slogans.

        a. They must evoke desired responses which the audience previously possesses

        b. They must be capable of being easily learned
        Hey Chris
        Just curious. Do you work for Marylyn Mosby? Your above post sounds very familiar.
        Where we're you during the riots Im curious? Curled up in under your covers hugging your Al Sharpton doll?

        I'm done pretending I like you. When your done back stabbing my city please enjoy returning wherever you come from. As one of your cohorts recently said itll feel much better once the drain is unclogged.

        Oh and piece of advice. Stick to publishing ripperologist. It's slightly less fake news than the bullshit you keep reposting.
        "Is all that we see or seem
        but a dream within a dream?"

        -Edgar Allan Poe

        "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
        quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

        -Frederick G. Abberline


        • Originally posted by Karl View Post
          Told you.
          I told you first!waaaaaaaaaaa. That's the sound of a Millenial wannabe crying.
          "Is all that we see or seem
          but a dream within a dream?"

          -Edgar Allan Poe

          "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
          quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

          -Frederick G. Abberline


          • Originally posted by Karl View Post
            Told you.
            Hey karl. You didn't answer my question. Where are you from.
            Or are you too ashamed to say?
            "Is all that we see or seem
            but a dream within a dream?"

            -Edgar Allan Poe

            "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
            quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

            -Frederick G. Abberline


            • Originally posted by Karl View Post
              You know, when you clear a clogged drain, all sorts of disgusting gunk can come out. Before you task yourself with that dirty work, you should ask yourself if it's worth it. If it's not even your house, and you're not getting paid to do it, you'd get yourself dirty for no good reason. I'm done trying to unclog Abby myself (and it seems now that Patrick is equally full of it), and I feel much cleaner for it. My advice to you.
              My my Karl your up late. Have another Shirley temple. Pace yourself though, theyre pretty strong for the likes of you.
              "Is all that we see or seem
              but a dream within a dream?"

              -Edgar Allan Poe

              "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
              quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

              -Frederick G. Abberline


              • I'm sorry, I should have been more specific - I see how my previous post could be misconstrued as to address the wrong person. I meant to say:

                See, people? I told you.


                • I would like to apologize to Chris karl and HP. Mea culpa.

                  I wouldn't blame them for not accepting. I don't agree with what they say and have had spats with them before, but it's no excuse for personal attacks and is hypocritical. I need to try and practice what I preach more and will do better in the future.

                  Drinking and posting is probably not a good idea either. Lol.

                  Anyway admin please feel free to delete said posts and or I'll also take my whipping.

                  I won't be returning to this Trump thread again, as obviously I can't control my temper here.
                  "Is all that we see or seem
                  but a dream within a dream?"

                  -Edgar Allan Poe

                  "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                  quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                  -Frederick G. Abberline


                  • Originally posted by Karl View Post
                    How is that calling for impeachment? It's a prediction, which I would certainly not mind at all if it came through - because I fear what Trump might wreak on an international level. This does not mean that I would not want Trump to do a good job if not impeached. The best scenario would, of course, be one where he - against all odds - actually does good on both the domestic and international arena, and is not impeached - but the odds of him actually being a good president are far worse than the odds of him being impeached at some point.

                    Yes, Patrick - I'm the child of the two of us. You're the grown-up one. Which is why you feel the need to point this out in every one of your posts. That's what adults do, apparently. After all, why should you even address my posts with anything else when I'm a child and you're the adult? Adults win debates by pointing out that they are the adults, if Patrick's logic is anything to go by. At least you are able to convince yourself, and that's a start I suppose.
                    Well. Two points. First, I really had no real clue as to your relative age other than the content and quality of your posts. That is to say, you present the worldview of someone without much life experience who gets information from all the cool places where all the cool kids get their information. And, deny it as you will, you see everything as zero sum: If you like Trump, you hate Obama. If you like Obama you HATE Trump! If you don't HATE Trump, your a racist. If you're "for" the "rich" (whatever that means) your "against" the "poor" (whatever that means). If you don't think Islam is the religion of peace your a "racist" and a "bigot" (because, even tough Muslims aren't a race those words are REALLY fun to spit out of your mouth if you're, say, under thirty - Nazi, Hitler, and KKK are REALLY fun to toss around, too!).

                    Second, the only disappointing thing about engaging your ilk is that, while its fun out of the chute, it's too easy. One quickly gets bored. I mean, it stands to reason, right? When you argue with a smart person who can present a reasonable argument, even if you find it implausible, there's a mutual respect and a chance that you may learn something and be influenced. That's clearly not going to happen here. So, I'm sure you'll respond to me here and we'll let that be the last word. Call yourself a winner. Great job.

