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Sushi Lover Has Tapeworm Throught His ENTIRE Body
Hi Bunny
Oh blimey, horrible! Actually the nearest I've come to eating raw fish, was when I didn't cook my cod steaks in batter for long enough.
Here is a recording of James Brown singing about the fish. At least, I think that's what he's singing about.
I bet he didn't 'feel all right' once he'd had the sashimi. He should have used those Famous Flames to warm up the food.
I've eaten sushi before and it is good. It was like 10 years ago so I guess I didn't catch anything. I think freezing the fish for a period of time can reduce the chance of contracting parasites but some of them are pretty robust so I don't think that is necessarily a guarantee of safety.This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.
Stan Reid
Originally posted by Archaic View Post
I had sushi once about ten years ago and thought it was AWFUL. Now I know why.
Hi Rob, I like the Woody Allen bit, hadn't heard that one before.
Magpie, I'm pretty sure you can take your pernicious pet tapeworms into Petsmart with you, but please observe the leash laws.
And I don't think pet tapeworms could ever replace Sea Monkeys in my heart. Or liver, or brain. Just not cute enough- no castles, crowns or baseball bats.
Hi Stan & Carol. Sushi is very popular in Seattle; we're one of the fresh fish capitals of the world. Too bad I've always hated fish!!The sushi is fresh, not frozen. When I go out with my friends for sushi I have the safe vegetarian versions (avocado, tofu, pickled ginger, etc.)
I've seen some real sushi masterpieces though - my friend was served sushi in the form of a flaming Japanese dragon! The design was fantastic, but I politely refused a taste of it. Yuck.
The x-rays of this poor man with tapeworm are one of the awfullest things I've ever seen. The part about the tapeworm growing to 45 ft long, breaking off into countless new tapeworm segments and possibly spreading to the eyes and brain is horrific.
I sincerely hope they can do something for him, but what? Maybe give him a horse-sized dose of Praziquantel paste? My horse Pokey recommends the 'Green Apple' flavor; she actually loves it. Horses are dosed every 8-10 wks as a preventative measure, but most horses are smart & run the other way when they see the long plastic syringe. It takes a lot of practice to be able to hide it til the last second, hold them still & get the whole awkward plunger quickly down their throats before they can spit $12-$18 worth of vet meds onto the ground. I dose them fast for my sake too, the stuff looks vile!
But if a horse gets worms they get them in their intestines, which is why an oral paste works.
How in the world are they going to get ANY kind of medication all through that poor man's body?? It almost looks like it would take radiation treatments. I hope they can help him.
I'm saving this article for the next time a well-meaning friend tries to get me to "just taste" sushi.
Take care,
BunnyLast edited by Archaic; 09-26-2014, 06:01 PM.
Hello Robert,
Being a strictly cod and rock salmon hot fried fish man- I find the thought of cold raw fish akin to eating slabs of jellyfish. No thanks indeed! cue tthe old favourite...
" If you knew Sushi, like I knew Sushi...."
best regards
PhilChelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙
Justice for the 96 = achieved
Accountability? ....
Not surprised
Hi Guys,
Despite my deep sympathy for the poor chap, on reading that he came from the Guangzhou region of China, I have to say that I'm not surprised.
I recently returned to the UK after a ten year stint working in China & the total lack of education when it comes hygiene would make your skin crawl.
I have witnessed chickens being dyed yellow to make them look more attractive in the shops, dead rats being sold at the metro stations (for food), dog skins being sold on the streets and cockroaches running across tables in more restaurants than I can count.
Even in the more metropolitan city of Shanghai, I have been out for dinner with work colleagues who share from the same bowls after putting chopsticks in their mouths, sneeze all over the table, don't wash their hands after the toilet and honk up phlegm into waste paper baskets.
There is a rather significant percentage of deaths from mercury poisoning out there, the source being unwashed shellfish and river fish. I ate sushi out there quite frequently but either bought it from a Japanese supermarket or ate where I knew the chef was Japanese as their standards are very high.
I had sushi for dinner last night--tuna and tofu.
Also has Hwae Dup Bap, which I swear looks like somebody scooped up part of a crime scene and piled it neatly on a bed of veggies, but it was freaking great!“Sans arme, sans violence et sans haine”
Originally posted by Archaic View PostHi Stan & Carol. Sushi is very popular in Seattle; we're one of the fresh fish capitals of the world. Too bad I've always hated fish!!The sushi is fresh, not frozen. When I go out with my friends for sushi I have the safe vegetarian versions (avocado, tofu, pickled ginger, etc.)
Hey Bunny! Long time no see!. You know, I hate fish too, unless it's battered to a depth of a couple inches and slathered with tartar sauce,. I absolutely hated fish--and then I tried sushi. I think the mistake humans made was to start cooking it in the first place--raw fish has no fishy smell or taste, it's mostly about the texture. I love tuna and butterfish, and I love octopus and sea clams (mildly allergic to most seafood, especially crab)“Sans arme, sans violence et sans haine”
Originally posted by Magpie View PostI had sushi for dinner last night--tuna and tofu.
Also has Hwae Dup Bap, which I swear looks like somebody scooped up part of a crime scene and piled it neatly on a bed of veggies, but it was freaking great!
You're right, Hwae Dup Bap does look a bit like a crime scene on a plate... a crime scene with a spare eyeball or two.
Being a fish hater in Seafood Paradise is a hard life.
When I was a kid & lived on the East Coast we would have lobster and crab bakes on the beach. I remember a lobster bake in Cape Cod, and the grownups spending all morning digging giant pits in the sand that were deeper than I was tall, then carefully filling them with alternating layers of hot coals, lobster, crabs, etc., with still-husked corn on the cob on top. I did appreciate the effort and the artistry. My hamburger was bland. The roast corn on the cob was awesome!
Out in the Seattle area I am so tired of explaining that I HAVE tasted fresh salmon many times, prepared many different ways, including by celebrated chefs, and I still don't want any! Mostly people just think I haven't had salmon prepared "right", which gets tiresome.
People are incredulous when I explain that I don't care for seafood. One escape tactic I've developed is to point out that if I pass on having any delicious seafood, "there's more for you!" Sometimes that ploy works. But there's an awful lot of Seafood Evangelists out there.
The Thai version where the salmon was slathered in some kind of batter, deep-fried and dunked in Thai sweet chili bbq sauce was probably my favorite (least un-favorite?) version. But then I discovered fried battered BBQ Eggplant... nectar of the gods!
You know Magpie, for some reason I just pictured you putzing about in the kitchen, cooking up some fresh octopi, and it was really weird, but you were flipping them over with a trowel.
See ya,
I think Salmon's highly overrate, but I see where you're coming from with people insisting you "haven't REALLY tried it" when you say you don't like it.
The one I REALLY hate is when they try and feed it to you without your knowledge--the number of times I've been given crab dip, crab fritters etc. etc. I'm not allergic, but that crap is going to make me very, very sick, whether I enjoyed the taste or not.“Sans arme, sans violence et sans haine”