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Donald Trump

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  • Originally posted by caz View Post
    Hi again Abby,

    By 'the right decisions', do you mean that if God hears your prayers He will intervene and stop Trump doing anything really terrible for your country?

    The reason I find this a trifle worrying is that it reminds me of when Bush and Blair justified going to war in the Middle East by saying they had God on their side so they must be doing the right thing! If members of any other religion used that kind of argument for aggression of any kind (not naming the obvious one) it would give people the screaming abdabs.



    I don't mean anything but wishing good will and hoping our president does well.

    sorry your worried about that or it reminds you of something you don't like.
    "Is all that we see or seem
    but a dream within a dream?"

    -Edgar Allan Poe

    "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
    quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

    -Frederick G. Abberline


    • Originally posted by John G View Post
      Of Course, Trump is currently only the President Elect. In fact, technically he doesn't even have that status because, under the American system, the people dont vote for a president but for electors; it is the Electoral College that then elects the President and they haven't voted yet.

      In fact, there is an online petition to encourage "faithless electors", i.e. calling on Republican electors pledged to Trump to vote instead for Clinton:
      They tried this in 2000 when they only had to flip a couple of votes, not 36, and the only result was that Al Gore's vote was reduced in the Electoral College. There is no chance of Trump not becoming President, that is, unless the John Wilkes Booth faction of the Democrat Party gets their way.

      It amazes me how these buds continue to lay back an spread their legs for their Clintons.
      This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

      Stan Reid


      • Originally posted by sdreid View Post
        They tried this in 2000 when they only had to flip a couple of votes, not 36, and the only result was that Al Gore's vote was reduced in the Electoral College. There is no chance of Trump not becoming President, that is, unless the John Wilkes Booth faction of the Democrat Party gets their way.

        It amazes me how these buds continue to lay back an spread their legs for their Clintons.
        Yes, it's obviously very implausible! Of course, in 2000 a Democrat Elector from Washington D.C. abstained as a protest at the lack of Congressional representation for Washington DC.

        Interestingly, during the course of this election four Electors-two Democrat and two Republican-threatened to break their pledge:
        Last edited by John G; 11-21-2016, 02:38 PM.


        • "Hamilton" actor makes brief plea from stage at curtain call of performance attended by Vice-President-Elect Pence for America to remain inclusive. Trump calls for an apology from the cast.

          Um-- "free speech", Mr. Trump?

          GUT-- re who Trump surrounds himself with: I'm not at all happy with the mention of Steve Bannon of Breitbart News as a close consultant and staff member of the new President.

          Bannon's site is famed for allowing alt-right hate speech.

          Howard Dean called Bannon a "Nazi" for his anti-Jewish remarks.
          Howard Dean labeled Donald Trump's chief strategist a "Nazi" over what he perceives to be his anti-Semitism and racism.
          Pat D.
          Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.


          • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
            whats not positive about wishing and hoping good will on someone?
            And along with it we do a lot more too like donate thousands to charity, give our time and money to the poor and needy etc., but if you want to make that out somehow to be a negative well then I guess "Ive heard it all!"
            Hi Abby,

            It was just the praying bit I had trouble with.


            "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


            • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
              I don't mean anything but wishing good will and hoping our president does well.

              sorry your worried about that or it reminds you of something you don't like.
              Again, Abby, wishing and hoping is not - in my world - the same as praying to some dreamed-up mythical character. That is what I don't particularly like - admittedly because it's something I don't begin to understand.


              "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


              • Originally posted by Mayerling View Post
                Actually, by now, those millions of bone headed white males who supported Donald (with some bone heads who were women) are beginning to sense some things they don't like:

                1) He's getting lobbyists in Washington, D.C. to assist him. That means he is embracing the very elites that the boneheads were opposed to. This really should not be so surprising - any President would.

