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Holmes as the Ripper?

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  • Holmes as the Ripper?

    Has there ever been a story published in which Sherlock Holmes was revealed as Jack the Ripper? Offhand, I think not, but a friend is curious, and I can't categorically say that there hasn't been. Does anyone know?
    - Ginger

  • #2
    Yes, "The Last Sherlock Holmes Story," by Michael Dibdin.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Robert View Post
      Yes, "The Last Sherlock Holmes Story," by Michael Dibdin.
      - Ginger


      • #4
        When Billy Wilder directed the film "The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes" (1969), the plot involved the death of a woman Holmes fell in love with. When he learns of her death in the film he went into an intense decline, and in the originally shot scenes Holmes is in such a funk he can't stand doing any work. Lestrade shows up and tells him that there has been a series of killings Scotland Yard has noticed in the East End that they can't figure out, and requests Holmes' assistance. Holmes (aided by Watson's insistence that he needs rest) begs off assisting, leaving the audience to realize that the Jack the Ripper Case was unsolved because Holmes was unwilling to help (for personal reasons).

        On the other hand, when William S. Baring-Gould wrote his "biography", "Sherlock Holmes: The Life of the World's First Consulting Detective" (1965), he suggested that Holmes did solve the case, and that the Ripper was a promising police inspector who had worked with Holmes and Watson on two cases in the "canon" of stories.



        • #5
          A bit unrelated, but I remember watching a play about Watson turning against Holmes, trying to prove he can defeat him. The play was in English, but I saw it in French. Translating the French title back in English would make it "Elementary, my dear Sherlock"

          It was very interesting. Nice duel for two strong actors.
          Is it progress when a cannibal uses a fork?
          - Stanislaw Jerzy Lee

