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  • #16

    My darling is an historian and she assures me that the Bligh under the bed thing is in all probability true.

    Funny that you say more would know our bushrangers, they are almost national heroes here, especially Mrs Kelly's little boy.
    G U T

    There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


    • #17
      Originally posted by GUT View Post

      My darling is an historian and she assures me that the Bligh under the bed thing is in all probability true.

      Funny that you say more would know our bushrangers, they are almost national heroes here, especially Mrs Kelly's little boy.
      G'Day GUT,

      To be fair, Bligh may have just temporarily been on the floor trying to hide valuable state papers under his bed. It was just one more piece of bad luck for him (sort of like the rumors in May 1865 that Jeff Davis was captured wearing women's clothes in a last ditch attempt to escape - actually he had been captured by Federal troops, and it was raining - they gave him one of his wife's cloaks to cover himself in the rain. But Northerners liked the image of Davis showing a yellow streak and cross-dressing as a result. Actually Davis was a brave man (he had a fine military record up through the Mexican War). P.T. Barnum had a tableaux of wax figures showing Davis trying to flee in woman's clothes soon after the story took root. An angry Confederate veteran or sympathizer burned down Barnum's Museum on Ann Street in Manhattan as a result in July 1865).

      I noticed that I misspelled Prime Minister Curtin's last name. And I could not remember Holt's name at all - though I recall his disappearance. Except for that of Michael Rockefeller in New Guinea, it was the biggest disappearance story of the 1960s. I remember Deakin's name because of a bit of Ripperology research on one of my first essays, entitled "The Original Suspect". It was about a man connected to Melbourne and Western Australia (and earlier to Sydney) Frederick Deeming. When tried for his second wife's murder in Melbourne, in April 1892, Deeming was defended by Deakin (who was out of his depth, even though he had an impossible case). Deakin was mostly a commercial lawyer, not a criminal one. Yet this was his best known appearance as a barrister, prior to being Prime Minister three times.

      I've read Boxall's 1901 book on bushrangers and a more modern one by another writer. I would like to find a copy of the Kelly biography that has a title like "Native Son".

      After I sent the long previous message I recalled two other Aussie literary men besides Patrick White (whose name I couldn't recall either): Adam Lindsay Gordon, the 19th Century poet who wrote some small poems I actually found highly memorable (not that dreadful poetic drama he concocted based on "Faust"), and Robert Hughes, the art critic and social historian. Composer/conductor Constant Lambert was of Australian birth (his father was a well known painter). Another memorable Aussie connected to the "higher" music was, of course, opera star Dame Nelly Melba. Easy to recall her when dieting and eating the toast for her, or when not dieting and eating the peach ice cream style named for her. There is also television personality (and briefly movie star) Paul Hogan.

      More darkly (besides Deeming - from personal reasons I prefer Ned Kelly, despite his killing constables, to Deeming slaughtering his families), there was the so-called New South Wales "Minister of Death", Justice Minister Thomas Ley, who may have murdered four enemies and got away with it in the 1920s, but who was sent to Broadmoor for organizing the killing of a poor soul he thought was trying to run off with his mistress in London in 1947. Also the crazy Henry O'Farrell, who stabbed Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh during a royal visit to the colonies - while in Melbourne in 1868. Alfred recovered, and despite his protests to then Prime Minister Henry Parkes O'Farrell (who should have been put into an asylum) was hanged. Parkes screamed about a Fenian conspiracy (get it "O'Farrell" is an IRISH name, and unfortunately there had been a successful assassination of the Canadian statesman Thomas D'Arcy McGee a few days earlier that was linked to a Fenian named Patrick Whelan). Parkes yelled about a monumental murder plot at Kiowa, but it never materialized. Jeered at for his antics sending poor O'Farrell to the gallows, with cries of the "Kiowa Ghost", Parkes was defeated in a vote of no-confidence. But you can't keep an hysterical but clever politician down. Parkes returned and dominated New South Wales politics for decades. Interestingly, in 1882, Archbishop Goold was shot by an insane priest - it was O'Farrell's younger brothers, showing nuttiness was in their family. Goold never fully recovered, but this time the younger O'Farrell ended up in an asylum.

      I also note that (although originally English, and hanged in England in 1845), John Tawell made a fortune in dry goods and real estate in Sydney in the 1820s and 1830s.

      I also remembered another New Zealander: World War II general (later Field Marshal) Freyberg, who is best (or worst - depending on one's opinions) recalled for his involvement at Monte Cassino.

      Last edited by Mayerling; 06-17-2015, 06:56 AM.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Wickerman View Post
        Speaking of which, Donald Trump is running for President!!