                2) He's backtracking on the wall business - it might not be for some time, and Mexico probably won't pay for it. [If you recall, in the "Khaki" Election of 1918, Lloyd George promised to squeeze hard to make Germany pay for the war, "until the pips squeak" - and he and the French did! Which helped lead to Hitler. Maybe Trump is more aware of historically reoccurring threats than we thought.] The great bunch of fools don't like that.

                3) Now (having met with Obama - I'm sure Obama had the Oval Office fumigated after the meeting) Donald is not quite willing to destroy Obamacare - he may only make one or two changes. The idiots wanted him to destroy it (one wonders why, most of them don't have medical insurance at all).

                In short the back-tracking on campaign promises is beginning. His jackyl spokesmen Gingrich and Giuliani are offering lame excuses like, "Wasn't that a great campaign issue?!" (Newt) or "I'm sure it will be built soon!" (Rudy, the Mayor of no where in particular now). The disillusionment will slowly sink in. I note that Sanders has found his cohones (a term a Mexican would understand, but not a faux-billionaire golf course builder, even with a locker room sense of language) and threatened to be Donald's worse nightmare if he tries to dismantle too much.

                In short, the political honeymoon is over. It lasted only four days. Shortest for any President since Herbert Hoover.

                Sorry for the delay. I had some medical issues, and ended up in hospital, but am much better now.

                I'm not sure where you get "the honeymoon is over". I'm delighted with Trump, and so are most of his supporters that I know. He has a practical need for lobbyists to help get things done, and good on him that he's willing to listen to other views about how to secure the border. I strongly suspect that Mexico will, in the end, pay for that project, as refusing to do so would be far more costly to them.

                So far as Obamacare, I would laugh my ass off if he stripped away all of it, but left the mandate for coverage of pre-existing conditions in place. I doubt that congress would allow that, but it would be absolutely poetic justice for the insurance companies, who could have stopped Obamacare, but thought they were getting a license to vacuum all the money they wanted out of people's pockets. I'd love to see them get hurt, badly.

                Look what he's done already, without even having taken office:

                Put a halt to the TPP and TPIP. Both are effectively dead. Made it plain that the US won't engage in multilateral trade deals, only bilateral. Great for America, and has the laudable side benefit of distressing Angela Merkel.

                Made it plain that the Paris Accord will not be honoured, as the Senate has never ratified it. Made it plain that he's going to appoint a reformer (probably Myron Ebell) as head of the EPA, to rein in that overreaching and corrupt organization. Will re-purpose NASA's "climate change" budget back to space exploration, which is what they should be doing.

                Seems to be fixed on Jeff Sessions as head of the Justice Department, a fine and upstanding law and order sort who'll have no truck with this "dreamers" / DACA nonsense.

                In short, I'm over the moon about this guy, the moreso that he follows eight long years of deliberate misrule and disaster.
                - Ginger


                • Also: I was one of those people out there jumping up and down and roaring "LOCK! HER! UP! LOCK! HER! UP!", but on the whole Trump is correct to let Hillary off the hook. It would be only her own fault if she ended up in prison, but that's a mess that America doesn't need right now. The same applies to Obama.

                  Trump is negotiating hard to keep Carrier air conditioner manufacturing at home, even before he's taken office. I haven't noticed Obama, or any of the other candidates, making the least effort there.

                  The one thing he's done to annoy me is considering that scoundrel Romney for State.
                  - Ginger


                  • Hope all is well now Ginger.
                    G U T

                    There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                    • Originally posted by GUT View Post
                      Hope all is well now Ginger.
                      A great deal better than I was, thank you!
                      - Ginger


                      • Originally posted by Ginger View Post
                        Sorry for the delay. I had some medical issues, and ended up in hos<script id="gpt-impl-0.01266429618449616" src=""></script>pital, but am much better now.

                        I'm not sure where you get "the honeymoon is over". I'm delighted with Trump, and so are most of his supporters that I know. He has a practical need for lobbyists to help get things done, and good on him that he's willing to listen to other views about how to secure the border. I strongly suspect that Mexico will, in the end, pay for that project, as refusing to do so would be far more costly to them.

