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Donald Trump

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  • Originally posted by John G View Post
    The irony is that Mike Pence seems as though he would have made a much better presidential candidate than Trump.
    Easy to see why. He looks more presidential and is not outrageous like you know who.

    Who wants a Reality TV Star in the White House?
    Christopher T. George
    Organizer, RipperCon #JacktheRipper-#True Crime Conference
    just held in Baltimore, April 7-8, 2018.
    For information about RipperCon, go to
    RipperCon 2018 talks can now be heard at


    • Trump-Pence Team

      Attached Files


      • There is a massive hurricane set to hit Florida today and tomorrow, possibly a "one-two punch", if it circles back around. Florida is a key state to Trump's election win, but the storm may displace voters and cause problems, with their primary only five days away.

        If Hurricane Matthew is as devastating to Florida as forecasters have predicted, it could be a human tragedy costing people their lives, health, homes,...
        Pat D.
        Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.


        • Originally posted by Pcdunn View Post
          There is a massive hurricane set to hit Florida today and tomorrow, possibly a "one-two punch", if it circles back around. Florida is a key state to Trump's election win, but the storm may displace voters and cause problems, with their primary only five days away.

          Trump is uncharacteristically quiet during the United States' encounter with Hurricane Matthew. Takes a lot to blow harder than a blowhard.

          Christopher T. George
          Organizer, RipperCon #JacktheRipper-#True Crime Conference
          just held in Baltimore, April 7-8, 2018.
          For information about RipperCon, go to
          RipperCon 2018 talks can now be heard at


          • Originally posted by ChrisGeorge View Post
            Trump is uncharacteristically quiet during the United States' encounter with Hurricane Matthew. Takes a lot to blow harder than a blowhard.
            He'll certainly find a way to blame it on Clinton and Obama!


            • Originally posted by Steadmund Brand View Post
              HAHAHAHAH I agree.... I wish I could tell my girlfriend that a BJ is not cheating.....don't think that would fly....BUT.. that is what the "legal experts" agreed to in his case.....

              I love the excitement of the presidential race.... I always have...but this year, for the first time in my life am just sick of it.....I supported Hillary when she ran for Senate in my state, and feel she did a good job for us....Trump is hilarious, but scary....but in reality, no matter who wins.. very little if anything will change...that's just a fact....I mean, how has your day to day life changed under Obama after Bush, or bush after Clinton etc etc... it doesn' much of it is media scare (for ratings)

              Steadmund Brand
              Hi Steadmund,

              I've had computer problems and been away for awhile. Found the Board is still as it was.

              I am finding this election the crappiest Presidential election I've actually participated (as a voter) in since 1972, when I first qualified. Keep in mind that turned out to be the one with "Watergate" involved, so it should be the crappiest, but if you remember that scandal really did not take on any notable life of it's own until after Richard Nixon was safely re-elected. In fact in 1972, it was hard to face the choice of supporting McGovern after his "sterling" and "loyal" performance in supporting Thomas Eagleton. That choice bit of political two-faced activity has been generally forgotten in the worst shadow of Watergate. But they pale into insignificance in the face of the Trump disaster and the choice of Hillary. This is the only Presidential election where I cannot push people to vote as I (regretfully) have chosen to do on Election Day. I even sympathize with those who face the same prospect pulling the lever or whatever for the other candidate. And my Libertarian friend in Pennsylvania doesn't think much of the two third party candidates (one a Libertarian, oddly enough) has informed me he will sit out the national ticket election portion and concentrate on state races!

              And while we have been left with two lemons for choices, Canada has found the magic of an old great name: "Trudeau". Hopefully the son will do as well as the father. However, I recall our last experiment like that from G.H.W.Bush to "W". Not the same thing I think.



              • Originally posted by Mayerling View Post

                I am finding this election the crappiest Presidential election I've actually participated (as a voter) in since 1972,....
                Not to rub salt in any wounds but I think this whole debacle could rival S.N.L. (Saturday Night live), it's brilliant at the entertainment level. It's like they say, you couldn't write this stuff.

