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  • #16
    You certainly know your Holmes CF especially as you’ve got Baring Gould’s Annotated. I also bought Klinger’s Annotated a few years ago though it was expensive. A lot of money spent on books on Holmes, biographies of Doyle, loads of pastiches and even autographs and suchlike. I rarely read anything on the subject these days but I won’t get rid of my Holmes books. I was thinking of buying Denis O. Smith’s 6.30 From Fairfield Junction because there’s no better writer of Holmes stories imo.

    I have Sherlock Holmes and the Deadly Necklace, which is the German Christopher Lee Holmes movie. It’s watchable but has two main problems. The soundtrack - it’s modern jazz so inappropriate and annoying. The dubbing - they obviously had to dub the German actors but they even dubbed Christopher Lee and Thorley Walters.

    The Seven Percent Solution is a great movie but I’d say that my favourite is probably The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes.

    Sir Herlock Sholmes.

    “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”