                    A quick point, Karl. For future reference, if you say something like "I predict Trump will be impeached but I don't want to say it out loud for fear of jinxing it", you can't try and convince people that you REALLY don't want him to GET impeached and it's just that you wouldn't really mind that much if he did and that you really, deep, deep down WANT him to do well as president. That's actually a pretty tough statement to walk back. So, if you MEAN it, stand by it. See, maybe you can grasp this. I'll present a fictional conversation between two NFL fans as an example:

                    Bill: I predict the Patriots are going to be beat the Steelers on Sunday! But.....I almost dare not speak it aloud! Don't want to jinx it!
                    Ted: AH! I see. So, you want the Patriots to win the game.
                    Bill: Well. I wouldn't really MIND if they won. It's not that I'm rooting for them. It's just a prediction.
                    Ted: But, you said you were afraid to jinx it. If you don't want to jinx it, doesn't that mean you WANT the Patriots to win?
                    Bill: NOT AT ALL! That's ridiculous, Ted! I hope the Steelers do WELL! Ted: Oh....I see...wait.....What? I'm confused!
                    Bill: Yeah. I hope they do well! But I predict the Steelers will lose the game and I predict the Patriots will win.
                    Ted: So, you want the Patriots to win?
                    Bill: No. I just predict that they will.
                    Ted: But the part about not wanting to jinx it? See. That's confusing to me. It makes it seem as if, by not wanting to jinx it that you, you know, want the Patriots to win the game.
                    Bill: Well. That's just crazy. That's a really unfair and wrong assumption.
                    Ted: I see. I must' know.....gotten that wrong.
                    Bill: You sure did get it wrong. I want the Steelers to do well. I'm just PREDICTING the Patriots are going to win. AND....I don't want to PREDICT it OUT LOUD....because I don't want to jinx it.
                    Ted: But you don't really WANT the Patriots to win.
                    Bill: Correct.
                    Ted: But you wouldn't MIND if they did.
                    Bill: Exactly.
                    Ted. Got it. Moron.


                    • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
                      Hey Karl
                      Oh and btw, your not fooling anyone. You couldn't unclog a drain if your life depended on it.
                      Wimp. I can tell by your posts you haven't lifted a finger to do anything difficult or by yourself except maybe masterbate to Rosie Odonnell on YouTube.
                      Ok...That's just so very wrong hahaha... come on Rosie....really....I myself have done many difficult things myself..but nothing quite as difficult as that!!!!

                      As you can tell by my posts, I am in no way a Trump supporter, but I am not a detractor, I am more than willing to give the President elect a should always be the far, many of his decisions have been poor (in my opinion) re: cabinet picks, and Twitter name calling (very unbecoming a person in such a position of power....and yes that goes both ways, when Dem's Tweet back they are as guilty in my opinion) but the thing I don't understand is the hatred between us, the people, over this...I don't care about parties, WE ARE ONE COUNTRY...and should always remember that, Part of what makes America the greatest country to live in is we don't all have to agree, disagreement is what makes America work together...but this outright hate on both side (Trump supporters who will belittle anyone who disagrees with him on anything... and will defend him no matter what, even on the terrible judgment decisions; and the liberals who put their fingers in their ears and wont listen to ANYTHING the other side has to say....sad, really sad)
                      OK, I still can't get that Rosie thing out of my head... that may have crossed the line of good taste!! haha
                      Bread and Circus's people (just not Ringling brothers).. Baseball spring training opens in 24 days!!!

                      Steadmund Brand
                      "The truth is what is, and what should be is a fantasy. A terrible, terrible lie that someone gave to the people long ago."- Lenny Bruce


                      • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
                        I won't be returning to this Trump thread again, as obviously I can't control my temper here.
                        No, no ... Abby
                        This thread is hilarious.
                        Don`t leave
                        From a British perspective, it`s interesting to see what you guys think of the Donald.

                        Personally, I think the result (like Brexit) is democracy at work.
                        Trump can`t be as bad as George Bush jnr, and if it doesn`t work, then no-one will ever be able to do what Trump just did, and the career politicians will resume maintaining the status quo, good or bad.


                        • Patrick, I barely made it through your first paragraph before deciding that it was a bad idea to keep reading. If you keep fabricating things about me out of nothing, then we have nothing to talk about. Your posts seem geared entirely towards insult and slander, and none at all towards discourse. So why should I waste my time with you?


                          • Originally posted by Karl View Post
                            Patrick, I barely made it through your first paragraph before deciding that it was a bad idea to keep reading. If you keep fabricating things about me out of nothing, then we have nothing to talk about. Your posts seem geared entirely towards insult and slander, and none at all towards discourse. So why should I waste my time with you?
                            You didn't read the part about the Pats and Steelers? Oh, man! I thought that was rich. Oh, well. Your loss. Sorry. I didn't mean to imply that you LOST, Karl. You're a winner. You're a WINNER! And you're smart...and people like you!


                            • Way to behave like the adult you claim you are, Pat.


                              • Originally posted by Jon Guy View Post
                                No, no ... Abby
                                This thread is hilarious.
                                Don`t leave
                                From a British perspective, it`s interesting to see what you guys think of the Donald.

                                Personally, I think the result (like Brexit) is democracy at work.
                                Trump can`t be as bad as George Bush jnr, and if it doesn`t work, then no-one will ever be able to do what Trump just did, and the career politicians will resume maintaining the status quo, good or bad.
                                Interesting post Jon. However Brexit was not democracy at work those politicians in favour of Brexit told several outright lies that I suggest had not been told and believed by many Brexit wouldn't have happened. As I said in a previous post I am considerably more concerned with Brexit and May's deceitful government than I am Trump. The USA political system is sensibly structured so that although the President is the most powerful person in the World they are generally not able to force through policies that no one else agrees with the same cannot be said for the British Prime Minister who has more room to manoeuvre as regards national politics. If her main Ministers agree with something it is likely it will happen.

                                Cheers John