                And now the latest bombshell.... good grief!

                It must be a gift for Clinton, but then if Trump has to step down then Pence would be the candidate, ....and he could win!
                So, I'm not sure if Clinton should be celebrating, or worried.
                Regards, Jon S.


                • I found it rather amusing that Newt Gingrich constantly lambasted Clinton for his little affair in the White House while at the same time Gingrich, a married man, was dipping his wick elsewhere. He said that that did not make him a hypocrite. Yeah, right.

                  And another Republican candidate, Rudy Giuliani, was equally vocal at the time while running all over New York with his mistress.

                  So much for "the family values" party.



                  • Well I just listened to Trump's sex talk tape. It certainly isn't going to win him any votes with women. As much as I dislike Trump, that is the way a lot of men talk among themselves. It's a guy thing. As pretty much all women will tell you men are pigs.



                    • Apparently Bill could certainly charm the ladies. I worked with a middle age black lady whose church group went to the White House for some reason and she got to meet Bill. She stated that she was a long time Republican, that she didn't find white men attractive, and that she was a good Christian woman. But that when she looked into his eyes and shook his hand she would have dropped her pants right there had they been alone.



                      • As much as I dislike Trump, that is the way a lot of men talk among themselves. It's a guy thing. As pretty much all women will tell you men are pigs.
                        Hi c.d.

                        While I can understand teenagers and young men talking about women in such terms this guy was 60 years old when he said this with daughters of his own.

                        Still it's great that he said it and was might stop Americans worrying about having to move to Canada and the rest of us looking for real estate openings on Mars.

                        I wonder how Kayleigh McEnany and Scottie Nell Hughes will try to spin this one? "Well Trump said the sky was green but what he was actually saying is the sky was blue."


                        • "While I can understand teenagers and young men talking about women in such terms this guy was 60 years old when he said this with daughters of his own."

                          Hey Dave,

                          Again, I am not defending Trump. But from my own personal experience in college dorms, professional and blue collar jobs, talking to my male friends in bars and hanging with the boys around the campfire, this is how guys talk. Age has nothing to do with it. It is simply male bonding.



                          • I know you are not defending him.

                            I've experienced bloke banter like this too...I've even spoken words that I'd cringe at nowadays although perhaps not as crude as Trump's language.

                            I think age does have quite a bit to do with it, I have to disagree with you shows a distinct lack of maturity imo.

                            But hey, I'm glad he said it and delighted it was recorded. He is not a monster...just a total bawbag and should be nowhere near elected office of any kind.


                            • Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
                              But hey, I'm glad he said it and delighted it was recorded. He is not a monster...just a total bawbag and should be nowhere near elected office of any kind.
                              I had to wonder, that casual recording was 10-11 years old - who would keep something like that, and why?

                              I'd love to know what Milania is saying to him behind closed doors, "er.. what married woman is this?"
                              Last edited by Wickerman; 10-07-2016, 04:55 PM.
                              Regards, Jon S.


                              • Originally posted by c.d. View Post
                                I found it rather amusing that Newt Gingrich constantly lambasted Clinton for his little affair in the White House while at the same time Gingrich, a married man, was dipping his wick elsewhere. He said that that did not make him a hypocrite. Yeah, right.

                                And another Republican candidate, Rudy Giuliani, was equally vocal at the time while running all over New York with his mistress.

                                So much for "the family values" party.

                                You will notice that really only Trump brought up the Lewinski Affair recently. The Republicans don't want to reopen it - their "knight in shining armor" was the special prosecutor sent to look at the "Whitewater" matter, and who got tips from Linda Tripp to check up on Lewinski. After the impeachment and removal failed, the special prosecutor entered the halls of academe - and recently was disgraced, dismissed as President of the college he headed (and the Board of Trustees he was a member of) and the teaching position (in law) that he held - because he covered up the sexual charges against the college's football team members!!! There is also apparently moves to have him disbarred. They are not going to bring up much about Bill's past affairs now.


