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  • Cold!

    It is catastrophically cold here, some -9°F, with windchill around -34°F, per the National Weather Service. I've been in worse, but not by much.
    - Ginger

  • #2
    Brrrr. Makes my 5°F seem like a heat wave!

    It'll be over with in my neck of the woods starting later today (Tuesday), with temps going back to normal. This afternoon's projected 27°F will feel downright balmy after the past two days. And we'll be up in the 50s by the weekend.

    Keep warm and safe!


    • #3
      We had a "high" of -5 here yesterday. That breaks the all time coldest high record of -3 here in Peoria from 1912. It was -13 with a -37 wind chill when I went out to shovel snow.
      This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

      Stan Reid


      • #4
        I reckon Don's best off in the hospital at present.


        • #5
          It was cold enough that my bedroom window shattered last night. Threw a sheet of styrene over the hole and taped the crap out of it. Now I'm kind of reluctant to take it off because evidently my window was terrible at keeping out cold.
          The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


          • #6
            Hello you all!

            Aargh, have tickets to Canada for february!

            Well, I can only wish you don't have to suffer for a long time because of the terrible cold!

            All the best
            "When I know all about everything, I am old. And it's a very, very long way to go!"


            • #7

              G'Day all

              Cold! Cold! you don't know cold, today it is only expected to get to about 90F. Now that's cold!

              G U T

              There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


              • #8
                Didn't lose any windows, but they all iced over during this cold spell. Today was sunny and all the ice melted/evaporated on the windows. Yay! Mid-20s doesn't really feel balmy, but at least I can no longer see my breath INSIDE.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Errata View Post
                  It was cold enough that my bedroom window shattered last night. Threw a sheet of styrene over the hole and taped the crap out of it. Now I'm kind of reluctant to take it off because evidently my window was terrible at keeping out cold.
                  Ack! I hope you had your styrene sheet handy, and didn't have to live with an open window for too long.
                  - Ginger


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Ginger View Post
                    Ack! I hope you had your styrene sheet handy, and didn't have to live with an open window for too long.
                    I did. Still havent shoveled out from under Christmas. The sheet came out of the box in which we got a poster sized framed picture of his family. The picture might have made a better seal, but the styrene was FAR less creepy.
                    The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

