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Pub Talk & Complaining about Admins/Mods

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  • Pub Talk & Complaining about Admins/Mods

    While Pub Talk is our least moderated forum, certain rules do apply. Namely, you cannot use this space (or any other place on the boards) to mock, insult, attack, criticize or complain about actions taken against you or anyone else by Forum Administrators or Moderators, whether they be in the very recent or very distant past. If you have a problem or complaint, the rules plainly state that you are to contact us privately.

    Seems like a no-brainer, right?
    But since some of you are not grasping this concept have now faced permanent consequences…let’s review some universal rules, shall we?

    If you dislike a decision that is made, accept it and move on.

    If a moderator, not Admin, places a restriction or infraction on you that you believe is unfair, you may appeal to Admin. Send a PM or an email.

    Occasionally, you may dislike a decision we make. You may then feel that you have the right to tell us how we ought to run the boards, or what we ought to allow, or what we should do in a particular situation. You may then have the urge to go on a public rant about what we are doing wrong or attempt to start a public debate on how it ought to be done, in your opinion. Resist this urge. You are entitled to any opinion of our operation that you like, but you are not entitled to use the server space we provide you to tell us how to run it. Keep in mind that you do not own these forums, you are a guest here and no one is forcing you to remain. Guests who violate the rules of hospitality are shown the door.

    You are more likely to be banned for giving us attitude or argument when we ask you to quit doing something than you would have been for the offense in the first place.

    In short, don’t publicly bitch about Admins and Mods on the boards. It won’t end well for you. Got it?

