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Donald Trump

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  • The Democrats are suddenly very quiet. I think they are now afraid of being careful what you wish for.
    This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

    Stan Reid


    • Originally posted by c.d. View Post
      Nice spin move there, Abby. You managed to shift the focus away from the main point, that is, the hypocrisy of Newt and Guiliani. Now you are right that what Bill did was a disgrace and you are right that Hillary is sleazy as well. And don't get me started on Trump. But when you criticize someone for doing the exact same thing you are doing it makes you a hypocrite pure and simple. If you can't see that then yes, we are talking partisan politics.

      All right. Fair enough.
      I think trumps a dope too as I've also been saying all along.
      "Is all that we see or seem
      but a dream within a dream?"

      -Edgar Allan Poe

      "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
      quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

      -Frederick G. Abberline


      • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post

        All right. Fair enough.

        I think trumps a dope too as I've also been saying all along.
        Yes and all Hillary has to do in the two remaining debates is keep performing the "rope-a-dope" and he'll step right into the trap just as he did in the first debate.

        The man is too consumed with himself not to respond to provocations about his private life and his past pronouncements and insults. Hillary's jibe about Trump not being a self-made billionaire was one blow that she landed early in the first debate. "The Donald" didn't like hearing that he had received a small fortune from his father and quickly tried to deny it -- then she completely wrong footed him with the information about how he treated the Latina Miss Universe.

        Similar traps prepared for him in debates 2 and 3 will additionally weaken him, particularly after the last 24 hours with the uproar over the "hot mike" catching his lewd remarks about women.

        Another Machado-like trap will do the Clinton campaign nicely if for the following days he again "eats himself up" tweeting endlessly about it as he did with Ms. Machado. The man is a self-absorbed fool who despite what he says about making America "great" again cares not about the country but about himself.

        Best regards

        Last edited by ChrisGeorge; 10-08-2016, 04:20 PM.
        Christopher T. George
        Organizer, RipperCon #JacktheRipper-#True Crime Conference
        just held in Baltimore, April 7-8, 2018.
        For information about RipperCon, go to
        RipperCon 2018 talks can now be heard at


        • Originally posted by ChrisGeorge View Post
          Yes and all Hillary has to do in the two remaining debates is keep performing the "rope-a-dope" and he'll step right into the trap just as he did in the first debate.

          The man is too consumed with himself not to respond to provocations about his private life and his past pronouncements and insults. Hillary's jibe about Trump not being a self-made billionaire was one blow that she landed early in the first debate. "The Donald" didn't like hearing that he had received a small fortune from his father and quickly tried to deny it -- then she completely wrong footed him with the information about how he treated the Latina Miss Universe.

          Similar traps prepared for him in debates 2 and 3 will additionally weaken him, particularly after the last 24 hours with the uproar over the "hot mike" catching his lewd remarks about women.

          Another Machado-like trap will do the Clinton campaign nicely if for the following days he again "eats himself up" tweeting endlessly about it as he did with Ms. Machado. The man is a self-absorbed fool who despite what he says about making America "great" again cares not about the country but about himself.

          Best regards

          Careful what you wish for Chris. Careful what you wish for.
          "Is all that we see or seem
          but a dream within a dream?"

          -Edgar Allan Poe

          "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
          quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

          -Frederick G. Abberline


          • Republican Senator for New Hampshire, Kelly Ayotte,withdraws her support for Trump, stating: "I cannot and will not suppport a candidate for president who brags about degrading and assaulting women."


            • Here's something for conspiracy theorists to consider: could Donald Trump be a KGB agent? Thus, he seems to be very friendly with President Putin, the Russian President and former KGB chief, whilst at the same time being highly critical of American leaders.

              Meanwhile, his economic plans seem destined to wreck the American economy, i.e. ultra protectionism coupled with an economic policy that will lead to massive deficits, his solution being that America could then simply print more money: this will inevitably lead to Zimbabwean-like hyper inflation.

              If you're still not convinced you might like to read this article from the Daily Mail, a right wing conservative British newspaper:


              • I've heard that Trump isn't taking any chances with a defective mic tonight, he's got his team looking for the mic that was on that bus.....

                Regards, Jon S.


                • Trump will win no problem tonight...all he has to do is rattle his box of tic-tacs and all the females will flee the building.


                  • I do find it amusing (well sort of) that there are now all of these men who are coming out and saying that they have never heard such talk and they are absolutely shocked by what was said. Get real. I have heard construction workers talk like that as well as partners in law firms. I am certainly not defending Trump but this whole holier than thou business is a bit much.



                    • c.d.

                      If Mrs DD had recordings of me talking about females in my youth I'm pretty sure my dinner would be in the dog.

                      I honestly don't remember being that crude or predatory...and for it to be spoken by a 60 year old man with daughters of his own makes me conclude he is nothing more than a wealthy man-child.


                      • Hello Dave,

                        Then we must run in different circles. My experience is that that sort of talk is very prevalent among males (of all ages).



                        • Interestingly enough when I worked on construction the workers could be quite crude when it came to discussing women but about 90% of their conversation involved alimony payments. How much they owed, how many months they were behind and what they were doing to avoid paying it. It was quite amusing.



                          • Originally posted by c.d. View Post
                            I do find it amusing (well sort of) that there are now all of these men who are coming out and saying that they have never heard such talk and they are absolutely shocked by what was said. Get real. I have heard construction workers talk like that as well as partners in law firms. I am certainly not defending Trump but this whole holier than thou business is a bit much.

                            You're right c.d. Men are hypercritical on this. We have all talked what I'd term as sexual shop about ladies (or men if they are homosexuals). My guess is women do the same thing about men too, in the privacy of their personal friends say at lunch. It's just this buffoon does it on radio shows, talk shows, political speeches. He thinks he's rich and famous and therefore he can stink up a room with all kinds of raw comments about people, and the stink does not smell. Some people can get away with this. Lyndon Johnson was notorious for his foul mouth. But Johnson had considerable political talents, and knew where to make his comments for best effect and for least damage. Not so the bankruptcy billionaire of buncombe.



                            • Who won the debate?
                              CNN/ORC poll

                              Clinton - 57%

                              Trump - 34%

                              And the Toronto Blue Jays swept the Texas Rangers..
                              Regards, Jon S.


                              • Morning gents,

                                a quick thought here: The issue for me is not that Trump has used this type of language as this is indeed "locker-room stuff". The problem that I have with it is that he actually described what he usually does. He was describing his MO which means that these are his actions, not just mere words.