                        So far as Obamacare, I would laugh my ass off if he stripped away all of it, but left the mandate for coverage of pre-existing conditions in place. I doubt that congress would allow that, but it would be absolutely poetic justice for the insurance companies, who could have stopped Obamacare, but thought they were getting a license to vacuum all the money they wanted out of people's pockets. I'd love to see them get hurt, badly.

                        Look what he's done already, without even having taken office:

                        Put a halt to the TPP and TPIP. Both are effectively dead. Made it plain that the US won't engage in multilateral trade deals, only bilateral. Great for America, and has the laudable side benefit of distressing Angela Merkel.

                        Made it plain that the Paris Accord will not be honoured, as the Senate has never ratified it. [Emphasis mine. CTG] Made it plain that he's going to appoint a reformer (probably Myron Ebell) as head of the EPA, to rein in that overreaching and corrupt organization. Will re-purpose NASA's "climate change" budget back to space exploration, which is what they should be doing.

                        Seems to be fixed on Jeff Sessions as head of the Justice Department, a fine and upstanding law and order sort who'll have no truck with this "dreamers" / DACA nonsense.

                        In short, I'm over the moon about this guy, the moreso that he follows eight long years of deliberate misrule and disaster.
                        In the session Trump held with the New York Times --

                        On climate change, Mr. Trump refused to repeat his promise to abandon the international climate accord reached last year in Paris, saying, “I’m looking at it very closely.” Despite the recent appointment to his transition team of a fierce critic of the Paris accords, Mr. Trump said that “I have an open mind to it” and that clean air and “crystal clear water” were vitally important.

                        Christopher T. George
                        Organizer, RipperCon #JacktheRipper-#True Crime Conference
                        just held in Baltimore, April 7-8, 2018.
                        For information about RipperCon, go to
                        RipperCon 2018 talks can now be heard at


                        • I am encouraged by some of Trump's more moderate takes on certain things he promised during the campaign. It may yet develop that he will be a good leader for our country, but pleasing all the people at the same time could be beyond even The Donald.
                          Pat D.
                          Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.


                          • Originally posted by ChrisGeorge View Post
                            In the session Trump held with the New York Times --

                            On climate change, Mr. Trump refused to repeat his promise to abandon the international climate accord reached last year in Paris, saying, “I’m looking at it very closely.” Despite the recent appointment to his transition team of a fierce critic of the Paris accords, Mr. Trump said that “I have an open mind to it” and that clean air and “crystal clear water” were vitally important.

                            Thank heavens for that. Hopefully clearer mind will prevail here.
                            "Is all that we see or seem
                            but a dream within a dream?"

                            -Edgar Allan Poe

                            "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                            quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                            -Frederick G. Abberline


                            • It is now being reported that the Secret Service will rent a floor at Trump tower to create a command center to protect Trump.
                              A floor typically rents for about $1.5 million, according to CNN. The Secret Service will be paying Trump to protect him.
                              He's starting to milk the system already?
                              Regards, Jon S.


                              • Originally posted by Pcdunn View Post
                                I am encouraged by some of Trump's more moderate takes on certain things he promised during the campaign. It may yet develop that he will be a good leader for our country, but pleasing all the people at the same time could be beyond even The Donald.
                                Me too. Actually I'm flabbergasted (but happily)by his more moderate tone and willingness to try and unite people. He obviously doesn't carry a grudge.

                                I was worried about his controversial and harsh words during the campaign and thought for sure he was going to talk himself out of the white house. Totally bizarro election.

                                But I'm encouraged by what I've seen so far (except Bannon) and hopefully he continues.
                                "Is all that we see or seem
                                but a dream within a dream?"

                                -Edgar Allan Poe

                                "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                                quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                                -Frederick G. Abberline