        Should be good for the Late Night funnies.
        Not 24 hours, and he provides his first belly-laugh.

        He takes US competition with China very seriously, in fact so serious he intends to build the Great Wall of Texas, to keep the Mexicans out!
        "Trump said he would build a "great, great wall" on the southern border and that he would make Mexico pay for it. "

        Lets not tell him, they also dig tunnels...shhh!
        Regards, Jon S.


        • #19
          G'Day Jeff

          Talking Poets have you read any Henry Lawson [who's birthday t would be today] or A.B. (Banjo) Patterson. Banjo is probably my favorite Aussie poet.

          Hoges didn't do too bad for himself, first appeared on a New Faces talent show while he was working on the Bridge.

          Yahoo Serious (Greg Pead) also did pretty well with Young Einstein (Most of which was shot around where I live). Though Errol still rules in that field I suspect. Then there are a few foreigners we claim that have done alright Mel Gibson and Rusty Crowe spring to mind together with Nic Kidman.

          A few of our sportsman and women were pretty well known too.
          G U T

          There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


          • #20
            BTW Jeff Hoges was, in my opinion, much better in his stand up work (sketches on a TV show) than in the movies.
            G U T

            There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Wickerman View Post
              Not 24 hours, and he provides his first belly-laugh.

              He takes US competition with China very seriously, in fact so serious he intends to build the Great Wall of Texas, to keep the Mexicans out!
              "Trump said he would build a "great, great wall" on the southern border and that he would make Mexico pay for it. "

              Lets not tell him, they also dig tunnels...shhh!
              G'day Jon

              More construction he might make it into another Trump Tower.
              G U T

              There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


              • #22
                Originally posted by GUT View Post
                G'Day Jeff

                Talking Poets have you read any Henry Lawson [who's birthday t would be today] or A.B. (Banjo) Patterson. Banjo is probably my favorite Aussie poet.

                Hoges didn't do too bad for himself, first appeared on a New Faces talent show while he was working on the Bridge.

                Yahoo Serious (Greg Pead) also did pretty well with Young Einstein (Most of which was shot around where I live). Though Errol still rules in that field I suspect. Then there are a few foreigners we claim that have done alright Mel Gibson and Rusty Crowe spring to mind together with Nic Kidman.

                A few of our sportsman and women were pretty well known too.
                I may have heard the names of Lawson and "Banjo" Patterson, but I can't recall reading either of their poetry. I forgot Yahoo Serious. Hogan remains famous but that film career was somewhat truncated. "Dundee" was a good comedy but the sequel was mediocre and the two after flops. Fortunately he still had Australian television.

                Going back to the silent period, there was a popular comedian Clyde Cook. He remained in movies until the 1940s.



                • #23
                  Banjo probably did the big two

                  Man from Snowy River and

                  Waltzing Matilda. (as an aside the Waltzing Matilda museum burned down overnight).
                  G U T

                  There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by GUT View Post
                    G'day Jon

                    More construction he might make it into another Trump Tower.
                    G'day GUT,

                    I can see him saying to the current heads of the immigration and naturalization services, "YOU'RE FIRED!"

                    Wish someone could fire the Donald. He's become tiresome.



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Mayerling View Post
                      G'day GUT,

                      I can see him saying to the current heads of the immigration and naturalization services, "YOU'RE FIRED!"

                      Wish someone could fire the Donald. He's become tiresome.

                      Became implies that at one stage he wasn't.
                      G U T

                      There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                      • #26


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by GUT View Post
                          Became implies that at one stage he wasn't.
                          G'Day GUT,

                          Initially, in that "Apprentice" series, the rationale given to fire candidates who goofed up was a bit interesting. Then he just went loopy, discharging one of his co-judges, a loyal employee who had begun getting more notice than "the Donald" thought he should from the public, and then he went in for that "Celebrity" Apprentice crap. I stopped watching.

                          Nowadays I wonder

                          1) how many of the winners of the various apprentice series remained his employees and how many were subsequently fired or just quit.

                          2) would he really have used his so-called celebrity apprentices, like Joan Rivers?

                          He did become tiresome.



                          • #28
                            Politics & edumacation

                            The dumber you keep 'em, the more they'll elect you into office.
                            Louisiana once had a Klan/White Power candidate (I will not site his other SERIOUS more horrible problem) & a crook. See what I mean??
                            From Voltaire writing in Diderot's Encyclopédie:
                            "One demands of modern historians more details, better ascertained facts, precise dates, , more attention to customs, laws, commerce, agriculture, population."

